Joel Maturi Out as Gophers AD

Not to get political but you don't want to pay the man a retirement pension? He's going to teach in the Department of Kinesiology, work on special projects (ncaa rules, etc.), and be an assistant to Kaler. As a person who works in Higher Ed. You have no idea how funding works. Go back to the star tribune comments section.



I hope people will continue to be respectful towards Joel. Even if you think he did a terrible job, I think it's clear he worked hard and is a good and honest man who took out a lot of his time, voluntarily, to interact with fans. I genuinely appreciate how much he seemed to care about his job and the integrity he had holding it.

That said, I think it's also clear that Maturi is a 1970s AD in 2012. One of the appeals of the Stony Brook AD is that he has experience working as an AD at an urban school, which is something Minnesota is going to have to embrace, if for no other reason than they have no choice. We need to start being much more proactive in terms of marketing, outreach, and other strategic decisions.

It seems like they have put a lot more money into the in-house media productions, which is a great start.

Best post in this thread by far. FYI, I am not for any internal candidate, an alumni, or anyone who lived in from Minnesota. Time to try something new.

FYI, I am not for any internal candidate, an alumni, or anyone who lived in from Minnesota.

If the best person for the job fit in one of those categories, then I'm all for it. Since the odds of that actually being the case are infinitesimal, I'm most likely against it.

I thought Reusse had a good opinion. Whoever is hired needs to be a young 40ish businessperson with superior fundraising abilities. He says there is an entire generation of Gopher fans that have not been tapped for money. Reusse said the new AD will not only have to get a practice facility for Basketball but replace Williams arena altogether.

Tom Jurich is over 50, but I'd take him in a heart beat. Please no arbitrary lines in the sand around age, geography, etc.

Not to get political but you don't want to pay the man a retirement pension? He's going to teach in the Department of Kinesiology, work on special projects (ncaa rules, etc.), and be an assistant to Kaler. As a person who works in Higher Ed. You have no idea how funding works. Go back to the star tribune comments section.

I would rather not pay him a pension. Aren't these pensions from Gov run entities going to further bury America in it's pile of debt? Joel's job will be to help usher in the new AD then get the hell out of dodge. Kaler was stone cold today, no remorse for Maturi, he won't have his bumbling arse hanging around here much longer. Special Asst to the Prez was just a nice gesture to usher him out.

If the best person for the job fit in one of those categories, then I'm all for it. Since the odds of that actually being the case are infinitesimal, I'm most likely against it.


Maturi won't be getting a pension as had been previously said. He signed a one year contract worth 351K to be Kaler's special assistant. (Higher Ed has contracts for salaried jobs, often year-to-year).

Apologies, I thought you were stating the man should get a pension, as if he's actually made the University money as a result of his actions that would warrant these future benefits. I am guilty of not reading the entire thread.

With some of the posts, you would think that Maturi had been made AD for life and been granted immortality.

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