Joel Maturi Out as Gophers AD


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Nov 11, 2008
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"Sources: U of M Athletics Director Joel Maturi's contract will not be renewed. U of M President Kaler expected to make announcement today."

Sources tell me Joel Maturi will remain at the U of M doing "special projects," but will no longer be athletics director. #maturi"

Go Gophers!!

Thank the lord almighty.

"Sources: U of M Athletics Director Joel Maturi's contract will not be renewed. U of M President Kaler expected to make announcement today."

Sources tell me Joel Maturi will remain at the U of M doing "special projects," but will no longer be athletics director. #maturi"

Go Gophers!!

I'll get the truck and boxes, who will meet me at his office?

I'll get the truck and boxes, who will meet me at his office?

Count me in... I was worried that instead of a truck and boxes we'd need pitch forks and torches but in the end it looks like all will work out.

Could it be President Kaler has someone in mind? A short list in his coat pocket? Is it to much to ask we do not appoint a search committe, go to an outside group, spend 3 months speculating? I would love to have President Kaler appoint whomever he wants and forego all the handwringing.

Maturi sent out this email this morning:

To the Student-Athletes, Coaches, Staff and Friends of Gopher Athletics:

It is with mixed emotions that I share with you that today at 11:00am President Kaler and I will announce my retirement as the Director of Athletics at the University of Minnesota effective June 30th. There is sadness because I have enjoyed every day of this 10 year journey. There is excitement because President Kaler has asked me to remain next year as a Special Assistant to the President.

There will be time over the next 5 months for Lois and I to express our thanks and appreciation to each of you. We have been truly blessed. Go Gophers!

"Sources: U of M Athletics Director Joel Maturi's contract will not be renewed. U of M President Kaler expected to make announcement today."

Sources tell me Joel Maturi will remain at the U of M doing "special projects," but will no longer be athletics director. #maturi"

Go Gophers!!

Special Projects = Out to pasture

In my company if someone high up screws the pooch enough times they make them United Way director or VP of Community Affairs. There's a Japanese term for workers who have outlived their usefulness. madogiwazoku, or "window watchers,"

Thanks for posting WillieBurton.

Joel had his heart in the right spot, no one can deny that and he should be commended for the areas where he had strengths, but no doubt, this is long overdue for the U and I hope President Kaler thinks big with his vision and hires someone that thinks even bigger than he. There are some big decisions that need to be made and we need someone with a big vision and an ability to shake things up.

Go Gophers!!

Could it be President Kaler has someone in mind? A short list in his coat pocket?

My source says that he is looking at a Tubby Smith type hire.

Special Projects = Out to pasture

In my company if someone high up screws the pooch enough times they make them United Way director or VP of Community Affairs. There's a Japanese term for workers who have outlived their usefulness. madogiwazoku, or "window watchers,"

Umm, if Prez Kaler thought Maturi screwed the pooch too many times and was useless/incompetent he would just cut him loose.

Thanks for posting WillieBurton.

Joel had his heart in the right spot, no one can deny that and he should be commended for the areas where he had strengths, but no doubt, this is long overdue for the U and I hope President Kaler thinks big with his vision and hires someone that thinks even bigger than he. There are some big decisions that need to be made and we need someone with a big vision and an ability to shake things up.

Go Gophers!!

I agree with this sentiment. Maturi dropped the ball a number of times (and sometimes in a big way), but there is no questioning his commitment to the position. Let's hope the next guy can take the revenue programs to the next level. The U is a big school, Minneapolis is a big city, and there are big resources available. The U needs to start acting like it.

Per U of MN communications - this is the press release they sent out:

U of M President Eric Kaler and Athletics Director Joel Maturi to make announcement during news conference at 11 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 2

Who: President Eric Kaler and Athletics Director Joel Maturi
What: News conference
When: 11 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 2
Where: Media Room, TCF Bank Stadium, enter through Dodge County entrance

University of Minnesota President Eric Kaler and Athletics Director Joel Maturi will hold a news conference at 11 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 2, in the media room at TCF Bank Stadium, 2009 University Ave. S.E., Minneapolis.

The media room will open for set-up at 10:30 a.m. Media are asked to enter through the Dodge County entrance on the stadium’s east side. Brief remarks will be followed by an opportunity for Q & A. There will be no media availability following the news conference.

Parking is available at the University Avenue Ramp, 1926 University Ave. S.E., Minneapolis. Media with sports media parking permits may park in the sports media parking at Williams Arena and Mariucci Arena.

Maturi is at retirement age anyway. The only reason to extend him would be if time was needed to search for his replacement. He'll get his retirement party and his gold watch. If Kaler can find special projects for him, that's fine. I'm impressed with the Stony Brook AD, he's got an impressive resume, and really built up Stony Brook's athletics department. Plus, he's already worked with Kaler.

Mpls Tribune: Maturi to retire June 30th. Remain as special asst. to Pres. Kaler

would prefer that the school just cuts all ties with him, but a new AD is a good start. needs to be a football, basketball and men's hockey centric AD with a big pair of boys and a spine to fight for what the U of M athletic department needs and what will make it most successful in football, b-ball and hockey. those three sports are where the money to run a legit big 10 athletic department comes from. some non-revenue sports need to be sacrificed in my opinion. and coaches like pam borton, etc. need to be shown the door.

