Fan attendance

What were your symptoms? Glad you are feeling better.
Started with the chills, then just really kind of weak for 24-36 hours, temp was only about 100, started getting better in 2 days. I was recliner-bound! Other than just really weak, I never really had any other symptoms outside of that slightly elevated temp.

No, but its nice to be using common sense.

Well, that’s not very nice. You also posted 6 weeks or so ago, wondering how many would die before Alabama pulled the plug on their season. You are, apparently, also of the mind socially distanced outdoor activities lead to a lot of cases. I’ll ask you the same question - where is the evidence? It doesn’t exist, to my knowledge, and I’ve looked into it several times. There have been articles on, eg aerosol clouds from runners etc, but that hasn’t translated into noticeable infections.

If low risk (or higher risk) individuals want to attend a socially distanced outdoor event is there any plausible reason to say no?

So it's safer to have fans in Ames, 2 hours away in the same state, than it is in Iowa City?

I don't know. Why are you asking me?

Are we going to have this conversation where I have to explain that different groups might make different decisions...for any number of reasons?

I don't know. Why are you asking me?

Are we going to have this conversation where I have to explain that different groups might make different decisions...for any number of reasons?
Gonna go out on a limb and offer that the primary issue a lot of people have is what those reasons happen to be, and that it's most definitely not based entirely on safety and the data and the science. People are capable of doing amazing things when they are motivated and have good reason but when the bullshit of the situation and the lack of consistency reeks to high hell, it's a tough pill to swallow

Would you also sign and notarize a statement that if you become ill you will stay at home no matter how sick you are so innocent health care workers are not put at risk for your bravado?
And put in escrow $200,000 to provide care and damages for anyone you may infect?
We don't do that for the Flu or Common cold or for any other contagious illnesses so why should we for Covid?

But I must say I'm also in my early forties. If I were in my seventies or eighties I would not go.

We don't do that for the Flu or Common cold or for any other contagious illnesses so why should we for Covid?
If you have been a medically induced or Trump induced coma since March it will come as a surprise to you that Covid 19 is much more lethal than the common cold more lethal than influenza, there is no certain treatment for it and no vaccine and thousands of health care workers have died taking care of patients with that virus.
Does that answer your question?

If you have been a medically induced or Trump induced coma since March it will come as a surprise to you that Covid 19 is much more lethal than the common cold more lethal than influenza, there is no certain treatment for it and no vaccine and thousands of health care workers have died taking care of patients with that virus.
Does that answer your question?
So your saying healthcare workers don't die from the flu ever or any other illnesses that spread from person to person? Only Covid can kill our health care workers? We don't put up an $200,000 escrow for every glass of alcohol we drink at the bar that can potentially kill and damage for someone. we you don't wanna risk it stay home and never leave your house you can get everything delivered to your house nowadays. I have a better odd of getting Covid at Walmart where people walk 2 feet in front of each other vs going to a football game spaced 20 feet from another person.

So your saying healthcare workers don't die from the flu ever or any other illnesses that spread from person to person? Only Covid can kill our health care workers? We don't put up an $200,000 escrow for every glass of alcohol we drink at the bar that can potentially kill and damage for someone. we you don't wanna risk it stay home and never leave your house you can get everything delivered to your house nowadays. I have a better odd of getting Covid at Walmart where people walk 2 feet in front of each other vs going to a football game spaced 20 feet from another person.
Just one more time, Covid is much more infectious and much more lethal.
If you do not believe that you are either in the Trump bubble or simply unaware.

More lethal to people 65+ and with severe comorbidities, which we knew in March.

If you do not believe that, you're not looking at the data.
The majority of deaths are in people as you have mentioned but not ALL of the deaths.
The thousands of doctors and nurses who have died were not in that susceptible group.
It is beyond me that some people would risk their health and lives and the people that they come in contact with just to attend a football game.

But I must say I'm also in my early forties. If I were in my seventies or eighties I would not go.
Hold on there, pal. Are you really saying that you take responsibility for your own health and make decisions accordingly?

That's just crazy talk

One more time. The World Health Organization (W.H.O.) just announced that lock downs don’t work. Will the B1G allow fans like the SEC? Or will they continue with their scare tactics?
Are we currently in a lock down?

The majority of deaths are in people as you have mentioned but not ALL of the deaths.
The thousands of doctors and nurses who have died were not in that susceptible group.
It is beyond me that some people would risk their health and lives and the people that they come in contact with just to attend a football game.

It is dangerous - but doesn’t seem to be transmit under certain conditions. Is it realistic to equate prolonged close range indoor clinical care, inoculation with aerosol clouds and droplets teeming with virus (in a hospital or other COV+ facility) with a socially distanced outdoor event where droplets and aerosols are rapidly dispersed?

Again, there is no evidence of outdoor transmission under properply spaced conditions. If anyone has evidence otherwise we’d all like to know.

U to allow fans into the games!!

400 per team!? WTF? Shouldn’t allow any opponents’ families and friends in!


U to allow fans into the games!!

400 per team!? WTF? Shouldn’t allow any opponents’ families and friends in!


“Season ticket holders were notified of these changes earlier this year. Fans can purchase cardboard cutouts if they would like to appear as though they’re at the games.”

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