Now take the ball and "ram" it down their throat.

Rodney Smith should get about 2/3 of the snaps from here on out.

On a bright note at least Bielma is down to Toledo early in the second half.

In other news, Bielema plays 8 more ranked teams, but is losing to Toledo.

Our line can't protect at all...so let's run a ****1NG DOUBLE MOVE that takes 4 seconds to develop. SMH

We're going to need a Wren like rant after the game explaining how this is only 1/12 of our season...

Mitch has zero of the cerebral intelligence a good B10 QB needs

Jet sweep sighting...but Streveler was in, so of course he has to run it...because that would be a huge surprise to any defense.

Should watch the game, Leidner fumbles going back to the bowl game came on having the defense in his face within 2 seconds of the snap. Offensive Line far greater issue than anything else.

Fuc k!ng jailbreak up front again. Jeezus O-line, come on...

Streveler doesn't make that throw. Not pro Mitch, but he's our best guy.

Ok this O-line has been just about as awful as Leidner. Not trying to defend Leidner either.

A WR open?????????

Who the heck is #9?

One could honestly wonder if Mitch took a payoff from the mob to toss this game. Just looks too lost for it to be normal.

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I'm sorry, but when Streveler comes in, everyone, and I mean everyone knows it's a run. Most likely, a qb keeper.

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