***OFFICIAL*** Game Day Thread @ UNLV 8/30

the 2nd one was just fine, and the 3rd went inside the 20. the first was his only bad one.

A very vanilla offense, Brad Childress like. With Gray staring down his receivers, not making a single read, he has his mind made up at the snap where he's throwing, whether he can make a great throw or not. Not seeing an NFL career at qb with this young man. Maybe a WR. Gotta get more creative and gotta stop play calling like it's highschool.

Any one think this is a bowl bound team? I've seen nothing the indicate we're better than last year. Maybe the DL is better but offense looks the same and rest of the defense looks the same.

D-line has been a LOT better in the 2nd half at least.

afurry91- my bad, we have 2 punters, Schwerman is the bad one. Elf red has been pretty good.

Grey having crappy night, but we should not give up yet.

Any one think this is a bowl bound team? I've seen nothing the indicate we're better than last year. Maybe the DL is better but offense looks the same and rest of the defense looks the same.

Not just the DL but the entire defense looks better. Last year we got torched by every team except Illinois.

I love "Merica as much as the next guy, but is America the only sponsor that cbssports can land?

I disagree on whoever said the defense is more of the same. we were not getting 3 and outs of any sort last season even against NDSU or NMSU... This is MUCH improved. Offense shows that it can do some things if gray pulls his head out of his butt.

Not a commercial I'm used to seeing on a sports channel. Nothing wrong with that though.

afurry91- my bad, we have 2 punters. Schwerman has been bad and Eldred has been pretty good.

Damn it! Wide freaking open and Gray can't get it within 10 yards.

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