Illinois QB Chris Streveler a Gopher commit

The guy is definitely an athlete and has good speed. I'm curious to know what position he was recruited for.

Hopefully he was recruited as a TE or WR.

This is probably a pretty safe assumption, at least IMO. Maybe he works out at QB but I wouldn't be surprised if this is a similar scenario to Leidner where he can play somewhere else if QB doesn't work out.

Some of the plays he made look similar to the Gophers.

Maybe its the idea that Nelson is ahead of him. You have to recruit a QB but if you really believe in the great home state QB the year ahead you take a developmental guy who is a great athlete that can take his time. If he doesnt pay off you can switch positions or he transfers out. Maybe this kid fits the system and develops but with Nelson in front of him if Nelson is going to be the next great Gopher QB Steveler will only have 1 or 2 years to play.

"@MW_EliteRecruit: 2013 IL QB Chris Streveler has committed to #Minnesota. The #Gophers are getting a steal out of Illinois"

Go Gophers!!

Maybe its the idea that Nelson is ahead of him. You have to recruit a QB but if you really believe in the great home state QB the year ahead you take a developmental guy who is a great athlete that can take his time. If he doesnt pay off you can switch positions or he transfers out. Maybe this kid fits the system and develops but with Nelson in front of him if Nelson is going to be the next great Gopher QB Steveler will only have 1 or 2 years to play.

You'd rather not have to have a kid come in and start for 4 years, especially QBs. If you can get it so that you can get a guy playing for 2 years and ringing in the next guy, it would be optimal.

A lot of good information on him. I guess we have to put faith in the coaches. I hope they know what their doing.

For me, if our staff just saw a kid at camp and immedietly offers him, I don't really care how he's ranked, it sounds good to me.

That's how I felt last year about Murray, Lynn and then Leidner. If our staff really thinks the kid is a player, I'm all for it. If we are still not a very talented team in 3 years, I'll change that position. But for now, I trust the staff.

It'd be interesting to sit down with Coach Kill and have him be completely candid (I don't think he would ever really get into this "on the record"), but I wonder how much postion flexibility is taken into consideration when it comes to QB likes Foreman, Leidner, and now this kid.

Either way, welcome to the U!

Exactly Bob. I feel very confident that Coach Kill and staff know what it takes to play in the BIG. Spending time on the practice field with a recruit should just about tell it all.

It'd be interesting to sit down with Coach Kill and have him be completely candid (I don't think he would ever really get into this "on the record"), but I wonder how much postion flexibility is taken into consideration when it comes to QB likes Foreman, Leidner, and now this kid.

I would guess a lot. It's great to have depth at QB but with Nelson and Shortell, it's not bad to have athletes behind them that can play elsewhere if needed.

Here's the link to an interesting and informative article that was in the Chicago Tribune last November during the Illinois HS play-offs. I'll go along with our coaching staff on this guy. Streveler could be an absolute stud by the time he is 20 years old. He's only 17 now and I'll trust our coaches to recognize his potential for future development.

Also, here's a link to his profile at the recruiting service that apparently did the above videos.

I like the end of his personal statement which reads "... and make academic All State."

In addition to all the other positive things stated here about Streveler (e.g., athleticism), I like the fact Kill & Co. seem to value recruiting smart kids.

Welcome Chris.

Go Gophers!

For me, if our staff just saw a kid at camp and immedietly offers him, I don't really care how he's ranked, it sounds good to me.

That's how I felt last year about Murray, Lynn and then Leidner. If our staff really thinks the kid is a player, I'm all for it. If we are still not a very talented team in 3 years, I'll change that position. But for now, I trust the staff.

It'd be interesting to sit down with Coach Kill and have him be completely candid (I don't think he would ever really get into this "on the record"), but I wonder how much postion flexibility is taken into consideration when it comes to QB likes Foreman, Leidner, and now this kid.

Either way, welcome to the U!

Coach Kill has often said he is looking for athletes and that the QB is often the best athlete on a high school team. I am sure that when they take a QB they often have in the back of their minds that that player could play more than one position.

He does look a bit more impressive in this video.

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Yes he does...he placed a few of those passes very well and was not necessarily easy to bring down.

He looks a lot more impressive in this video and definitely has some wheels, there's no question about that. Still, it has to be somewhat concerning that a player who attended camp at Pittsburgh, Northern Illinois, and Eastern Michigan and didn't receive an offer from any of those schools is our lone QB recruit.

