Doogie/Myron on Twitter - White investigated in another theft

You'd think that if Royce was with other people around the time it happened that there would be something already written about his friends having an alibi for him.

I hope maybe it's the village starting to raise the child.

No you are probably right and I hope you are right.

I don't take what we have with Nolen for granted (and Hoffarber for that matter). Local kid, comes to the program at a bad time, works hard, overcomes personal difficulties (athsma and academic issues), struggles a little bit, but keeps coming back to work harder. Now it looks like he may be the leader of the pack.

I really hope Nolen does well this year - he deserves to have a good year

You guys make good judges, juries and executioners. Why don't you light your torches and form a lynch mob. You all have great insight and know exactly what's going on here. He has never been convicted of any crime so take a chill pill and let this play out before you crucify this young man.

Probably just his word right now. I don't think they've eliminated him as a suspect yet.

But yeah, four dudes walking in the hall at the same time really means little as if she was taking a shower, that's what, 5,10 minutes worth of time minimum?

no kidding. it takes what 45 seconds to a minute to accomplish the following: walk into an unlocked dorm room, grab a laptop, walk out of the dormitory or back into your own room. as you said being a girl i am guessing that she is in the shower/bathroom for at least 10 minutes minimum. a lot can happen in that amount of time. there are kids coming and going from dorms all of the time. anyone could have taken it. imo, it was likely someone who knows her either as a friend or acquaintance, lives near her in this dorm, knows her schedule and who knows that she often keeps her door unlocked while running basic errands like taking a shower.

just because a random neighbor sees a group of people in the same dorm and happens to recognize one of them as a star basketball player does not necessarily mean he should even be a suspect, imo. at the very least it should be made so public when right now there is so little evidence either way.

will just say that i sure hope it was not royce. if it wasn't, it sure is unfortunate that his name has to be run through the mud again. the first time was his fault and i am not disputing that. this time it may not be, yet he has to wear another scarlet letter because the press go wind of the situation. that doesn't seem fair.

I heard from a student in the dorm that there were many witnesses so whoever did the crime (which this same student says was White) will be caught and punished. Hopefully he's wrong.

Saddest part of the story appears to be the quotes from his grandfather. Appeared as though he found out live while being asked to respond.

I heard from a student in the dorm that there were many witnesses so whoever did the crime (which this same student says was White) will be caught and punished. Hopefully he's wrong.

So this 6-7 black guy just walked out of this dorm room carrying a laptop in front of "many" people?? Wow. Sounds like something out of a movie.

So this 6-7 black guy just walked out of this dorm room carrying a laptop in front of "many" people?? Wow. Sounds like something out of a movie.

i know! some of the stuff people write on here is beyond absurd. i guess i am getting more jaded as i get older, but the way some young kids (and even some adults) piece together what they "consider" to be sound logic and come to conclusions is ridiculous. :rolleyes:

i would use an emoticon of me holding a gun to my head after reading some of the crap spewed on gopherhole, but i can't seem to find that one. ;)

i know! some of the stuff people write on here is beyond absurd. i guess i am getting more jaded as i get older, but the way some young kids (and even some adults) piece together what they "consider" to be sound logic and come to conclusions is ridiculous. :rolleyes:

i would use an emoticon of me holding a gun to my head after reading some of the crap spewed on gopherhole, but i can't seem to find that one. ;)

People are just saying what they hear. If you want straight facts go to ESPN or Rivals or something. You can't expect everyone here to have some sort of legit "insider source." I mean Myron provides piss-poor coverage of the Gophs, rumors included, and he gets paid to cover the team. This is what happens when you unleash the World Wild Web to everyone. Opinions and hear say comes out. I for one enjoy the hear say.

People are just saying what they hear. If you want straight facts go to ESPN or Rivals or something. You can't expect everyone here to have some sort of legit "insider source." I mean Myron provides piss-poor coverage of the Gophs, rumors included, and he gets paid to cover the team. This is what happens when you unleash the World Wild Web to everyone. Opinions and hear say comes out. I for one enjoy the hear say.

well, i don't really enjoy third party hear-say or speculation when you are talking about legal issues surrounding 18 year old kids and their future, basketball not withstanding.

imagine it was you in royce white OR nate tow-arnett's shoes and what is supposed to be priviledged & confidential police information about you get's leaked by some clerical jerk and it is now being spewed all over the internet by gossip queens and internet conspiracy theorists. think about it!

perhaps you should reconsider your statement that you love participating in hear-say and perpetuating unsubstantiated gossip, but i am guessing you won't.

well, i don't really enjoy third party hear-say or speculation when you are talking about legal issues surrounding 18 year old kids and their future, basketball not withstanding.

imagine it was you in royce white OR nate tow-arnett's shoes and what is supposed to be priviledged & confidential police information about you get's leaked by some clerical jerk and it is now being spewed all over the internet by gossip queens and internet conspiracy theorists. think about it!

perhaps you should reconsider your statement that you love participating in hear-say and perpetuating unsubstantiated gossip, but i am guessing you won't.

LOVE the hear say.

well, i don't really enjoy third party hear-say or speculation when you are talking about legal issues surrounding 18 year old kids and their future, basketball not withstanding.

imagine it was you in royce white OR nate tow-arnett's shoes and what is supposed to be priviledged & confidential police information about you get's leaked by some clerical jerk and it is now being spewed all over the internet by gossip queens and internet conspiracy theorists. think about it!

perhaps you should reconsider your statement that you love participating in hear-say and perpetuating unsubstantiated gossip, but i am guessing you won't.

These athletes are playing at a major Division I school in a major media sport. Everyone, especially highly touted recruits, should know that almost everything they do in the public realm will attract attention, good or bad. In today's world with the media scrounging for any leads they can get, and the internet readily available, even their smallest actions (being in a dorm at the time of a theft) will spread like wildfire. I think its about time we wait for a the police report to come out in the next few days.

Sounds like based on the police report/details that there's no hard evidence to suspect that it was him, only a "I saw him there around that time". Unless they found the laptop in his possession, he should be in the clear. I'm still enormously frustrated (especially as a student who is paying full tuition to attend school and get a good degree) at how flippantly he seems to be taking this privilege of playing basketball at the U. You're on a full ride scholarship to go here, start acting like you deserve it.

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