News on Shaka Smart

And you are caught in a lie. My boy Mo Mo aka Maurice was behind the bar tonight dealing drinks and something stuff and flat out said NOBODY in a Twins hat was there all night. When you actually become a man and want to meet me somewhere let me know.

Is Maurice the new bartender since Marcelle (or however you spell his name) left? Because I went there to meet Marcelle's new fiancee. Funny I didn't ever hear you being there. I'll post a picture of my hat, so maybe you can ask "Mo Mo" if I was there, because I literally just got back home. If it's the main bartender, he has served me several times over the last few weeks. Heres a picture of my hat.

Photo on 2013-03-27 at 00.53.jpg

I was there for 4 hours, and for 2 hours I was just hanging out with my friends. I wasted the other two hours waiting on you.

How did I manage to read every single post in this thread?

Wow, this was simply fantastic stuff!

What if Richmondinsider is wrong about only one thing, and that is Shaka wants Pav to join him here in Minny and that's what's holding things up? For the love of God Teague, find an extra $100,000 to get Pav here. Lulz

To sum up, this whole thing has become an episode of Lost. I'm trying to find a way to shoehorn this into the Fibonacci Sequence, but I just can't put it together. We have visual proof of Shaka Smart standing in front of the Vu waiting for the Giant Hot Dog Buffet, then we are told about the giant mystery man they call Pav, who is addicted to hot dogs. Like an episode of LOST, I don't know who is good and who is evil, I'm not even sure what I just read. I just know that I want to keep on reading it. It's an absolute roller coaster ride, just like the one Shaka Smart enjoyed Tuesday afternoon.

That picture has mysteriously disappeared...

What is Richmondinsider is wrong about only one thing, and that is Shaka wants Pav to join him here in Minny and that's what's holding things up? For the love of God Teague, find an extra $100,000 to get Pav here. Lulz

This all makes sense. I am beginning to understand why Shaka needed to check out the Giant Hot Dog Buffet at the Vu. He had to make sure it would be acceptable for Pav.

Mind blown. . . .

Shaka is a Gopher.

Sorry to bring this to the GH, but glad it has also created some entertainment for everyone. I don't want to fight anyone, but will let anyone who questions me "hiding behind a keyboard", know where I might be that night for their "dogs" to show up.

I train all my joes to be high speed individuals, and here I am doing this and being responsive to a person who has shown nothing besides just trying to be an instigator. Sorry about this, I'll try to not respond for a while. Just getting upset off of my supposed drinking night.

But all want to see a fight! It's ok really....don't let him talk to you like that!

Bogart's doesn't seem to have traditional bar food and the picture they have is of some dude with a sax and a bunch of girls laughing at him. No list of bartenders available.

This was taken from another thread here...

We've got our first claim of contract figures up on twitter:

"@areacodes: A close source said Shaka Smart is in Minneapolis, my hometown & I love it! 3.3 & 7 Guaranteed 21+million"

The owner of the twitter account runs a legitimate website on HS basketball in the phoenix area. Has 1600 followers, and a career in the business I'd be willing to bet he would like to not flush down the toilet by making ridiculous claims. Take it with a grain of salt for now, but this is intriguing.

Bogart's doesn't seem to have traditional bar food and the picture they have is of some dude with a sax and a bunch of girls laughing at him. No list of bartenders available.

I've only been to Bogarts on tuesdays when they offer their $2 singles, $3 doubles. It's a good deal and brings out some of the student population. I'm here on the GI Bill and use it to sometimes have a good time. Rum and Coke is my drink.

The place used to be jam packed until Marcelle (SP?) left and was taken over by another bartender. Tonight was pretty good compared to last week.

If any of you are ever in Richmond, I'd be more than happy to take a fellow Minnesotan out on the town.

This was taken from another thread here...

We've got our first claim of contract figures up on twitter:

"@areacodes: A close source said Shaka Smart is in Minneapolis, my hometown & I love it! 3.3 & 7 Guaranteed 21+million"

The owner of the twitter account runs a legitimate website on HS basketball in the phoenix area. Has 1600 followers, and a career in the business I'd be willing to bet he would like to not flush down the toilet by making ridiculous claims. Take it with a grain of salt for now, but this is intriguing.

C'mon Gopherhole Tweet it out.

What if Richmondinsider is wrong about only one thing, and that is Shaka wants Pav to join him here in Minny and that's what's holding things up? For the love of God Teague, find an extra $100,000 to get Pav here. Lulz

I am having a flashback to the Monson - Few mixup (Few was the driver behind the Zags success, not Monson). What if Pav is the driver behind VCU. Gophers can't take the chance - have to lockup Pav. Is he in Minnesota with Shaka?

