We've got a lot of work to do before Big 10 season.

This is a good point. Even if we pull this out, which we likely will, there are structural issues with this offense. It starts at the top. Introspection time.

I get the argument, but he never made a football move until he was in the endzone. My belief is it would be a touchback, but he should take it out because it wasn't obvious.

That is a good take it was gray area.

I get the argument, but he never made a football move until he was in the endzone. My belief is it would be a touchback, but he should take it out because it wasn't obvious.

Momentum only pertains to possession made inside the 5 yard line.

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This is a good point. Even if we pull this out, which we likely will, there are structural issues with this offense. It starts at the top. Introspection time.

We're traditionally a slow starting team under Kill. Wish it wasn't the case this late into the tenure, but it apparently still is. Must be something they do differently in spring and fall camp vs. the season. The team seems to improve dramatically during the B1G season...or they get more complicated schematically.


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To be fair to James those punts look wicked.

Ok, I get that it takes guts to return punts. But the concept is not difficult.

Inside the 10. Don't catch the ball.

Outside the 10. Catch the ball.

If a player is close. Fair catch.

It's not complicated.

Momentum only pertains to possession made inside the 5 yard line.

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If it is strictly the 5 yard line, then it would've been a safety. If that isn't explicity, it's gray.

Ok, I get that it takes guts to return punts. But the concept is not difficult.

Inside the 10. Don't catch the ball.

Outside the 10. Catch the ball.

If a player is close. Fair catch.

It's not complicated.

But if the punt is a crazy line drive knuckle ball you have a strong chance of muffing it, which would be really bad.

Ok, I get that it takes guts to return punts. But the concept is not difficult.

Inside the 10. Don't catch the ball.

Outside the 10. Catch the ball.

If a player is close. Fair catch.

It's not complicated.

Those low liners are tough though. My issue is on our punt rush. Why not overload the right side and don't let him do that?

Man, Leidner got destroyed on that throw. The pass pro leaving a lot to be desired again this week.

Ok, I get that it takes guts to return punts. But the concept is not difficult.

Inside the 10. Don't catch the ball.

Outside the 10. Catch the ball.

If a player is close. Fair catch.

It's not complicated.

Our returners aren't near where the ball is going, it's not that black and white. You're risking fumbles by fielding.

Pass blocking is bad.

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WTF?!?! who the hell is in at RB there? COME ON!

And that's why you don't give a true freshman his first snap inside your own 15. WTF!!!

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