ESPN's Bennett on Claeys: Whom could the Gophers reasonably hire who would be better?

If what you mean by 9 is 2 then you are correct. Josh Gattis (Rd 5) Steve Vallos (Rd 7).
And none of those guys came in as 5 or 4 star guys. Sounds familiar.

Nine players signed/drafted. My mistake.

You want a guy who is a proven mediocre coach (and social security eligible) over a guy who has coached 6 Big Ten games and is in his 40s? Really? I suppose you probably do, since you're not a Gopher fan anyway.

Personally, I wanted The "U" to hire Brent Venables when he was DC at Oklahoma when we hire Kill. Hoping he would bring Josh Heupel along as OC.

I still wouldn't mind prying him away from Clemson. $1.35MM is what he's being paid and the buyout isn't bad, something like 25% of his salary for the remaining years (through 2019, I believe).

You know who should be considered (as he's ready to move to head coach) is Major Applewhite. He's obviously done really good things at Houston.

All this said, I still think Claeys will be coach at the beginning of next season.

Nine players signed/drafted. My mistake.

You want a guy who is a proven mediocre coach (and social security eligible) over a guy who has coached 6 Big Ten games and is in his 40s? Really? I suppose you probably do, since you're not a Gopher fan anyway.
Do you expect Claeys to be here for another 5 years? I don't. I haven't seen anything from the play on the field that makes me want him as my head coach. Recruiting is not going well either.

My point is Grobe has won with less at a place were it is much harder to win. He also runs a clean program. The point is to offer up suggestions that we have a chance of landing. If Grobe was here for 5 years I honestly feel we could really contend and after his time the program would be in better shape than it is right now.

Are you happy with Claeys? Who do you think we should hire?

<b>Do you expect Claeys to be here for another 5 years? I don't. I haven't seen anything from the play on the field that makes me want him as my head coach. Recruiting is not going well either.</b>

My point is Grobe has won with less at a place were it is much harder to win. He also runs a clean program. The point is to offer up suggestions that we have a chance of landing. If Grobe was here for 5 years I honestly feel we could really contend and after his time the program would be in better shape than it is right now.

Are you happy with Claeys? Who do you think we should hire?

Will you give Grobe more than 4 games before giving your verdict on him?

Also, TC has had 1 recruiting class so far and it is universally regarded as our best in a long time. TruDat.

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Do you expect Claeys to be here for another 5 years? I don't. I haven't seen anything from the play on the field that makes me want him as my head coach. Recruiting is not going well either.

My point is Grobe has won with less at a place were it is much harder to win. He also runs a clean program. The point is to offer up suggestions that we have a chance of landing. If Grobe was here for 5 years I honestly feel we could really contend and after his time the program would be in better shape than it is right now.

Are you happy with Claeys? Who do you think we should hire?

Grobe won and then the program went back to sucking while he was still there.... yay?

Dude also doesn't have many years left in him.

You know who should be considered (as he's ready to move to head coach) is Major Applewhite. He's obviously done really good things at Houston.

All this said, I still think Claeys will be coach at the beginning of next season.

I love this idea! However, cheating on your pregnant wife with an intern probably won't get him any head coaching job offers anytime soon.

Coaching searches for mid-tier and lower schools are usually a shot in the dark. The odds are only slightly better for helmet schools. I'd look at the coordinator ranks in the G5 schools and try to find an under the radar talent that had some record of success at a lower level as a head coach. Unless we hire a retread we will need to take some chances. It is what it is.

Do you expect Claeys to be here for another 5 years? I don't. I haven't seen anything from the play on the field that makes me want him as my head coach. Recruiting is not going well either.

My point is Grobe has won with less at a place were it is much harder to win. He also runs a clean program. The point is to offer up suggestions that we have a chance of landing. If Grobe was here for 5 years I honestly feel we could really contend and after his time the program would be in better shape than it is right now.

Are you happy with Claeys? Who do you think we should hire?

I like Claeys' personality. I like his results as a DC. If we'd had this year's offense in 2014, we'd have won at least 10 games and probably more.

I don't know how he'll do as a head coach and neither do any of you. That's the entire point. The fact that we're having this discussion 4 games into his first full year as a head coach shows how fricking crazy and idiotic this fanbase is.

I'm sure if we fire a guy who hasn't proven or disproven anything after one year, the next guy is certain to be so much better. Yeah, that's the ticket.

Will you give Grobe more than 4 games before giving your verdict on him?

Also, TC has had 1 recruiting class so far and it is universally regarded as our best in a long time. TruDat.

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Claeys has had more than four games here. Pretty sure he was the man in charge for part og last year. So if we are going to give him credit for the 2016 recruiting class he also needs to take the blame for his record as interim head coach. As of right now we are 14th in B1G in recruiting. I don't think he should have gotten the job in the first place. I think Minnesota can do better but since I am a Badger (sarcasm) fan nevermind leave Claeys here.
Will you give Grobe more than 4 games before giving your verdict on him?

Also, TC has had 1 recruiting class so far and it is universally regarded as our best in a long time. TruDat.

