Doogie Tweet: "troubling news" involving Gophers bball

I know better than to rush to judgement with anything until some facts are revealed. Let's settle down people.

I agree for the most part. Immediately, looks like there is no way he will play Thursday, which really sucks as that is a crucial game.

Good lord. It never ends. If it really is as Nadine and others are describing though, it should be nothing. With our past and current AD, I'm guessing he's out a few games at minimum, probably until the issue is 'resolved fully.' Simply being out for the Purdue game could be enough to send the season to life-support.

JennyBelsito Jenny B
Well now I feel bad. But the only thing the police would tell me is he violated his order.. so I assumed the worst.

From a facebook friend request, seriously? Are we in like 5th grade? Wow.

Hell no! I'm not running from the Gopher team now. This is when the rest of the team needs its true fans the most. Not fair weather creepazoids.

If that is true its absolutely crazy, arresting someone for a friend request on facebook??

NadineBabu Nadine Babu
I just got the full story on Trevor Mbakwe - will have it typed up in a few. Don't freak out right now though. #Gophers

He should not be suspended at all if this is all because of a facebook friend request.

You really can't make it up. Facebook brings down the Gophers!

Nadine Babu has an interview on the issue and it will be on the front of shortly.

NadineBabu Nadine Babu
I just got the full story on Trevor Mbakwe - will have it typed up in a few. Don't freak out right now though. #Gophers

Do you have a link to GL twitter? Not going to stalk her just want to know what is going on.

On the other hand, I'm fairly surprised that this is big enough news nationally to be the a top Twitter trend in the US, especially during this football game.

In my best Mike Tice impression.. Everybody Calm Down... Lets see what's what first...

Two outcomes..

Trevor is in serious trouble, GopherNation burns down the barn...
Trevor is not in serious trouble, truely a misunderstanding.. Gophernation burns down KSTP

JennyBelsito Jenny B
I needa go take a bath & relax. Stressful. More negative press for another bs reason. I'm starting to hate the justice system.
5 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply » JennyBelsito Jenny B
These girls who wanna date bball players have serious issues. She went to my sons daycare & stalked me. Now she calls the police over fb??
6 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply

Trevor Mbakwe is the 7th most talked about phrase on twitter across the whole United States right now, not the kind of pub he needed...

Disagree. I've never even been on twitter but even I can see the vast discrepancy between stalking and looking at someone's twitter account.

Then maybe you should get on Twitter before you comment about it. That's exactly the point of Twitter. You follow people. You have a feed of all of the comments made by the people you follow.

Then maybe you should get on Twitter before you comment about it. That's exactly the point of Twitter. You follow people. You have a feed of all of the comments made by the people you follow.

Uhh, reread the post Josh was responding to - I think you and him are on the same side

Then maybe you should get on Twitter before you comment about it. That's exactly the point of Twitter. You follow people. You have a feed of all of the comments made by the people you follow.

I don't have to be on twitter to understand how it works. Saying that someone is a stalker because they follow anyone on twitter is not even close to reality.

I don't have to be on twitter to understand how it works. Saying that someone is a stalker because they follow anyone on twitter is not even close to reality.

The sky is blue! F you, the sky is blue! You are dead wrong, the sky is blue!

This sh!t needs to stop with this stalker Twitter bull crap. It's seriously creepy and bizarre. I'm guessing you're close friends with her since you follow her on twitter then? Otherwise there is NO reason for that!!!!

FYI-Twitter and Stalker is an oxymoron. That's all Twitter is, is a bunch of people following each other. Make sure you yell at those damn kids to get off your lawn too ;)

I know how Twitter and FB work, I dont think its weird to friend or follow Gopher players. But if you friend or follow their girlfriend, that is kind of odd, but whatever to each their own.

I know how Twitter and FB work, I dont think its weird to friend or follow Gopher players. But if you friend or follow their girlfriend, that is kind of odd, but whatever to each their own.

I understand that. It's far creepier to friend people you don't know on Facebook. But you don't have to follow someone to see thier Tweets which is the point in this case.

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