I got off the phone with my buddy who was on his way home from work (ESPN HQ). He is telling me that there is a lot of rumblings with Shaka and Minnesota right now. Supposedly contract has been worked out for a while. It seems like Shaka wants guarantees that there will be major upgrades to facilities before he 100% commits to Minnesota. At this point he said the deal is pretty much done and we should hope the facilities promise comes through. If that happens Shaka Smart will be the Gophers HC. Will know a lot more in the morning when he gets back to work.

This was taken from another thread here...

We've got our first claim of contract figures up on twitter:

"@areacodes: A close source said Shaka Smart is in Minneapolis, my hometown & I love it! 3.3 & 7 Guaranteed 21+million"

The owner of the twitter account runs a legitimate website on HS basketball in the phoenix area. Has 1600 followers, and a career in the business I'd be willing to bet he would like to not flush down the toilet by making ridiculous claims. Take it with a grain of salt for now, but this is intriguing.

Shaka is not worth $3.3 million per year, and I can't see the U paying that much.

For reference, here are some figures for 2013 basketball salaries. I'm sure these figures aren't super accurate, but they give you an idea of where some coaches salaries stand.

Mike Krzyzewski – Duke: $4.7 million
Rick Pitino – Louisville: $4,812,769 (Base salary $3.9 million, $912,769 bonus)
Billy Donovan – Florida: $3.639 million
Tom Izzo – Michigan State: $3,598,700 (Base salary $3.12 million, $477,800 bonus)
John Calipari – Kentucky: $5,387,978 (Base salary $4.987 million, $400,400 bonus)
Bill Self Kansas – $3.633: million
Thad Matta – Ohio State: $2.854 million
Buzz Williams – Marquette: $2.834 million
Jim Calhoun – Connecticut: $2.7 million
Rick Barnes – Texas $2.4: million
Matt Painter – Purdue $2.325: million
Tom Crean – Indiana $2.240: million
John Beilein – Michigan $2.206: million
Bo Ryan – Wisconsin $2.175: million
Bob Huggins – West Virginia: $2 million
Kevin Stallings – Vanderbilt: $1.922 million
John Thompson III – Georgetown: $1.894 million
Anthony Grant – Alabama: $1.8 million
Tony Bennett – Virginia: $1.78 million
Scott Drew – Baylor: $1.76 million
Roy Williams – North Carolina: $1.71 million
Josh Pastner – Memphis: $1.69 million
Frank Haith – Missouri: $1.6 million

I agree. It looks like that would make him the 2nd highest paid coach in the Big Ten. He turned down 3 mil at Illinois right?

Shaka is not worth $3.3 million per year, and I can't see the U paying that much.

For reference, here are some figures for 2013 basketball salaries. I'm sure these figures aren't super accurate, but they give you an idea of where some coaches salaries stand.

What does money even matter? Means nothing in the grand scheme of things. If it gets Shaka here then great.

That awkward moment tomorrow when we realize RichmondInsider has been telling us the truth the whole time.

Interesting tidbit on Shaka's contract at VCU: whatever school hires him away from VCU has to schedule a home-and-home series with VCU.

Interesting tidbit on Shaka's contract at VCU: whatever school hires him away from VCU has to schedule a home-and-home series with VCU.

Or pay $250,000, which is chump change if this 3 million dollar rumor is true. I would love to schedule a home and home with them however.

Since I live in Thailand, I hope the information keeps coming; I still have the whole day ahead of me! What a hilarious thread.:clap::clap:

Pumping it up for Shaka news right before I go to bed tonight!

Since I live in Thailand, I hope the information keeps coming; I still have the whole day ahead of me! What a hilarious thread.:clap::clap:

Pumping it up for Shaka news right before I go to bed tonight!

Have a Singha for me...Are you in Phuket? I miss that place!'re saying there's a chance?

Seriously though as much as I'd love Shaka to come here, why not Gregg Marshall? Clearly a coach looking to move up, first winning at Winthrop then winning at Wichita State. Big 10 a natural next step. Obviously can't openly say anything or visit until after next week....BECAUSE HE IS STILL COACHING. Shaka is not.

Will do! I'm actually working in Bangkok, but I've made it down to Phuket a few times. Much different world out here...

I find all of SE Asia a wild place! My brother lived in Phnom Pen/upper Cambodia for a few years. Visited him and got to visit Thailand and Indonesia. That was a few months after returning from Iraq. It was a crazy year of traveling for me!'re saying there's a chance?

Seriously though as much as I'd love Shaka to come here, why not Gregg Marshall? Clearly a coach looking to move up, first winning at Winthrop then winning at Wichita State. Big 10 a natural next step. Obviously can't openly say anything or visit until after next week....BECAUSE HE IS STILL COACHING. Shaka is not.

I'm not sure Marshall is the type of guy that would attract top performing B10 recruits. While he has a nice track record, I'm just not certain he is the splash that Teague might be shooting for.

I just hope we find out one way or another tomorrow before the next round of games start. Are you staying or aren't you big guy?

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