News on Shaka Smart

I'm considering hiring someone from a temp agency to just read GopherHole to me while I try to get some work done.

This is a great thread, but the greatest thread in the history of sports message boards is the legendary statues thread from Shaggy Bevo (UT's version of Gopherhole). This thread is absolutely amazing. Enjoy!

The Ed Hightower Photoshop Fun thread from is a close second. I have both of them bookmarked and look through them once a year when I'm bored.

GopherLady has tweeted that she is off the clock for 3 hours so nothing can happen til she gets back.

Is the "Red Dawn" a Bobby Knight reference. I think when reading a thread of this magnitude you need to be aware of the messages behind the message. This is where the real information is to be found.

Wow Major news coming from Bristal!



My sources say there is a suspicious massing of troops on the MN-IA border. Not sure about Iowa's stake in all this, but this is getting serious. Teague or Shaka, someone's gotta blink or this thing could go hot.

Word out of Bristal is that Rick P HC of Lousiville has been contacted and is the prestige coach mentioned earlier. He doesn't like the Big East instability and welcomes the challenge of B1G basketball! NT is going big and has contacted Fortune 500 companies in MN like 3M, BB, etc

Word out of Bristal is that Rick P HC of Lousiville has been contacted and is the prestige coach mentioned earlier. He doesn't like the Big East instability and welcomes the challenge of B1G basketball! NT is going big and has contacted Fortune 500 companies in MN like 3M, BB, etc

That's funny, since Louisville is going to the ACC....

Word out of Bristal is that Rick P HC of Lousiville has been contacted and is the prestige coach mentioned earlier. He doesn't like the Big East instability and welcomes the challenge of B1G basketball! NT is going big and has contacted Fortune 500 companies in MN like 3M, BB, etc

Pack it up people, we got this one in the bag.

Better hope Rick's got his in a bag too, come to think of it.

Has someone taken copyright to publish this thread as a book yet?

Word out of Bristal is that Rick P HC of Lousiville has been contacted and is the prestige coach mentioned earlier. He doesn't like the Big East instability and welcomes the challenge of B1G basketball! NT is going big and has contacted Fortune 500 companies in MN like 3M, BB, etc

Holy F!! I don't care if this is true or not. This thread has become porn for me, and this takes it hard core.

Word out of Bristal is that Rick P HC of Lousiville has been contacted and is the prestige coach mentioned earlier. He doesn't like the Big East instability and welcomes the challenge of B1G basketball! NT is going big and has contacted Fortune 500 companies in MN like 3M, BB, etc



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