News on Shaka Smart

Shaka is the hottest "rockstar" available out there. He's also the best chance at keeping the big three home. Go Gophers!

Shaka is the hottest "rockstar" available out there. He's also the best chance at keeping the big three home. Go Gophers!

The guy has a ton of momentum going for him right now. Would be an excellent hire and would really improve in-state recruiting IMO. He plays such a fun style.

Remember the excitement around the team when Tubby was hired? I think with a younger and more energetic guy (Shaka), the anticipation would be through the roof. Season ticket sales would already start to go up. I'm getting ahead of myself, but its fun to think about.

$3.3 mill is crazy talk. We'd have to immediately renegotiate Kill and I don't think we have that much scratch lying around.

$3.3 mill is crazy talk. We'd have to immediately renegotiate Kill and I don't think we have that much scratch lying around.

Apples and oranges. Kill will eventually earn his...hopefully. BTN revenue is set to jump again in 2 years by a lot. The numbers could be worked out.

Sorry to bring this to the GH, but glad it has also created some entertainment for everyone. I don't want to fight anyone, but will let anyone who questions me "hiding behind a keyboard", know where I might be that night for their "dogs" to show up.

I train all my joes to be high speed individuals, and here I am doing this and being responsive to a person who has shown nothing besides just trying to be an instigator. Sorry about this, I'll try to not respond for a while. Just getting upset off of my supposed drinking night.

I just thought of something. I do have a friend in Richmond, and he calls me "dog." Just sayin'.

I can't handle another day of this.

Or maybe I can.

Shaka is not worth $3.3 million per year, and I can't see the U paying that much.

For reference, here are some figures for 2013 basketball salaries. I'm sure these figures aren't super accurate, but they give you an idea of where some coaches salaries stand.

Its all relative. Any "name" coach will have to be overpaid to come to Minnesota. Thats just the price of poker. Now, we are looking at $3.3MM from a tweet. Obviously, it could be totally wrong and we are fools for beliving. Or, perhaps it is accurate but the context is wrong. Maybe that is the amount for the entire staff each year, including assistants?

Regardless.. I'm liking me some good coaching rumors right about now

Guys, it is all a done deal. It has been said the NT can fund raise, what better way than to squeeze the boosters for a new practice facility by holding the hiring of a coach. I bet what ever NT can collect from the boosters will be just enough to convince Shaka to come to the U. It is brilliant!!

JustAGuy = Bitter VCU fan who's entire administration bolted for a better career path and greater opportunities

JustAGuy = Bitter VCU fan who's entire administration bolted for a better career path and greater opportunities

Just passing on bits of info to try and help you guys avoid the trolls.

Has anyone seen Pav? I'm getting a little worried, as it sounds like he isn't the most health conscious fellow and our last sighting was him with a 1000 calorie bucket of popcorn slathered in butter!!

We did just hire someone from Butler to our athletic staff.

Stevens to MN? This is wonderful. Can't wait to see what happens tomorrow!
Not just someone, the person who oversaw budget, financial aid and.... compliance. What, besides coaching, has been the biggest weakness of Minnesota basketball? In whose hands does a young coach place the most trust when it comes to maintaining a reputation that will follow them for as long as they are coaching?

Make sure you're armed or have a crew with you. I've heard a lot of things go down there on a nightly basis.

We should stop making fun or being happy about how the VCU fans will feel once Smart comes here. Not right people. We all hated it when Holtz left; being smug and arrogant only suggests we don't deserve a great coach.


We should stop making fun or being happy about how the VCU fans will feel once Smart comes here. Not right people. We all hated it when Holtz left; being smug and arrogant only suggests we don't deserve a great coach.


Read their board and you will know what smug and arrogant look like...screw VCU, if they didn't want to lose their coach to a bigger program they should have went to a bigger school.

Ryan James, as we all know, is a pretty plugged-in guy. He just tweeted that "his gut" tells him it's Smart. I wonder if he's basing that on anything tangible or just a feeling?

We MUST be paying him a lot because I saw Shaka at B.J.'s on Broadway and he was making it RAIN!

Ryan James, as we all know, is a pretty plugged-in guy. He just tweeted that "his gut" tells him it's Smart. I wonder if he's basing that on anything tangible or just a feeling?

Here is the twitter exchange here:

PiPress Gophers Now ‏@GophersNow My gut says Shaka Smart is next #Gophers coach, if he goes for money and working with Teague. If he did come here, what are expectations?

Ryan James ‏@RyanJamesMN @GophersNow My gut, taking in fruit loops with my giant wooden spoon, saying same. High expectations for recruiting area kids immediately.

GopherIllustratedcom ‏@ZachJohnsonGI @RyanJamesMN @GophersNow my gut tells me we will know one way or the other by the end of today.

We should stop making fun or being happy about how the VCU fans will feel once Smart comes here. Not right people. We all hated it when Holtz left; being smug and arrogant only suggests we don't deserve a great coach.



As soon as the liquor store opens I am going to go get a 1.75L of Jack. I usually get the 1L, but I do not want to miss one post on this thread, so am getting a better supply. By the way, I do NOT waste good Jack by mixing it with anything but ice. Oh, that reminds me, I need a 20 lb. bag of ice too.

Ryan James, as we all know, is a pretty plugged-in guy. He just tweeted that "his gut" tells him it's Smart. I wonder if he's basing that on anything tangible or just a feeling?
He's basing it on assumptions about Norwood's relationship with Shaka. Those are bad assumptions.

Not just someone, the person who oversaw budget, financial aid and.... compliance. What, besides coaching, has been the biggest weakness of Minnesota basketball? In whose hands does a young coach place the most trust when it comes to maintaining a reputation that will follow them for as long as they are coaching?

I still would be absolutley shocked if it was Stevens. However, things have been very very quite on that front for ANY job. If teams haven't given up on Shaka, I doubt they'd give up on Stevens too.

I recall NT talking a lot about fit in his press conference. Stevens style is said to be very Big10 similar. Also, what better way for NT to repay Shaka if they really did have a rocky relationship when he left than to leak rumors of him taking the MN job? Equals a huge pay raise and compensation for Mr. Smart.

Again, my gut still says Shaka. However, Stevens is still an incredible coach at a (current) mid-major.

I don't know how you all are feeling but I am tired at work this morning. I started out the night staking out Teague's house but after a couple of hours sitting out front the neighbors called the police and I was asked to move along. They were very nice about it. So I decided to stake out Ellis's house, but the police must have called ahead as there was a patrol car sitting by the house. You can only drive by a few times without drAwing suspicion. So after being followed for a few blocks, I decided on a other course of action. I went to the major downtown hotels to see if Shaka had checked in. They must have been asked that question a few times as they said no before I eve sass able to finish asking. Have up and went to bed. My contribution to the effort.

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