Doogie/Myron on Twitter - White investigated in another theft

What is going on with Gopher basketball players is an absolute disgrace. Gopher fans need to start considering whether or not Tubby is the coach we need for our team.

It's called mudrucking and it's been around since the early 1920's, or the period that was defined by yellow journalism. Journalism will always be like this, but one can only hope Royce White will change.

What is going on with Gopher basketball players is an absolute disgrace. Gopher fans need to start considering whether or not Tubby is the coach we need for our team.

How are these incidents Tubby's fault? How has the way Tubby handled them done anything to question his ethics or grasp on this program?


As someone who works in corporate communications, I can tell you that the U could have danced on this had they wanted.

Bowman could have offered no comment. He could have denied. He could have dragged his feet at least until tomorrow.

The fact that he confirmed means that the U knows about it, things don't look good or that a number of media outlets are onto this story.

In addition, I would think that the story will have much more information in the paper in the morning. This looks like a quick story to get it up on the website asap so they can work on the full story for the paper.

And since the U is confirming that he's being investigated, I'm going to say that that info is accurate. That is certainly a news story. Mr. Basketball, Gophers star recruit, already suspended, facing shoplifting charges all make him very much a public figure.

If he did this and gets whacked in the MOA incident, I hope for his sake the judge offers him leniency in exchange for a tour of duty in Afghanistan as a Marine (if they'd take him). He needs to find himself on the bottom of the pecking order and humbled.

What is going on with Gopher basketball players is an absolute disgrace. Gopher fans need to start considering whether or not Tubby is the coach we need for our team.

This is not Tubby Smith's fault! Where would this program be without him...I don't wanna know!

I want Royce White gone but this situation has not changed my feelings on Tubby. If Tubby allows White to come back then my opinion of Tubby will be impacted but to this point he has done everything he can do regarding White.

Having two of the most highly-regarded incoming players in the Big 10 seemed too good to be true, and it turns out — it was.


As someone who works in corporate communications, I can tell you that the U could have danced on this had they wanted.

A.) Bowman could have offered no comment. He could have denied. He could have dragged his feet at least until tomorrow.

B.) The fact that he confirmed means that 1.) the U knows about it, 2.) things don't look good or 3.) that a number of media outlets are onto this story.

C.) In addition, I would think that the story will have much more information in the paper in the morning. This looks like a quick story to get it up on the website asap so they can work on the full story for the paper.

And since the U is confirming that he's being investigated, I'm going to say that that info is accurate. That is certainly a news story. Mr. Basketball, Gophers star recruit, already suspended, facing shoplifting charges all make him very much a public figure.

a.) corporate communications or not, i would say that you are looking at it from a preconceived viewpoint. he may have just confirmed it right away so that the wanna-be investigative reporters in this town (especially tom lydon) don't run wild with their own rampant speculation and now have to hold fast to the fact that he is only a possible suspect (maybe only a person of interest) and that nothing has been confirmed.

b.) i am going to guess numbers 1 & 3

c.) it is very unfortunate that this is what journalism has become. basically, get a poorly sourced story onto a website as soon as possible (to beat your competition), figure out what the actual facts are later, then publish the actual story, if there even is one. what a wonderful profession!

I thought we were on the road to recovery and then this. When are we going to hit rock bottom? This news is so depressing.

I'm attempting to be in tune with Rick on this one; at this point, it's allegations. His past history may make his innocence seem unlikely, but it does not make him guilty. Not yet anyway.

That being said-when I read this post, the first name that came to my mind was Willie Williams, the notoriously talented and troubled linebacker who began his college career at Miami, bounced around to several different colleges, and when I last read about him was involved in a robbery. I can't imagine White remaining on the team if this latest allegation holds. What a shame and what a squandering of an opportunity.

Finally, since the Mbawke/White/Bostick suspensions came down, I've read numerous lamentations about the Gophers athletic department being snakebit or cursed or surrounded by negativity. Frankly, I find it pretty overblown, at least on the basketball side of things. You want some good news? We have a coach in place who has brought the program (in a very short time) to the point where this news does not spell disaster for the season or the program. The program is at a point where it is bigger than one player; while the loss of Royce White or Trevor Mbawke may be difficult to weather, it's not disastrous. Approaching the third season of Tubby Smith's tenure, we have a veteran team fresh off a NCAA berth. White or Mbawke very well may never play a minute for this program, but the program will endure. That's good news.
Great post, cool. But don't expect cooler heads to prevail!
Nonetheless, it is true that Tubby has brought us to a place where the program is bigger than our top recruits.
I hope for everyone's sake that this is not true, yet when people are troubled they tend to create chaos around themselves - it distracts from the pain.

