***OFFICIAL*** Game Day Thread @ UNLV 8/30

Welp, I think I was wrong. Time to start drinking heavily.

Why are 5th year seniors playing nervous?

Good Night Gopherhole... Even if we win it's clear we're just an average football team. I miss the days when we could smash cupcakes by 4+ touchdowns... not necessarily the coach... but would love to us that good again...

Tomorrow folks... ZZZZzzz...

Southern Utah beat this team last year. just saying. This is ridiculous, has kill helped this team get better?? honest question guys,

This is what happens when you let them hang around.

It took us a quarter to get over our last turnover. If it takes a quarter to get over this one we will lose.

What were supposed to be our 2 leaders Gray and Stoudermire, came in and have been pathetic. I'm going to go out and chalk this up as a loss if something doesn't change. To the worst team in the MWC.

And we're losing. WAY TO SHOW UP B1G PLAYERS.

Welp..........this is now officially embarrassing.

Would have liked to have seen a better replay, not sure he got in

I don't trust Gray to bring us back into this game. Put in Shortell. We will need to pass in this one. Gray has looked as horrible as any qb I've ever watched. We've been dominating this team all game, and we're losing. Stupid penalties, stupid turnovers, worst passing ever. Let's turn this around, Gophs.

2 win team, Kill is going to earn his money. Hard to change a program that has a loser mindset.

Our two supposed prime time seniors are gonna single handedly cost us the game. Awesome.

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