ESPN's Bennett on Claeys: Whom could the Gophers reasonably hire who would be better?

He's obsessed with those rankings.

If the recruiting rankings are a big part of the problem, he should be defending Claeys for leaving him with miserable talent. Our current team is made up of Jerry Kill recruits and we probably have the collective 9th or 10th most talented team in the Big 10 (according to the Rivals recruiting rankings of the collective classes that make up our squad).

So Claeys should be lauded for his work with Kill's poor recruits.

You aren't getting it, so let me explain...

All wins last year - Jerry Kill.
All losses last year - on Claeys.
Last Year's recruiting class - Jerry Kill.
All previous classes - on Claeys.

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Someone please IM me after the blitzkreig is over so I can crawl out from under the dead bodies and walk my ass home.

And one other person...

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I'm on board that it was great instate class. Overall not so much.

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I'm on board that it was great instate class. Overall not so much.

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And they did well instate. A good class in Mn is only reason <b>it was a good class overall. </b>

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Tough to follow.

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Only in the eyes of Minnesotan's.

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Tip, you should never use an apostrophe. Trust me, if you never do, you will appear smarter. Plurals are far more common then possessives. Contractions can be avoided.

Tip, you should never use an apostrophe. Trust me, if you never do, you will appear smarter. Plurals are far more common then possessives. Contractions can be avoided.

These kind of tip's are very valuable.

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If you set your preference to Clem, you would say this kind of tips is very valuables. Chet shoe, in Columbias Height, Hopkin, and Bloomingtons.

We can talk endlessly about all of the great name coaches that could be available, but here's the sad truth: your administration at the U doesn't give a sh*t about winning football games and won't pay the big $ to get a great coach here. Just look at the names: Tracy Claeys, Jerry Kill, Tim Brewster, Glen Mason, Jim Wacker, John Gutekunst, etc, etc, etc. What makes anyone think this time will be different than the last 50 years?

Having said that, I will always give Kill and Mason credit for significantly improving the program compared to where it was when they started.

Tip, you should never use an apostrophe. Trust me, if you never do, you will appear smarter. Plurals are far more common then possessives. Contractions can be avoided.

I wouldn't lecture people about grammar when the ever-so-difficult then/than conundrum eludes you.

I wouldn't lecture people about grammar when the ever-so-difficult then/than conundrum eludes you.

Fair enough. But it doesn't require me to add something that can just be left out, the number of keystrokes is the same.

The question was who would be better.
Before the sainted Kill hire I was all in for Lynch.
But he was way too different for vanilla MN tastes particularly after Brewster's hot chili.
But he is very competent and has turned WSU around to be at least respectable as he did at Texas Tech.
And he probably is affordable.

The question was who would be better.
Before the sainted Kill hire I was all in for Lynch.
But he was way too different for vanilla MN tastes particularly after Brewster's hot chili.
But he is very competent and has turned WSU around to be at least respectable as he did at Texas Tech.
And he probably is affordable.

Did you write a bunch of letters and make a bunch of phone calls urging the U to hire Lynch? If so, I think I know where you went wrong.

Don't blame me, I wanted Saban.

But seriously if for some reason they got rid of Claeys it would be like a lower level LSU situation where when they go shopping they'd be looking for a guy just like the guy they just fired.

You keep saying, I wanted Saban. Get real. Only a few schools in the nation would get a chance to get him.

You keep saying, I wanted Saban. Get real. Only a few schools in the nation would get a chance to get him.

He has a price like anyone else. Granted our admin doesn't want to pay one tenth of what it would take to get him, but it's theoretically possible.

The question was who would be better.
Before the sainted Kill hire I was all in for Lynch.
But he was way too different for vanilla MN tastes particularly after Brewster's hot chili.
But he is very competent and has turned WSU around to be at least respectable as he did at Texas Tech.
And he probably is affordable.

The Pirate!!! took it to Stanford last night.

The question was who would be better.
Before the sainted Kill hire I was all in for Lynch.
But he was way too different for vanilla MN tastes particularly after Brewster's hot chili.
But he is very competent and has turned WSU around to be at least respectable as he did at Texas Tech.
And he probably is affordable.

Who is Lynch?

And I'm sure you were all in. I'd want my rival to hire a ****ty coach too.

Fair enough. But it doesn't require me to add something that can just be left out, the number of keystrokes is the same.

I can only imagine the number of wasted hour's I have spent adding an apostrophe where one might not have been needed. It make's me sick to my stomach.

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I can only imagine the number of wasted hour's I have spent adding an apostrophe where one might not have been needed. It make's me sick to my stomach.

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I'm sad I find this post more interesting than discussing the Gopher's. I think the problem of the general abuse of apostrophe's is more solvable than fielding a team that looks like it care's in the third quarter.

Can we just double Les Miles salary while at LSU and give him anything else he wants?

Ya, you're right. He probably wouldn't be an improvement...

No doubt he would be an improvement as a coach. But if what the struggling program is hurt by is quarterback play, game management, over-conservatism, and undisciplined play...Les Miles is not the guy you want.

I do think he would be better. I don't think he could win a conference title at minnesota though.

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