I thought we were on the road to recovery and then this. When are we going to hit rock bottom? This news is so depressing.

We are not even close to rock bottom. Yes, if true, this is depressing. But on the other hand it could be a good thing. It may be a good thing to get rid of a kid that "just doesn't get it" early on than 2 years down the road.

My goodness. . .

Cory Joseph's gone? Tubby's not the right coach for the Gophers? Can we take a deep breath?

First off, while Joseph may be reading about these allegations with raised eyebrows, I hardly think the situations surrounding White and Mbawke will be the difference in which college he chooses. Among the other contenders for his services are UConn (NCAA investigation in progress), Texas (several current players will have left the program by the time he'd arrive) and Villanova (where several top flight, veteran guards will be on the roster when he'd arrive). Looking at all the situations, the Gophers may be the steadiest, most predictable for C. Joseph to step into next season.

As for the statement about Tubby Smith not being the right man for the job. . .wow, and I mean WOW. There have been several outlandish, over the top, ridiculous statements on this board through the years, but I don't know if any of them can contend with this statement. The chances that Tubby Smith has taken on Royce White and Trevor Mbawke are chances taken by all coaches at one time or another. Sometimes those chances are very rewarding (Caron Butler comes to mind) and other times they flame out. Nothing on either White or Mbawke's "resume" before they committed to the "U" seemed that extraordinary in comparison to other D-1 prospects across the nation. Both have been suspended before they played a minute of basketball for the "U" and although we don't know about everything that occurs behind the scenes (nor should we), we have no reason to believe any cover up was occurring in either player's cases. Beyond that, Tubby Smith's reputation is stellar and well-deserved. He cannot keep young men from making bad choices though, no matter how omnipotent we may wish him to be.

big time talent = issues

That is what you get when you bring in big time talent like 27 yr old sophmore Nathan Tow Arnett.

Royce appears to have some serious mental issues. I have a friend who works with kids with EBD (Emotional Behavioral Disorder), and while Royce gives the appearance of a functioning young man most of the time, his inability to grasp the reality and consequences of his actions and situation is eerily similar to the behavior of the kids that my friend works with every day.

It is unfortunate, but at this point it is hard to believe that we will ever see Royce in maroon and gold, if this most recent allegation proves to be true. I would concur with others that have said that it is unlikely that the University would name him a suspect publicly unless they had good reason to do so. In general, the leadership at the school are ardent supporters of the athletic department and are very careful about what gets out. They tend to adhere strictly to the policy of handling issues internally that need to be handled internally. Thus, this particular piece of news is all the more disturbing and would appear to have credence.

This is a good thing

IF, and I mean IF, this is true, this is great. It means no more "wait and see" with this kid, he will just be gone from the team, from the U, and from our lives for good. Furthermore, as a three time loser, none of our opponents will take a chance on him either. If I were Tubby, I wouldn't even be mad because there is no discretion left and no decision other than immediate expulsion.

Maturi needs to call a meeting with all the teams and lay down the law and state that there is a zero tolerance policy from here screw up you are gone. This is getting to be joke, can we go more than a day or two without these kids screwing up

practice and class are the only two places outside his dorm royce should have been when he was suspended, innocent or not he should be punnished just for being dumb enough to put himself in the situation again

I feel kind of like the fans at U of Arkansas feel every week.


to CoolHand - Tubby will deal with bizarre behavior!!!

Wow, this is absolutely ridiculous. There goes my perceived innocence of college sports and their athletes. What a *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#ty couple weeks.

Um, think she went after the girlfriend and he knocked her down? No crime there- self defense applies equally to defense of others.

The most apparent offense here is the existence of a 27 year old sophomore. I suppose Jeremy Piven will play him in the movie.

Something tells me Cory Joseph has more access to inside information on the program than anybody on the board (Unless JohnnyGopher is Joel Maturi or something), so I wouldn't worry about him getting the wrong impression from a Myron Metcalf tweet.

That is what you get when you bring in big time talent like 27 yr old sophmore Nathan Tow Arnett.

Not being a 5* hoops recruit, I don't like his chances for getting a second chance. He might find himself being the perfect candidate to make an example of with swift justice.

IF, and I mean IF, this is true, this is great. It means no more "wait and see" with this kid, he will just be gone from the team, from the U, and from our lives for good. Furthermore, as a three time loser, none of our opponents will take a chance on him either. If I were Tubby, I wouldn't even be mad because there is no discretion left and no decision other than immediate expulsion.

Exactly. Not a whole lot of reason to get fired up for or against White at this point. Let the facts play out. If he did you'll never hear of him again.

Doogie, is there going to be anything on this 9pm broadcast or no?

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