Former Gopher A.J. Barker arrested UPDATED 5/9: Sid says AJ wants back on team

I said SHOULD....didn't mean I DID.

LOL - I should know by now that what you say you are saying may not be what I think you you are saying. Keep them guessing is not a bad strategy at times.

He's not just an athlete, he's looked up to by kids across the state merely for wearing the M. After what he did, he does not deserve to be on the team. If Kill is foolish enough to allow his return, I hope he's booed every time he touches the ball.

He's not just an athlete, he's looked up to by kids across the state merely for wearing the M. After what he did, he does not deserve to be on the team. If Kill is foolish enough to allow his return, I hope he's booed every time he touches the ball.

What are you guys going to do if AJ decides to rejoin the team and starts catching TD passes and his teammates and coaches jump all over him in celebration? Are you going to sit on your asses looking like you have constipation or are you going to stand and cheer like the rest of us Gopher fans?

What are you guys going to do if AJ decides to rejoin the team and starts catching TD passes and his teammates and coaches jump all over him in celebration? Are you going to sit on your asses looking like you have constipation or are you going to stand and cheer like the rest of us Gopher fans?

Cheer for the team, not the petulant child.

Better Ice? ;-)

I'm going to keep Go4Broke on my ignore list.

Gopherhole tweeted this out. Where did the scoop come from? I figured the media would be all over this.

What are you guys going to do if AJ decides to rejoin the team and starts catching TD passes and his teammates and coaches jump all over him in celebration? Are you going to sit on your asses looking like you have constipation or are you going to stand and cheer like the rest of us Gopher fans?

Um nope, that's not what this thread is about. We'd all cheer for anyone who scored a TD for the Gophers. That doesn't mean that we'd want him on the team or think he deserves a chance to be on the team. If Jewhan Edwards would have returned and gotten a sack against Iowa, I would have cheered. However, he absolutely did NOT belong on the Gophers.

Gopherhole tweeted this out. Where did the scoop come from? I figured the media would be all over this.

There isn't a hint of anything negative about the Gophers with this news, it shouldn't surprise you. Accusations usually get the front pages, retractions getting buried in the back.

He's not just an athlete, he's looked up to by kids across the state merely for wearing the M. After what he did, he does not deserve to be on the team. If Kill is foolish enough to allow his return, I hope he's booed every time he touches the ball.

If you can find two children in the world who aren't related to someone on the team who can name ONE gopher receiver I'll buy you a drink of your beverage of choice.

Is it possible that the Andre McDonald situation has the coaching staff feeling a little more pressure to consider something like this? Probably not, but perhaps.

Is it possible that the Andre McDonald situation has the coaching staff feeling a little more pressure to consider something like this? Probably not, but perhaps.

I don't think the possibility of losing a player that had one catch last year is pressuring the staff to get back a player that sh!t all over everyone on the team. Probably not, but perhaps.

We have three freshman plus AFA transfer Aaron Marmer coming in. They may be able to take up the void that McDonald may cause. Also, it seems like the staff feels McDonald will be at fall camp.

If you can find two children in the world who aren't related to someone on the team who can name ONE gopher receiver I'll buy you a drink of your beverage of choice.

My own two children could, but I gave them a copy of the roster. Does that still count?

The bottom line on this Barker thing is we still have next to nothing on the detail side of things and the media has nothing so talk of him even possibly coming back seems a pre-mature, they could have been meeting about anything.

Given the way he left I just don't see how he comes back but the McDonald situation may have the coaches at least open to the idea if Barker is the one driving the discussion (again no info that anything like this is going on just speculating).

I will be very surprised if Barker or McDonald (in spite of what Kill said) ever suit up for the Maroon and Gold again (unless their next team is also maroon and gold). Barker torched every bridge possible and maybe even some extra ones for good measure on his way out the door and once a guy like McDonald is no longer in school the odds on him ever coming back get pretty slim.

The bottom line on this Barker thing is we still have next to nothing on the detail side of things and the media has nothing so talk of him even possibly coming back seems a pre-mature, they could have been meeting about anything.

Given the way he left I just don't see how he comes back but the McDonald situation may have the coaches at least open to the idea if Barker is the one driving the discussion (again no info that anything like this is going on just speculating).

I will be very surprised if Barker or McDonald (in spite of what Kill said) ever suit up for the Maroon and Gold again (unless their next team is also maroon and gold). Barker torched every bridge possible and maybe even some extra ones for good measure on his way out the door and once a guy like McDonald is no longer in school the odds on him ever coming back get pretty slim.

Therein lie the problems with which we can only talk about with no action visible. Hence, let's just plan on moving on.

