Official 2014 Recruiting Updates Thread: Links, Tweets, Videos, Stories, Rumors, etc.

QBs are the first playes to get offers and to commit (usually).

I have to agree with HoperGole on this one. QB's might be the 1st to commit, but are rarely the 1st to be offered. Since you typically only have 5 QB's on the roster, you need to make sure that choice is exactly what you want. Coaches these days, don't have the luxury of making mistakes, especially at that position. If you have a OL or DL guy that doesn't pan out, you have many other options, but rarely does a true QB get moved when that is specifically why he was recruited.

@darrenwolfson: Reid Travis: a man in demand. Told football coaches from ISU/Pitt./#Gophers are in this week. Hoops: Buzz Williams in yest., Bo Ryan today.

Go Gophers!!

Tweet from Connor Mayes:

@puppylovemayes: OU came by today!!

Go Gophers!!

KSTP: Video: Gophers Player Doesn't Regret Skipping 2013 NFL Draft

"My parents pretty much said, I need to graduate. That's the most important thing because I can break my leg tomorrow and I'll have a degree under my belt," Hageman said.

When it comes to his game, he says he simply needed another year.

"To build my game up. I felt like I wasn't ready to go to the draft. I wanted to be fundamentally sound," Hageman said.

Go Gophers!!

JUCO WR Evan Bungum: @evbungum7: U of M here I come!! #gophers #visit

Go Gophers!!

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Q&A: New Gophers QB Commit Dimonic McKinzy: I wanted to close the deal...I was happy to commit.

From the article:

Gopher Hole: What made you decide today that you wanted to commit to Minnesota?

Dimonic McKinzy: The first thing that made me decide was the relationship that I had with the coaches. It excelled everybody’s relationships as far as different colleges and just the excitement that I had towards Minnesota and I just wanted to close the deal. I was very confident about this, especially after talking to my dad and a few coaches of mine.

Gopher Hole: How many times have you been up to Minnesota?

Dimonic McKinzy: This was my second time. I was at one of the camps. That was when I got the offer.

Gopher Hole: What coach have you been dealing with the most at Minnesota?

Dimonic McKinzy: The most would be Coach (Bill) Miller and Coach (Ryan) Mauiri.

Gopher Hole: What has the reaction been with your friends and family since you have committed?

Dimonic McKinzy: It was crazy. I had a lot of thank yous and congratulations. It was nice. It was a nice support after they found out that I had committed.

Gopher Hole: What has the reaction of the Gopher coaches?

Dimonic McKinzy: They were fired up. Super excited, just like I was. I was happy to commit.

Gopher Hole: Did that make you feel like “I made the right decision and that if they are this excited about me coming here, that this is the right place for me?”

Dimonic McKinzy: Yes. Yes, sir, it did. After that, I felt that I accomplished something real major and right now, I am not taking it back.

I have to agree with HoperGole on this one. QB's might be the 1st to commit, but are rarely the 1st to be offered. Since you typically only have 5 QB's on the roster, you need to make sure that choice is exactly what you want. Coaches these days, don't have the luxury of making mistakes, especially at that position. If you have a OL or DL guy that doesn't pan out, you have many other options, but rarely does a true QB get moved when that is specifically why he was recruited.

We can agree to disagree, besides the "pipe dream" recruits, QBs are often the first to get offers. They are at a premium and no one wants to have a class without a decent QB recruit. Just look at our recent recruits (as Dpo pointed out). . .Nelson, Shortell, Streveler, Parish were all the first or second players to commit.

It's a trend you're going to see every single year, we are going to try to offer and sign QBs really early.

However, you're point doesn't at all apply to Travis. He is a 6'8" 245 lbs elite HS PF, who could easily play another position in college (TE, DE or DT even) if he chose football. He's an athlete who plays QB.

We can agree to disagree, besides the "pipe dream" recruits, QBs are often the first to get offers. They are at a premium and no one wants to have a class without a decent QB recruit. Just look at our recent recruits (as Dpo pointed out). . .Nelson, Shortell, Streveler, Parish were all the first or second players to commit.

It's a trend you're going to see every single year, we are going to try to offer and sign QBs really early.

However, you're point doesn't at all apply to Travis. He is a 6'8" 245 lbs elite HS PF, who could easily play another position in college (TE, DE or DT even) if he chose football. He's an athlete who plays QB.

Sorry, but that answer made zero sense.

Q&A: Indiana Lineman Kirk Barron on U's Interest: It would be huge. It is one that I really want.

From the Q&A:

Gopher Hole: What would it mean to get an offer from the Gophers?

Kirk Barron: It would be huge. It is one that I really want. They are a Big Ten school, obviously and with Coach Kill being in his third year, I think that they are going to compete in the Legends Division in the Big Ten this year. They have a really good schedule and I am excited for them. I’m really excited.

