nice play calling. quick touchdown

Good thing Claeys has a cheap low buyout....
He may be a smarter Xs and Os guy, but when Kill left so did all leadership and discipline. On and off the field.

Wtf are u talking about. Kids never got in trouble under Kill's watch? Why do u bother watching the Gophers - u do nothing but B&M every game

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3 and out or INT....let's get it done

Come on defense. They look totally confused and unprepared. What a joke.

Just picking on Shenault right now.

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I could pass on the Gophers. Two WR line up one side and then they have a LB fake blitz and it leaves them wide open for first downs.

Can Shenault cover?
Were hurting for Hardin and Buford....

They didn't even try to stop that 4th and 1. This is not the defense were accustomed to. Claeys needs to stick his head in there a little more.

Frustrating drive but held them to three. Another TD drive here would be perfect

Our offense looks to be a shade better and our D has taken a step back thus far this season.

Do we not have someone quicker to run the sweep than Woli? He doesn't look comfortable doing it and it's he's not fast enough.

Helps if Wozniak doesn't whiff on his POA block

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Do we not have someone quicker to run the sweep than Woli? He doesn't look comfortable doing it and it's he's not fast enough.

The only guy that might be faster is Johnson. Smith and Carter are not fast. Still is fast but injured.

Take a drink every time the refs throw a flag but there's no penalty.

ref takes away 2 yards from Woli.

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