Mine was a total blank screen for a few minutes. Flipping back and forth didn't do squat.

But, on the bright side I have plenty of beer left. ;)
You n=ed. Whisky

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When's the last time we had a RB house it from 70 yards or more? It feels like it's been a decade.

Jay Feely the kicker and Ben Holden where are the Cass de Autos ads?

I just logged on. Can someone summarize the previous 600 posts in this thread for me?

I've had it just cut out a couple times. Changed the channel and changed it back and it was fine.

Happened to me too, but then I realized it was because I was clenching my eyes shut...

I need to be sober for I promised the wife I'll take her out to dinner tonight if we stopped on the way out of Wisconsin to pick up Spotted Cow beer last weekend.

I just logged on. Can someone summarize the previous 600 posts in this thread for me?

Mitch sucks and Limegrover is worse. End of the world and where is our savior Jeff Jones. That's about it.

let's get a TD to start the half here and pound them into the ground

Sh $t

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Seriously guys/gals, yes O has problems. What is being missed is that we held CSU to 9 yards passing in half 1. Our D is so so good. Take a second to recognize how good it is

Kill is loyal, but Limegrove is about to get him fired.

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I have to reiterate that MVGUY is correct. IMHO, A tactical team rebuilding should have not focused solely on defense. They should have been more aggressive on all fronts especially at the QB position.

I am not knocking down Leidner. I just think we missed an opportunity in the rebuilding process early on. Who knows, maybe no one worth their hill of beans want to come to MN to play QB in the state that the team was in.

It's worth noting we have lost two QBs that were originally ahead of Leidner on depth charts. We wanted competition as to who would be the best of our 3 QB's.. Nelson left when he wasn't guaranteed a spot, Ginger transferred, and we were left with Leidner. I appreciate Mitch - I think he does the best he can. He just isn't a Div I starting QB. Maybe back-up, but not a starter. That's not his fault. And he just has the experience and development edge on anyone younger. I do think we'd be better served throwing a new guy to the wolves and learning on the job, but I can see taking your best current player (Mitch) and starting him.

6 straight drives that garnered single digit yards. Nice.

Any changes in the O line?

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OMG. ML7 THREW A TD PASS. I need a beer!

Go for 2 - normally I'm conservative... but the numbers bear it out.

Holy F! What just happened?

Jerry wasn't kidding when he said he was gonna fix it!

Is there ANY doubt we've found our new starting RB? I mean, really. This is gonna be an easy call.

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