Improvement under Kill


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Nov 20, 2008
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p><a href="">#Gophers</a> are 15-12 in their last 27 games. They were 7-20 in their previous 27 games.</p>— Minnesota Football (@GopherFootball) <a href="">September 1, 2014</a></blockquote>
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I guess that shows something, Stan.

Winning Big 10 conference games is what matters.

Through three years Kill has 8 B1G wins compared to Brewster's 6. Year four Brewster was 0-3 in the B1G before getting fired. I don't see Kill going 0-3 to start the B1G this year so there should be a 3-5 B1G win improvement from Brewster to Kill over the same period of time.

not to mention the recruiting is better under Kill

They are improved in every facet off the field and most on the field. It's actually amazing overall how much better things are now compared to anytime in the past several decades. The only exception in my opinion, and I know not everyone's, is the coaching and strategy on the offensive side of the ball. I worry about that, and it bugs me to watch it unfold on Saturdays. I hope I'm wrong, but Limegrover, Z, et al I can't see taking us to the promised land. Claeys, Sawvel, et al exceed expectations week after week and we're lucky to have them.

Recruiting is not where it needs to be.

But it is significantly improved, and I believe it will continue to get better. Four short years ago JK had nothing to sell except his coaching dream. That dream is starting to become reality. The kids are buying it, and wins will beget better recruits. This years class is excellent by Gopher standards, and with a few more significant signees, it will be very good by anyones standards. Good things are coming.

not to mention the recruiting is better under Kill

Good grief. It's not even close (adv Brewster) and that doesn't look like it'll change in 2015.

Let's see what the record does through the end of the 2015 season. Wouldn't bet on them winning 15 from today through the end of 2015.

Do you guys prefer the trumpeting of future Rose bowls on the horizon from Brewster, or the "we're never gonna be Ohio State" type claims of the current regime? Not a big fan of either, personally.

Good grief. It's not even close (adv Brewster) and that doesn't look like it'll change in 2015.

Let's see what the record does through the end of the 2015 season. Wouldn't bet on them winning 15 from today through the end of 2015.

Do you guys prefer the trumpeting of future Rose bowls on the horizon from Brewster, or the "we're never gonna be Ohio State" type claims of the current regime? Not a big fan of either, personally.

Jerry Kill knows he needs a gamebreaker QB or he won't see the end of his 7 yr extension. He better have one in the stable in yr 4.

total speculation ----- QBs leave JKs a22 high and dry almost as though the parting player is actively taking a parting shot at sinking Jerry's boat.

Good grief. It's not even close (adv Brewster) and that doesn't look like it'll change in 2015.

Let's see what the record does through the end of the 2015 season. Wouldn't bet on them winning 15 from today through the end of 2015.

Do you guys prefer the trumpeting of future Rose bowls on the horizon from Brewster, or the "we're never gonna be Ohio State" type claims of the current regime? Not a big fan of either, personally.

I really don't think it matters what Kill does or says. You're not a fan of his and I don't think you ever will be.

And for someone who keeps pounding your chest about all the inside knowledge you have, you'd think you'd understand that it really doesn't matter what he says to the media.

Good grief. It's not even close (adv Brewster) and that doesn't look like it'll change in 2015.

Let's see what the record does through the end of the 2015 season. Wouldn't bet on them winning 15 from today through the end of 2015.

Do you guys prefer the trumpeting of future Rose bowls on the horizon from Brewster, or the "we're never gonna be Ohio State" type claims of the current regime? Not a big fan of either, personally.

Oh so you must be counting all the Brewster recruits that didn't make it to day one of fall camp? seriously I have been compiling recruiting numbers for classes for years and Brewsters groups were flashy but never made it to school or busted out after red shirt year. mix in a few Hayo's and you get squat. if it did he would still be coaching here.

Oh so you must be counting all the Brewster recruits that didn't make it to day one of fall camp? seriously I have been compiling recruiting numbers for classes for years and Brewsters groups were flashy but never made it to school or busted out after red shirt year. mix in a few Hayo's and you get squat. if it did he would still be coaching here.

Team rankings on signing day is the only measure GW thinks matters. I see no other way anyone could say Brewster recruited better.

Team rankings on signing day absolutely mean something. Especially when you're consistently on one end of those rankings.

Thankfully, it's not signing day yet.

Team rankings on signing day is the only measure GW thinks matters. I see no other way anyone could say Brewster recruited better.

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing while watching the Falcons last week. :rolleyes:

Some of you guys have distorted views.