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Claeys has had more than four games here. Pretty sure he was the man in charge for part og last year. So if we are going to give him credit for the 2016 recruiting class he also needs to take the blame for his record as interim head coach. As of right now we are 14th in B1G in recruiting. I don't think he should have gotten the job in the first place. I think Minnesota can do better but since <b>I am a Badger </b> (sarcasm) fan nevermind leave Claeys here.

Your logic is terrible. Just terrible. The bolded part makes me understand tho.

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Your logic is terrible. Just terrible. The bolded part makes me understand tho.

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The appeal of Claeys was a continuation of Kill. To date Kill/Claeys have not beaten Wisconsin or matched them in recruiting. If I was a Badger fan why would I want change? The way things are seem to work pretty good for them.

Claeys has had more than four games here. Pretty sure he was the man in charge for part og last year. So if we are going to give him credit for the 2016 recruiting class he also needs to take the blame for his record as interim head coach. As of right now we are 14th in B1G in recruiting. I don't think he should have gotten the job in the first place. I think Minnesota can do better but since I am a Badger (sarcasm) fan nevermind leave Claeys here.

He's only coached 4 games where he has the staff and systems he wanted. I think it is fair to criticize him for some of the results from last season but it wasn't really 100% his program until this last off-season.

I have my doubts but I am willing to at least give him a full season before I start even thinking about replacing him.

He's only coached 4 games where he has the staff and systems he wanted. I think it is fair to criticize him for some of the results from last season but it wasn't really 100% his program until this last off-season.

I have my doubts but I am willing to at least give him a full season before I start even thinking about replacing him.
I agree with you there. My point is the other poster was giving Claeys credit for the 2016 recruiting class. He should also get the same amount of blame for the s---ty 6-7 season.

He's only coached 4 games where he has the staff and systems he wanted. I think it is fair to criticize him for some of the results from last season but it wasn't really 100% his program until this last off-season.

I have my doubts but I am willing to at least give him a full season before I start even thinking about replacing him.

Agreed. Let's put this ridiculous talk to an end. It's unbecoming to the program.

Will you give Grobe more than 4 games before giving your verdict on him?

Also, TC has had 1 recruiting class so far and it is universally regarded as our best in a long time. TruDat.

The one that was ranked 51st in the country according to Rivals last year?? That's part of the problem.

The one that was ranked 51st in the country according to Rivals last year?? That's part of the problem.

The team is 3-1 and deserves better support than people like you are presenting here. The freshman class also looks pretty dang good.

The team is 3-1 and deserves better support than people like you are presenting here. The freshman class also looks pretty dang good.
We beat a bad Oregon State and a bad Colorado State by 7 each. Then we turn around and drop one to a Ped State. That is a game we should have won. No f---ing excuses.
"The freshman class also looks pretty dang good." Just like it has for every year. Some how it never gets any better

Jefferson Grad has such a nice ring to it. Like Big Ten Title ring...

I agree with you there. My point is the other poster was giving Claeys credit for the 2016 recruiting class. He should also get the same amount of blame for the s---ty 6-7 season.


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The team is 3-1 and deserves better support than people like you are presenting here. The freshman class also looks pretty dang good.

He's obsessed with those rankings.

If the recruiting rankings are a big part of the problem, he should be defending Claeys for leaving him with miserable talent. Our current team is made up of Jerry Kill recruits and we probably have the collective 9th or 10th most talented team in the Big 10 (according to the Rivals recruiting rankings of the collective classes that make up our squad).

So Claeys should be lauded for his work with Kill's poor recruits.

Charlie Strong is soon going to be available. And I said in another thread, don't forget about Chip Kelly.

Charlie Strong is soon going to be available. And I said in another thread, don't forget about Chip Kelly.

They would all rather work on TV than coach here. We're trending toward NW in terms of fan support and there's not a Gopher version of Fitzgerald that's dying to take the job.

I know a pirate who might be out of work soon. Hehe. Obviously a NO, but he was popular last time around...

per his Q&A:

Jeff H. emails: With fan apathy and thousands of empty seats at TCF Bank Stadium, how many games do you think Tracy Claeys needs to win to keep his job? Will Minnesota ever get serious about being in the Big 10 and go after a coach such as Les Miles, or continue to settle for 6-6 and call it a success?

Brian Bennett: Sheesh, the Golden Gophers lose one overtime game at Penn State and then this? Look, Claeys isn't on the most solid ground in the Twin Cities. Minnesota has a new athletic director, and it wouldn't cost much to buy out Claeys' contract. If things turn south on this season, that bears watching.

But ask yourself this: whom could the Gophers reasonably hire who would be better? Especially since the coaching carousel could be incredibly competitive this offseason with several high-profile openings. Don't forget what happened when the program was eager to shove aside Glen Mason. Claeys is part of a good foundation that Jerry Kill built, and I still think this year's team can do some good things. Beating Iowa would be a great start.

Go Gophers!!
Whom always takes the object. Much like the possessive apostrophe, it is mishandled by people who want to look smart. Tip for morons--never use whom, never use apostrophes. You will be right more often than wrong in this strategy. For whom, to whom, by whom, etc.

The one that was ranked 51st in the country according to Rivals last year?? That's part of the problem.

And they did well instate. A good class in Mn is only reason it was a good class overall.

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And they did well instate. A good class in Mn is only reason it was a good class overall.

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So it WAS a good class then?

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