News on Shaka Smart

Best Buy is going under.... so why not underwrite a practice facility, new coach and everything else and then just fade away into U of M basketball history books as you file for bankruptcy.

Hey there, Gophers! Checking in from San Francisco.

I just wanted to drop in to say that I understand what you are all going through. Back in the day, I wanted Steve. Oh, I wanted Steve bad. So what if DJ had him first? She was a little squirt who wasn't good enough for such a stud. In the end she stayed with him, even though I was a much better prize who gained a full bra cup over one summer. I learned that year that sometimes the little ones win out. Never underestimate them.

You, Gopher fans, are the Kathy Santoni of this generation. You'll get through this just like I did. Just be happy you aren't Old Dominion University, the 2013 version of Gibbler.

Word out of Bristal is that Rick P HC of Lousiville has been contacted and is the prestige coach mentioned earlier. He doesn't like the Big East instability and welcomes the challenge of B1G basketball! NT is going big and has contacted Fortune 500 companies in MN like 3M, BB, etc

Now that would be funny. Minnesota-where ex-Kentucky coaches come to retire. Maybe we should add Billy Gillispie to the list of possibilities.

Word out of Bristal is that Rick P HC of Lousiville has been contacted and is the prestige coach mentioned earlier. He doesn't like the Big East instability and welcomes the challenge of B1G basketball! NT is going big and has contacted Fortune 500 companies in MN like 3M, BB, etc

Do we really want a coach from Kentucky who is leaving a top ranked program to come here? REALLY??

Pitino is a very.................

hard guy to root for. Wouldn't want him.

I'm on my phone I meant to include ACC also but type fast. Rick P likes B1G and sees this as an opportunity...probably wont happen just passing along some news from ESPN HQ

I am VERY VERY close personal friends with Anthony. We worked along side each other during his time in the Commonwealth. I was actually one of the mains who advised him to go to Alba ma.

Sid, Is that you?

Best Buy is going under.... so why not underwrite a practice facility, new coach and everything else and then just fade away into U of M basketball history books as you file for bankruptcy.

Shaka's new offices ... in Richfield!


Hey there, Gophers! Checking in from San Francisco.

I just wanted to drop in to say that I understand what you are all going through. Back in the day, I wanted Steve. Oh, I wanted Steve bad. So what if DJ had him first? She was a little squirt who wasn't good enough for such a stud. In the end she stayed with him, even though I was a much better prize who gained a full bra cup over one summer. I learned that year that sometimes the little ones win out. Never underestimate them.

You, Gopher fans, are the Kathy Santoni of this generation. You'll get through this just like I did. Just be happy you aren't Old Dominion University, the 2013 version of Gibbler.

That was a lot of work and backstory for a below average flame. I had to google who you were taking about. At leat work in the Olsen twins or something. 1.4/10

I'm on my phone I meant to include ACC also but type fast. Rick P likes B1G and sees this as an opportunity...probably wont happen just passing along some news from ESPN HQ

Give it up dude...You can't spell Bristol and Ricky P is retiring when his LV contract is up....The only thing less believable would be if you had said Coach K.

Best Buy is going under.... so why not underwrite a practice facility, new coach and everything else and then just fade away into U of M basketball history books as you file for bankruptcy.

How tall are the ceilings in Best Buy's stores? Anyone thinking what I am?!

That was a lot of work and backstory for a below average flame. I had to google who you were taking about. At leat work in the Olsen twins or something. 1.4/10

+1. Probably the most time spent on something unfunny in college message board history.

Please work to increase your posting speed. There was no new comment after my last refresh. That is all

Haha. Crazy seeing all the love for me! LOL!

Thanks guys. I can't tell you how this is going to shake out, but I'll let you in on a little secret.

I'm going to be one happy dude when this is all over!

And yeah...the VCU offices are pretty crazy right now!

Please work to increase your posting speed. There was no new comment after my last refresh. That is all

This reminds me of the scene in Johnny Dangerously when someone cuts the brake line in their car, and they're careening down the hill so fast that their radio starts playing faster.

Haha. Crazy seeing all the love for me! LOL!

Thanks guys. I can't tell you how this is going to shake out, but I'll let you in on a little secret.

I'm going to be one happy dude when this is all over!

And yeah...the VCU offices are pretty crazy right now!

Shaka, please tell Sarah that the Gopherhole says hi

Haha. Crazy seeing all the love for me! LOL!

Thanks guys. I can't tell you how this is going to shake out, but I'll let you in on a little secret.

I'm going to be one happy dude when this is all over!

And yeah...the VCU offices are pretty crazy right now!

Absolutely verifies what richmondinsider said earlier.

2:00 PM update

Shaka and VCU are at a total stand still. They're having a hard time meeting his demands. My snitches in the VCU office informed me they asked Shaka today to issue a statement that hes staying at VCU and he WILL NOT do that until the ink dries on the contract. Clearly he and VCU could still come to terms today I'm not saying they can't but it simply doesn't look likely at this point.

Shaka is overwhelmed by the amount of tweets him and his wife are getting begging him to stay. As he walks around town people are yelling at him please stay Shaka.

Shaka did spend sometime this morning trying to find out who the mole is to no success. Hes very concerned regarding this thread.

Shaka knows Norwood is the kind of guy who does whatever it takes to get his man. Norwood has no problem showing up to Shakas front door unannounced to work out a deal if needed. That said the two are expected to meet later tonight.

UCLA has put the full court press on and has had both Reggie Miller and Dan Gadzuric call him to tell him that UCLA is the only place for him to become a legend.

Minnesota feels they have a backing from Target at this point to build better facilities. It is a MUST to land Shaka.

It is thought that if a deal isn't reached by tonight it would be held off until next week if he leaves VCU as the NCAA Frowns upon announcing coaching hires during the games of the tourney. Shaka has a prior commitment Monday night to go watch Monday Night Raw in Washington DC. He is a very big fan so I somewhat doubt he puts that on hold to have a PC on Monday.

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