The fact is Kill's recruiting has been subpar thus far and to me, disappointing. You can have a nice season with less talent, but if you're trying to build a winning program that actually competes (let's define compete as occasionally - every few years - being in real contention for a conference championship)... need to improve recruiting to compete. That's fact.

Team rankings on signing day absolutely mean something. Especially when you're consistently on one end of those rankings.

Thankfully, it's not signing day yet.

Many of Brew's highest rated recruits never contributed... Ju'Ju Edwards, Sam Maresh, Lamonte Edwards, Hayo Carpenter, & David Palmer are a few that jump to mind. They were all rated high & all helped the rankings, but not the team a bit. I know, we could find examples that disprove it as well, but I see no way one could say Brew was a better recruiter than Kill.

They are improved in every facet off the field and most on the field. It's actually amazing overall how much better things are now compared to anytime in the past several decades. The only exception in my opinion, and I know not everyone's, is the coaching and strategy on the offensive side of the ball. I worry about that, and it bugs me to watch it unfold on Saturdays. I hope I'm wrong, but Limegrover, Z, et al I can't see taking us to the promised land. Claeys, Sawvel, et al exceed expectations week after week and we're lucky to have them.

Overall things are in a much better place then they were under Brewster but Kill has not done anything to outdistance himself from Mason to this point. In order to do that he needs to get the team to contender status which is something Mason could never do. But he had the program stable for the most part and consistently in the middle of the pack which on the surface is where I would say Kill has things at the moment.

Jerry Kill knows he needs a gamebreaker QB or he won't see the end of his 7 yr extension. He better have one in the stable in yr 4.

total speculation ----- QBs leave JKs a22 high and dry almost as though the parting player is actively taking a parting shot at sinking Jerry's boat.

You've lost credibility since your "Kill would take and start any Wisconcin QB" crack.

Many of Brew's highest rated recruits never contributed... Ju'Ju Edwards, Sam Maresh, Lamonte Edwards, Hayo Carpenter, & David Palmer are a few that jump to mind. They were all rated high & all helped the rankings, but not the team a bit. I know, we could find examples that disprove it as well, but I see no way one could say Brew was a better recruiter than Kill.

There is an easy way - Brewster brought in better talent than Kill has. His classes were better.

I realize there are some busts that Brewster had - I also realize Kill's top recruit is a nonqualifier. Who were the top 2 Kill recruits in 2012? Many argued Phil Nelson and Andre McDonald. <shrug>

Anyway, enough for me on this thread. Hope the recruiting picks up, because it needs to if **OUR** school is going to compete in the Big Ten.

Kill's not bringing in any talent yet he won more B1G games in a season than Brewster, and Kill had freshman and sophomores at the skill positions on offense.

Wisconsin and Iowa should have just folded instead of going to the Rose Bowl and Orange Bowl with all of their 2 and 3 star recruits when those programs were being rebuilt. None of those guys had any talent or went to the NFL either...

Yet the records say something different.
I say it again - winning will take care of recruiting. Brewster was an unarguable disaster. JK wins. No comparison. This thread is silly now that I think about it.

Many of Brew's highest rated recruits never contributed... Ju'Ju Edwards, Sam Maresh, Lamonte Edwards, Hayo Carpenter, & David Palmer are a few that jump to mind. They were all rated high & all helped the rankings, but not the team a bit. I know, we could find examples that disprove it as well, but I see no way one could say Brew was a better recruiter than Kill.

Wasn't Edwards a 3 year starter? Maresh had a heart surgery & never really recovered. Hard to lay that on Brew. Lamonte was too young to make an impact under Brew & got in trouble on Kill's watch. Hayo & Palmer were busts for sure. On the other hand, Kill's signed Phillip Nelson, Andre McDonald, Jamel Harbison, James Gillum, Crawford-Tufts, Ge'Shun Harris, Malcom Moulton, Max Shortell, Drayquan Crawford & Jordan Hinojosa. I'm not pining for the return of Brew. I feel like there are plenty of legit reasons to rag on Brew, but his recruiting wasn't one of them.

This argument comes up all the time. I think it depends what your definition of recruiting is and how you look at it.

Brewster was good at landing highly recruited players. He's probably won more battles with good programs than Kill has. If my team has identified a player they really want, I would want Brewster going after him. His problem appeared to be he just didn't have much of a plan. He took a lot more chances on trouble makers and potential academic casualties.

Kill has been good at identifying players that fit his system, he has a plan. He's done a good job so far of finding sleepers like Murray and Cockran. A majority of the players he signs actually make it on campus. But, as others have pointed out, he hasn't landed a lot of top talent recruits yet either. Getting the under the radar type guys is great and all, but we also need to start landing some more natural talented guys if we want to take the next step.

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