Ok we lulled them to sleep. Time for Mitch to step it up

Cross hairs squarely on Mitch. Game is the score it is bc of him. He can rectify it or it'll be a LONG season of regrets for him

3-11 for 37 yards won't get it done in a game like this. Defense has had a terrible second half as well but they are getting zero help from the offense.

So far the glaring difference between the teams Leidner vs Stave.

It's over. Haven't scored since the start of the 2nd quarter, outscored 24-0. Complete bull**** if you ask me.

I've always said I hope I live ling enough to see the Gophers play in the Rose Bowl. Now, I just hope I live long enough to see us beat $@/"& Wisconsin again.

I think Wisconsin wins easily next week with JT Barrett out with a broken leg. Sick to my stomach

Cross hairs squarely on Mitch. Game is the score it is bc of him. He can rectify it or it'll be a LONG season of regrets for him

Has hasn't just been bad. He's been plain awful. If the Gophers really want to become a big-time player, year-in and year-out, can't have guys like Mitch Leidner playing quarterback. He simply isn't good enough. Feel bad for the kid because I'm sure he'll be thinking about this one for a long time. But the proof is in the pudding and Mitch isn't good enough to get it done at a big-time level.

Wow you are all ridiculous. Down 10 with 11 minutes left and it's game over? Wisconsin could very well win but this isn't your normal gopher team of the recent past. After last week I'll never give up on the gophers again.

3-11 for 37 yards won't get it done in a game like this. Defense has had a terrible second half as well but they are getting zero help from the offense.

Yeah it's killed us in every loss and it reared it's ugly head again. I said this in a thread earlier in the year (and Killme inexplicably quoted it looking for an apology last week, lol), but with an average FBS QB, we are a 9 win team. Sad. Nothing against Leidner...great soldier and Minnesota boy

I've always said I hope I live ling enough to see the Gophers play in the Rose Bowl. Now, I just hope I live long enough to see us beat $@/"& Wisconsin again.

How did we let Wisconsin become Michigan or tOSU.. Our all time record lead is going to be gone before we know it.

Nice completion but it just seemed to take forever to get there.

Leidner, in 4th quarter, has completed three passes - can't win the big ones like that. We have almost no short passing game. Maxx wasted.

Bout figgin time they got it to Maxx....

We can all rag on Leidner all we want, but he's come up big in some games this year.

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