I know Maturi is a good guy and all, but I simply cannot say very many good things about him.
He has been one of the worst things to happen to the U's athletics dept in it's history, just a complete and abysmal failure as an AD costing the school millions in bad decisions, and the fanbase so much heartbreak and pain. I am still wondering if he's been a plant from Wisconsin to stop any momentum the U had athletically. He never gave a crap about that rivalry the way an AD should, speaking glowingly and misty eyed about Madison every chance he could.

Our next AD needs to show me a few things:
-A willingness to made bold decisions, even if unpopular with the hierarchy in the U's admin.
-Embrace the bitter rivalries we have with iowa and wisconsin
-Work to reintegrate the marching band into the athletics dept
-Show a willingness to bend small rules to the U's advantage, basically play "big boy athletics" with the rest of the BCS teams
-Support, but do not work to feature non revenue sports, the directors cup means nothing.

Now that the news has broken, I can share the transcript of President Kaler’s meeting with Maturi:

Kaler: Thanks for coming in Joel, 8:30am on the dot, you are right on time. I’ll get right to the point.

Matruri: Sure thing, I have been in my office since 4:10 this morning.

Kaler: Really? Why the . . .never mind. The reason I asked you to come in was to tell you that, while I greatly appreciate all of you contributions to the athletic program, I have decided to go in a different direction with the position of athletic director.

Maturi: I am usually here at 4:20, but traffic was light today.

Kaler: Joel, did you hear me, I am not going to renew your contract.

Maturi: Oh, I heard you. Where do I sign?

Kaler: Joel, I am not going to have you continue as the director of athletics. . .

Maturi: I get it, I know how this works. Jeez, I have fired people, you know. Here’s how it goes. You give me a new contract and I sign it. Then you wait a short time, fire me and give me a million dollars.

Kaler: Joel, I am not going to do that. I thought we could ease your transition by giving you some “special projects.” Maybe involving some of the non-revenue sports.

Maturi: And then I’ll get my million dollars?

Kaler: We’re done here, Joel.

Maturi: OK, time for my nap anyway.

This is great news. I was starting to fear the worst. Need to hire an aggressive up and comer. Someone who realizes football is the engine for everything else.

"...Friends, mobbers, bashers, et al...

I come not to praise b(s)jm but to bury him..." He has been de-bussed, deposed, ditched and now: :... he is already gone....we shall sing this victory song...yes, he's already gone..." The nightmare has ended.

A note to prexy k: the fate of the Athletic Department rests in your hands. Be wise.

The "macturian candidate" sleeper cell from madison has been terminated.... it goes...

; 0 )

I hope people will continue to be respectful towards Joel. Even if you think he did a terrible job, I think it's clear he worked hard and is a good and honest man who took out a lot of his time, voluntarily, to interact with fans. I genuinely appreciate how much he seemed to care about his job and the integrity he had holding it.

That said, I think it's also clear that Maturi is a 1970s AD in 2012. One of the appeals of the Stony Brook AD is that he has experience working as an AD at an urban school, which is something Minnesota is going to have to embrace, if for no other reason than they have no choice. We need to start being much more proactive in terms of marketing, outreach, and other strategic decisions.

It seems like they have put a lot more money into the in-house media productions, which is a great start.

I come not to praise b(s)jm but to bury him..." He has been de-bussed, deposed, ditched and now: :... he is already gone....we shall sing this victory song...yes, he's already gone..." The nightmare has ended.

A note to prexy k: the fate of the Athletic Department rests in your hands. Be wise.

The "macturian candidate" sleeper cell from madison has been terminated.... it goes...

; 0 )
Are you leaving now too?

Hopefully the next guy doesn't have some Iowa ties in his resume so we don't have to hear 'Hawkeye' John Doe this and 'Hawkeye' John Doe that for the next ten years!

Maturi will be remembered for doing great good and making colossal blunders. He got us a new football stadium that has exceeded anyone's wildest dreams. He hired Tubby Smith and while the results may not be what we had hoped, who can deny that this was a home run. He hired Jerry Kill and almost his entire coaching staff. even if he didn't look graceful oing it it may very well be a real home run.

On the other hand, he gave both Mason and Monson big raises and fired them two hours later. Most importantly, he hired Brewster, who was a god guy and a disastrous head coach. I'm not sad to see him go, but every time I'll return to The Cities and see The Bank, I'll mutter a "Thank you, Joel".

Maturi will be remembered for doing great good and making colossal blunders. He got us a new football stadium that has exceeded anyone's wildest dreams. He hired Tubby Smith and while the results may not be what we had hoped, who can deny that this was a home run. He hired Jerry Kill and almost his entire coaching staff. even if he didn't look graceful oing it it may very well be a real home run.

On the other hand, he gave both Mason and Monson big raises and fired them two hours later. Most importantly, he hired Brewster, who was a god guy and a disastrous head coach. I'm not sad to see him go, but every time I'll return to The Cities and see The Bank, I'll mutter a "Thank you, Joel".

not sure even his biggest fans would call him a god.

Now maybe we can find an AD to focus on the (Cash Cows) football and hoops!

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