I hope people realize that this kid was not a secret and that lesser programs worked him out at their camps and did not pull the trigger on an offer. That is not to say that this particular recruit will not pan out, but this is certainly not a pattern we want to repeat.

So, how many offers from other schools should a kid have before its OK for the Gophs to offer him? (Sarcasm Intended)

I see both sides of the argument. I'd love to see the Gophs out-recruiting the big boys, and signing kids who have offers from Alabama, LSU and USC - but let's face it, the program is not at that level - not on the field, and not in terms of national recognition.

At this stage of affairs, Kill & Co. have to get the kids they can get. As others have stated, we don't have much choice - we have to trust that Kill is following a plan, and trust that its a plan designed to produce long-term success.

I see why that would make some fans nervous. If you're not sold on Kill, some of these signings look suspicious. But, other coaches have found diamonds in the rough. As pointed out before, Marion Barber III was the last player signed by the Gophs in his recruiting year, and he turned out all right!

Bottom line - I'd rather get a kid who wants to be at the U, and will do the work in the classroom. If the Gophs win games, the higher-starred players will follow. If they don't win games, then we can start arguing over who the next coach will be.

I hope people realize that this kid was not a secret and that lesser programs worked him out at their camps and did not pull the trigger on an offer. That is not to say that this particular recruit will not pan out, but this is certainly not a pattern we want to repeat.

I have found that being a contrarian in the stock market works very well and it may also work very well in recruiting if you know what you are doing. I bet Warren Buffet doesn't worry when others are selling a stock that he is buying. It just might be that Coach Kill is the Warren Buffet of recruiting! You might want to look into how TCU and Boise State have recruited recruit lower rated and been very successful to better understanding what Coach Kill is doing. Particularly the early years at TCF for Coach Patterson before he was able to recruit higher rated recruits.

I hope people realize that this kid was not a secret and that lesser programs worked him out at their camps and did not pull the trigger on an offer. That is not to say that this particular recruit will not pan out, but this is certainly not a pattern we want to repeat.

I think you're missing the biggest part of this entire equation. If Coach Kill has success, if he turns our program around, I hope he continues whatever pattern he did that brought us talent in the first place. If he is really good at finding diamonds in the rough and it continues to work for him (assuming he has success), why wouldn't we want it repeated?

Now, if our talent level doesn't increase (in a couple years), yep, he's recruiting philosophy should be questioned.

For me, if our staff just saw a kid at camp and immedietly offers him, I don't really care how he's ranked, it sounds good to me.

That's how I felt last year about Murray, Lynn and then Leidner. If our staff really thinks the kid is a player, I'm all for it. If we are still not a very talented team in 3 years, I'll change that position. But for now, I trust the staff.

It'd be interesting to sit down with Coach Kill and have him be completely candid (I don't think he would ever really get into this "on the record"), but I wonder how much postion flexibility is taken into consideration when it comes to QB likes Foreman, Leidner, and now this kid.

Either way, welcome to the U!

Good point but I have felt good about a lot of things.

However at the end of the day, the only thing that matters is winning.

So, how many offers from other schools should a kid have before its OK for the Gophs to offer him? (Sarcasm Intended)

I see both sides of the argument. I'd love to see the Gophs out-recruiting the big boys, and signing kids who have offers from Alabama, LSU and USC - but let's face it, the program is not at that level - not on the field, and not in terms of national recognition.

At this stage of affairs, Kill & Co. have to get the kids they can get. As others have stated, we don't have much choice - we have to trust that Kill is following a plan, and trust that its a plan designed to produce long-term success.

I see why that would make some fans nervous. If you're not sold on Kill, some of these signings look suspicious. But, other coaches have found diamonds in the rough. As pointed out before, Marion Barber III was the last player signed by the Gophs in his recruiting year, and he turned out all right!

Bottom line - I'd rather get a kid who wants to be at the U, and will do the work in the classroom. If the Gophs win games, the higher-starred players will follow. If they don't win games, then we can start arguing over who the next coach will be.

