Nate Andrews Commits UPDATED 12/18: Alabama offers Andrews

Seems to be still loving Minnesota and Gophers according to his twitter.

I agree, I think there is a very good chance he sticks with his commitment. How great would it be to beat out Alabama, Florida State and Tennessee for a kid?

Looks like his buddy QB Gabe Phillips wanted to come here as well and he was just offered by Tennessee

Looks like his buddy QB Gabe Phillips wanted to come here as well and he was just offered by Tennessee

Something is off about this whole thing. He doesn't have a recruiting profile at all and most vols fans seem to think (or at least hope) that it's a joke. He later tweeted "haha it was a joke" although it isn't clear what that was about. Maybe the Vols just feel like they found a diamond in the very rough but it seems more likely that either Phillips is a package deal for Andrews or he was just kidding. Very strange whatever the case may be.

Something is off about this whole thing. He doesn't have a recruiting profile at all and most vols fans seem to think (or at least hope) that it's a joke. He later tweeted "haha it was a joke" although it isn't clear what that was about. Maybe the Vols just feel like they found a diamond in the very rough but it seems more likely that either Phillips is a package deal for Andrews or he was just kidding. Very strange whatever the case may be.

Ya he wrote today that it was all a joke and didn't have an offer from them. Damn kids got me. Never would have even saw it if GI didn't retweet it.

@NateAndrews1: Ready to be im Minnesota already

Go Gophers!!

Saban will be in the NFL next year, no use going there.

mkAz said:
Saban will be in the NFL next year, no use going there.

Why would he? Remember the last time he tried the NFL? Unless its to avoid sanctions a la Pete Carroll, he'd be stupid to leave.

I agree, Freaky, but some people can never stop looking for the next big challenge.

The thing with Saban is that, his wife has said he no longer enjoys winning at the college level, so it immediately brings to mind the idea that he's looking for new challenges. At this point it's an open question whether he will seek new challenges.

Coaches by nature have big egos. While I don't think Saban would leave Bama, it certainly is possible.

Pantherhawk is now stalking Nate Andrews on twitter, bad-mouthing MN. My image of Pantherhawk is a hawkeye-fan version of John Clayton in the ESPN commercial, yelling at his Mom (from his bedroom), but with Twitter and Gopherhole has his sole means of "media" (as far from ESPN as one can get).

What is Pantherhawk's Twitter name? We should be open and put out as much personal information about him as possible and try to make his life as miserable as possible.

What is Pantherhawk's Twitter name? We should be open and put out as much personal information about him as possible and try to make his life as miserable as possible.

We should? It seems to me like his life is already pretty miserable.

What is Pantherhawk's Twitter name? We should be open and put out as much personal information about him as possible and try to make his life as miserable as possible.

It's @pantherhawka

His tweets are pretty ridiculous. What a knob.

I have to hope the bile pantherhawka is spitting is a little too much for Nate to take serious. They almost seem like jokes to me. What a *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#.

It's @pantherhawka

His tweets are pretty ridiculous. What a knob.

If anybody here is on twitter, they should tweet Andrews something to the effect of, "you are beginning to understand why we hate Iowa".

This is why I hate Iowa so much more than Wisconsin.

There is no other team I hate more than Wisconsin. I have tailgated with Iowa fans before and have yet to have a bad experience with them (although we did have a bad experience in the stands with one at TCF two years ago). For me, it's most hated: 1. Wisconsin, 1A. Iowa.


But also, couldn't he block him?

Yea, and Nate may have already. If you look at PantherHawk's twitter profile he has tweeted to A.J. Barker, Martezz Shabazz, Nate Andrews, Nate Godwin, Andre McDonald, Brock Vereen, Brandon Green, MarQueis Gray, asked Reusse to interview him, Alex Mayes, and Eric Carter. I'm confident that our players and recruits are too intelligent to believe any of this fools nonsense.

Yea, and Nate may have already. If you look at PantherHawk's twitter profile he has tweeted to A.J. Barker, Martezz Shabazz, Nate Andrews, Nate Godwin, Andre McDonald, Brock Vereen, Brandon Green, MarQueis Gray, asked Reusse to interview him, Alex Mayes, and Eric Carter. I'm confident that our players and recruits are too intelligent to believe any of this fools nonsense.

He should try tweeting Doogie. I'm sure young Mr. Wolfson would consider him a great source of knowledge and rumors.

It's sad to see how much time and energy this guy puts into bashing anything related to Minnesota. It's a football game. Sure, we talk nothing but Gopher Sports on this board, but I would like to think everyone here realizes that regardless of B1G wins, bowl appearances, or even who wins in the ND/Bama game next week that this still doesn't solve unemployment, world hunger, poverty, violence against the innocent, etc.

Sports are a lovely distraction and escape from everything going on in your life. I have heard Coach Kill implore his players to give it there all when playing for the U because for some, coming to TCF and watching the Gophers play is their escape for just that one day. Their lives aren't as well off as those on the football team (in terms of attending to a great university and being able to play a sport they love). For some in the stands, they may be at the only college football game they will attend for years because they can't afford it, and the $10 ticket and a hot dog deal was the only way they could go.

This guy probably needs a lot of help if he is spending (wasting) more of his time obsessing about a team he doesn't like vs. caring about the team he actually cheers for. Hopefully he gains some perspective in his life.

No wonder I couldn't find my post the basketball thread.

Oops, wrong thread AND wrong forum. :eek:

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