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Not sure if he will play QB in college or not... 5'11"?? Trying to see over our O-line would be a task. He plays DB too. Fast and physical player. Throws a decent ball. Highly coveted recruit it sounds like and a big pick up for the program!

Not sure if he will play QB in college or not... 5'11"?? Trying to see over our O-line would be a task. He plays DB too. Fast and physical player. Throws a decent ball. Highly coveted recruit it sounds like and a big pick up for the program!

Russell Wilson does alright. Not saying that he'll be anywhere near that type of player or even that he'll play QB but it is possible to play at a high level at that height.

Sorry if this was posted on an earlier page, but does anyone have a ballpark figure for how many scholarships we're looking at having available for 2014 class?

Russell Wilson does alright. Not saying that he'll be anywhere near that type of player or even that he'll play QB but it is possible to play at a high level at that height.
It's possible, but Dimonic is listed I believe at 5'10 1/2", and that is very much the exception to the rule. At this point it's obviously nothing but speculation, but one would assume that the staff at the very least has a backup plan in mind as far as positional value.

It's possible, but Dimonic is listed I believe at 5'10 1/2", and that is very much the exception to the rule. At this point it's obviously nothing but speculation, but one would assume that the staff at the very least has a backup plan in mind as far as positional value.

I agree completely, this staff has a thing for HS QBs who can play other positions. I was simply pointing out that it isn't impossible, especially at the collegiate level, to be effective as a quarterback at that height.

It's possible, but Dimonic is listed I believe at 5'10 1/2", and that is very much the exception to the rule. At this point it's obviously nothing but speculation, but one would assume that the staff at the very least has a backup plan in mind as far as positional value.

Rivals has him listed as 6'0". I saw a picture from Saturday of him standing right next to Kill and he looked to be 2"-3" taller than Kill.

Height definitely has its advantages, but there are about a dozen more attributes I'd rather have in a QB. Drew Brees is stretching to be 6 feet and I think he's doing just fine.

Rivals has him listed as 6'0". I saw a picture from Saturday of him standing right next to Kill and he looked to be 2"-3" taller than Kill.
How tall is Kill? I'd guess about 5'8? Maybe he just looks really short next to football players. I've never seen him in person other than about 30 rows back.

How tall is Kill? I'd guess about 5'8? Maybe he just looks really short next to football players. I've never seen him in person other than about 30 rows back.

For some reason, I thought he was around 5'10". However, I couldn't find anything to support this with a quick google search.

Sorry if this was posted on an earlier page, but does anyone have a ballpark figure for how many scholarships we're looking at having available for 2014 class?

It looks like at a minimum we have 17 (this is a ballpark from looking at the roster), but I would bet that we get that number up to 20 before signing day. I just wondering what the breakdown is going to be by position.

My guess is


Steven Richardson, a Chicago DT just committed.

It looks like at a minimum we have 17 (this is a ballpark from looking at the roster), but I would bet that we get that number up to 20 before signing day. I just wondering what the breakdown is going to be by position.

My guess is

I have 17-18 as my current # as well, and my numbers look similar to yours except I think we'll take one less linebacker (added five of them last go around), one more defensive back (the decommitments last year at that position killed us), and probably another DE if we can.

In an average recruiting class you need roughly:

1 QB, 1 RB, 2 WR, 1 TE, 3 OL, 3 DL, 3 LB, 3 DB and then usually a couple of guys you recruit on offense as "athletes" that usually end up playing defense, ala Lamonte Edwards, Hageman, Marcus Jones, etc.

Chicago Tribune: Mount Carmel's Richardson commits to Minnesota

"I really liked everything about them," he said. "They play in the Big Ten. They have a great coaching staff, and I get along great with the players. Minnesota has very strong academics, and the coaches have a real plan for me. They also recruited me the hardest and made me feel wanted."

Richardson could also see some playing time on offense at Minnesota.

"They recruited me as a defensive lineman, as well as a fullback," he said. "They plan to use me on goal-line offense and short-yardage situations, and that should be pretty fun.",0,3175876.story

Go Gophers!!

New GopherHole Q&A with Reid Travis:

Gopher Hole: How about for football?

Reid Travis: Pittsburgh stopped in today and I am supposed to meet with Ohio State and Vanderbilt next week.

Gopher Hole: Do you still have the three football offers, then?

Reid Travis: Yes. Those are still standing.

Gopher Hole: Have you made any plans to go to any football things? I know that it is hard with AAU basketball and all the spring football games being held at the same time.

Reid Travis: I am trying to get down to the Nike’s camp in Chicago in mid-June or something like that. Trying to just put my name out a little more on the football circuit.

stelter to the U? 247 seems to think so... A great pick up if thats the case

The GI guys have said that both Stelter and Hassenauer have told them they have been close to committing for while. It will probably happen soon with both of them.

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