No one is talking about beating out USC and Alabama for kids, we're talking about a guy who doesn't even have MAC offers at the end of June. I'm sold on Kill as our coach for now, he's got a proven track record at lower levels and clearly knows how to coach and develop a team. I'm thrilled that he's our coach, but no one knows yet how he will end up doing at the B1G level. I'm tired of the "he's got a plan" phrase over and over on this board to justify anything that happens, like it's a given that we're going to be a 10-win team eventually. I fell for that with Brewster for a while, and won't make the same mistake again.

This year will be interesting, as we will get to see the development of players like Wells, Thompson, Goodger, Amaefula, Levine, Cobb and others that this staff brought in at the end of the 2011 class. These were all under the radar players and not highly recruited, so if they really improve and start to show they are Big Ten caliber players, we can feel a lot more confident that some of the more questionable recruits will pan out.

Kirk Cousins had no offers before Michigan State offered him at the last minute. I want to say I remember him saying once that he was planning on attending a D2 or D3 school before he got their offer. Pretty sure we can all agree that he had a pretty good career there, and many of the same qualities that this kid is supposed to have, sounds very familiar to him. Not saying he will be anywhere as good as Cousins, but lets give the kid a chance in a couple years to developed and then we can talk if he was worth an offer or not. Until then, all we can do is trust Kill and his staff, and hope he contributes once we need him, which hopefully won't be for 3-4 years down the road.

No one is talking about beating out USC and Alabama for kids, we're talking about a guy who doesn't even have MAC offers at the end of June. I'm sold on Kill as our coach for now, he's got a proven track record at lower levels and clearly knows how to coach and develop a team. I'm thrilled that he's our coach, but no one knows yet how he will end up doing at the B1G level. I'm tired of the "he's got a plan" phrase over and over on this board to justify anything that happens, like it's a given that we're going to be a 10-win team eventually. I fell for that with Brewster for a while, and won't make the same mistake again.

This year will be interesting, as we will get to see the development of players like Wells, Thompson, Goodger, Amaefula, Levine, Cobb and others that this staff brought in at the end of the 2011 class. These were all under the radar players and not highly recruited, so if they really improve and start to show they are Big Ten caliber players, we can feel a lot more confident that some of the more questionable recruits will pan out.

I'm not certainly not in the camp that thinks "he's got a plan" is the answer to everything, because every coach has a plan, even the collosal failures. However, I am in the camp of "we'll see in a couple years". We really don't have any choice. We are talking about a coach going into his second year, so it's hard to argue that you should or shouldn't trust him and we are talking about a HS Senior who would likely be pencilled for 5th-ish on our depth chart right now. My point is that it takes faith to believe that he'll have success or not have success at this point because we don't have anything to gauge that liklihood.

If you're at a point where you like the coach and you trust him, well then you just have to keep in mind that that coach just watched him at a camp for a couple of days and immediately offered the kid.

I do agree that you look at those players but you have to look at those players realistically. Those players should all be RS-FR next season. There aren't a ton of RS-FR who can contribute a lot right away. So even with those players, it takes patience.

I know his mechanics are suspect, but look at how the ball finishes. It looks funky, but look at the third and fourth clip in the video. His delivery looks funky but look at the the accuracy and the zip with which his throws finish. That tells me that, while having "flawed" mechanics, he has one hell of a strong arm. And he runs like a deer in headlights.

Marion Barber had one div. 1 offer and he didn't get it until the week of signing day. Yes if a kid get 20 big time offers he is probably going to work out. There are many kids that stay under the radar until the right coach gets ahold of him. Kill would not have offered this early if he didn't want him.

One thing's for sure. If Kill has us become a consistent 9-10 win a season team, while maintaining the same recruiting philosophy, the media will be all over him. "OMG HE DOES MOAR WITH LESS, YOU GUYS!!"

balds said:
And he runs like a deer in headlights.

I think the problem with a deer in the headlights is that it doesn't run. I know what you meant though.

I think he is the real deal. He will compete for the starting job soon enough. I like smart athletes. He is not a questionable pick up. There is not much I don't like about this recruit.

I watched the video on this kid and it instantly reminded me of a kid I watched win a national championship at NE when I was living there...this kid has throwing mechanics and running style like Scott Frost. Frost was recruited to play at Stanford but they wanted him to play safety so he transferred to NE to play QB and his style fit perfectly with the NE offense. Now we obviously don't have the black shirts or Lawrence "Felony Magnet" Phillips...but we do run an offensive style that could be a perfect fit for a kid that has great feet, is fast and can hit open receivers off play action.

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