Therein lie the problems with which we can only talk about with no action visible. Hence, let's just plan on moving on.

Sorry, Don. We're not moving on until Kill starts earning his salary and acting like the coach of a Big 10 football team. All he has to do is apologize (without the waffling this time) to AJ for verbally abusing and demeaning him in front of his teammates and promise never to do it again. Once that happens AJ will apologize to Kill and his teammates for what he did and everything will be good. Nothing could be simpler.

Sorry, Don. We're not moving on until Kill starts earning his salary and acting like the coach of a Big 10 football team. All he has to do is apologize (without the waffling this time) to AJ for verbally abusing and demeaning him in front of his teammates and promise never to do it again. Once than happens AJ will apologize to Kill and his teammates for what he did and everything will be good. Nothing could be simpler.

I don't think you could be further off on anything that you wrote in this post. We, and many others, are on competely opposite ends of our opinions.

Sorry, Don. We're not moving on until Kill starts earning his salary and acting like the coach of a Big 10 football team. All he has to do is apologize (without the waffling this time) to AJ for verbally abusing and demeaning him in front of his teammates and promise never to do it again. Once than happens AJ will apologize to Kill and his teammates for what he did and everything will be good. Nothing could be simpler.

ok AJ.

I don't think you could be further off on anything that you wrote in this post. We, and many others, are on competely opposite ends of our opinions.

+1 Maybe Go4Broke should also write a 4,000 word manifesto why he feels that he is being so abused by coach Kill.:cry:

Sorry, Don. We're not moving on until Kill starts earning his salary and acting like the coach of a Big 10 football team. All he has to do is apologize (without the waffling this time) to AJ for verbally abusing and demeaning him in front of his teammates and promise never to do it again. Once that happens AJ will apologize to Kill and his teammates for what he did and everything will be good. Nothing could be simpler.

It is that simple to build back trust? Couldn't disagree more. Kill is acting like a BIG coach. You just don't like it.

Sorry, Don. We're not moving on until Kill starts earning his salary and acting like the coach of a Big 10 football team. All he has to do is apologize (without the waffling this time) to AJ for verbally abusing and demeaning him in front of his teammates and promise never to do it again. Once that happens AJ will apologize to Kill and his teammates for what he did and everything will be good. Nothing could be simpler.

I don't want Kill to apologize. I don't want Kill to give AJ the time of day. AJ did everything he could to hurt his team on the way out the door, and I want the rest of the team to know that that makes you persona non grata.

Sorry, Don. We're not moving on until Kill starts earning his salary and acting like the coach of a Big 10 football team. All he has to do is apologize (without the waffling this time) to AJ for verbally abusing and demeaning him in front of his teammates and promise never to do it again. Once that happens AJ will apologize to Kill and his teammates for what he did and everything will be good. Nothing could be simpler.

What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

It is that simple to build back trust? Couldn't disagree more. Kill is acting like a BIG coach. You just don't like it.

Don't agree. If the No. 1 receiver on every Top 25 Division I team in America challenged the medical treatment he was receiving for an injury in the way AJ did that player would still be on his team. If most head coaches can figure out a way to keep felons on their team it would be no problem for them to keep a guy like AJ on their team. Kill didn't try near hard enough. He deserves the majority of the criticism for what happened.

Folks who come from the position that AJ was the only person at fault don't want him back; folks (me) that believe his anger and subsequent rant (he certainly went to far) was the result of someone (medical staff) wronging him first, believe that there is room for Kill to give him a second chance. We also would understand if Kill didn't.

Like Chris Rock said, " it's wrong to hit your wife if you come home and find her sexing the mail man and the UPS guy, but if you do......I understand."

My point? AJ response was egregious and he was most certainly in the wrong......but I understand.

Don't agree. If the No. 1 receiver on every other Top 25 Division I team in America challenged the medical treatment he was receiving for an injury in the way AJ did that player would still be on his team. If most head coaches can figure out a way to keep felons on their team it would be no problem for them to keep a guy like AJ on the team. Kill didn't try near hard enough. He deserves the majority of the criticism for what happened.

If it were between Kill ad AJ, it would be easier. Listen to the players on the team.

I understand both sides of the argument, but why I would not want AJ back on the team is the distraction factor. This season should be about building a winning program going forward. If AJ comes back, there would be multiple stories in the media about AJ and how AJ is fitting in and how the coach and AJ are interacting etc. etc. It should be about the team as a whole and how they are making great improvement this year. The team does not need this in the locker room or in the press. Just my opinion.

What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

hahahaha +10000

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