Doogie/Myron on Twitter - White investigated in another theft

Do you think UNLV fans were complaining in the 90s? Do you think Michigan fans minded Webber getting paid when they played in back-to-back title games? Do you think Binghamton minded their guard dealing coke when they made the tourney last year?

People need to get their priorities straight. This is a win-at-all-costs business. Or have those of you calling for Brewster's head on the football board after every loss changed your tone?

I feel soiled after reading crap like this. Yuck. Go away already.

So according to Myron's story Royce was only labeled as a suspect because he was in the dorm at the time of the theft?

So that would the dorm at the time of the theft was implicated?

just catching up with this thread...

So according to Myron's story Royce was only labeled as a suspect because he was in the dorm at the time of the theft?

So that would the dorm at the time of the theft was implicated?

Yup, seems pretty "loose" to me but there does appear to be "witnesses" so we will see how it plays out.

On another topic thrashed out on this thread, I dont want a final four if the team and school has to put up with thieves, women-beaters, and other social deviants. I would prefer we compete with quality kids who want to make something honorable of their lives.

Winning basketball games isnt the same as winning in life.

As for Tubby, I love Tubby and have confidence he will work this out. The team we have in hand can compete in the big ten and I am proud of them as representatives of the U and the state.

To our current seniors I say this :clap: :clap: :clap:

I feel soiled after reading crap like this. Yuck. Go away already.

I'm sorry you were home-schooled and totally sheltered into your adult years. I'm also sorry you have no concept of sarcasm.

I'm sorry you were home-schooled and totally sheltered into your adult years. I'm also sorry you have no concept of sarcasm.

WriterGoph: That is the beauty of posts and blogging.... sarcasm is not caught, because the words are just words, and as is illustrated in real talking, tone of voice, expression of face, etc. are missing... So sarcasm comes across as so well said by the great Bob Dylan..."Idiot Wind".

WriterGoph: That is the beauty of posts and blogging.... sarcasm is not caught, because the words are just words, and as is illustrated in real talking, tone of voice, expression of face, etc. are missing... So sarcasm comes across as so well said by the great Bob Dylan..."Idiot Wind".

Thanks for the lesson. So are you telling me that every columnist in the country that writes a sarcastic piece has to provide a "sarcasm disclaimer"? I've written a lot of columns and been around newspapers a long time and never seen that before.

I'd love to see Royce on the squad this year because I think he'd help this team exceed expectations.

However, for Royce's sake and not the teams, I think it's extremely crucial to get this young man some help to get him back on track. It's obvious that he's having some issues with his decision making skills and he needs to realize how much he is tarnishing his reputation and his potential value in the future.

Many on here are talking from both sides of their mouths. On one hand, they want Brewster to turn the program around from 40 years of mediocrity. On the other hand, they see things like this and they just want a program to be proud of with model citizens. Here is a news flash. Pick one or the other because in this day and age, you can't have both. So, do you want to take some chances on top flight athletes or do you want to be mediocre and proud? Florida's football team has had 40+ arrests with 9 felonies since 2006. Urban Meyer wins coach of the year. Pick your poison but don't expect both to happen quickly.

Many on here are talking from both sides of their mouths. On one hand, they want Brewster to turn the program around from 40 years of mediocrity. On the other hand, they see things like this and they just want a program to be proud of with model citizens. Here is a news flash. Pick one or the other because in this day and age, you can't have both. So, do you want to take some chances on top flight athletes or do you want to be mediocre and proud? Florida's football team has had 40+ arrests with 9 felonies since 2006. Urban Meyer wins coach of the year. Pick your poison but don't expect both to happen quickly.


I'm sorry you were home-schooled and totally sheltered into your adult years. I'm also sorry you have no concept of sarcasm.

So on one hand you're defending him like he's your little brother and on the other hand you're making sarcastic remarks about the situation.

Gee. Who would know. :rolleyes:

Many on here are talking from both sides of their mouths. On one hand, they want Brewster to turn the program around from 40 years of mediocrity. On the other hand, they see things like this and they just want a program to be proud of with model citizens. Here is a news flash. Pick one or the other because in this day and age, you can't have both. So, do you want to take some chances on top flight athletes or do you want to be mediocre and proud? Florida's football team has had 40+ arrests with 9 felonies since 2006. Urban Meyer wins coach of the year. Pick your poison but don't expect both to happen quickly.

I am willing to take a chance with top flight athletes. However, when they steal and assault security guards they should be kicked of the team for good. No second chances for those kinds of crimes. Zero tolerance, baby!

I am willing to take a chance with top flight athletes. However, when they steal and assault security guards they should be kicked of the team for good. No second chances for those kinds of crimes. Zero tolerance, baby!

Dude, it's a misdemeanor crime. Is there zero tolerance on reckless driving or minor consumptions? I understand that your values and morals may be ahead of the law, but in these kind of instances you have to act based on how the law deems the crime, which in this instance is very minor.

I won't rush to conclusions just yet. But if he's simply being investigated because he was in the dorm at the time and is a 'usual suspect' and nothing else, this should be cleared up in a day or two. If it's not and he's going to be charged, that's it. No need to wait for any hearings, he's had enough strikes.

I won't rush to conclusions just yet. But if he's simply being investigated because he was in the dorm at the time and is a 'usual suspect' and nothing else, this should be cleared up in a day or two. If it's not and he's going to be charged, that's it. No need to wait for any hearings, he's had enough strikes.

I find it funny/ disturbing that some of you are talking about a star recruit who is already considered one of the "usual suspects" for crimes on campus before he has even stepped foot on the court, as if it's not big deal.

Dude, it's a misdemeanor crime. Is there zero tolerance on reckless driving or minor consumptions? I understand that your values and morals may be ahead of the law, but in these kind of instances you have to act based on how the law deems the crime, which in this instance is very minor.

That is your opinion. The University of Wisconsin and the University of Illinois (academically higher rated schools than the U) agree with my opinion. Theft and assault are crimes that will get you kicked of their athletic teams. It embarasses me that the U is taking a different approach. We are never going to become one of the Top 5 public research universities in the Big 10 (much less the U.S. or the world) by tolerating substandard behavior by anyone who publicly represents our school. There are plenty of good athletes that manage to succeed at their sports and get through school without stealing a dime and without assaulting anyone. They are the people I want to play for the U.

That is your opinion. The University of Wisconsin and the University of Illinois (academically higher rated schools than the U) agree with my opinion. Theft and assault are crimes that will get you kicked of their athletic teams.

I would recommend against using Wisky or Illinois as shining examples for disciplining athletes. Ever heard of Jamar Smith? Booker Stanley? Jake Ikegwonou (sp?)? Lance Smith?

Take the time to educate yourself before spouting off and condemning this program. It makes you look foolish.

That is your opinion. The University of Wisconsin and the University of Illinois (academically higher rated schools than the U) agree with my opinion. Theft and assault are crimes that will get you kicked of their athletic teams. It embarasses me that the U is taking a different approach. We are never going to become one of the Top 5 public research universities in the Big 10 (much less the U.S. or the world) by tolerating substandard behavior by anyone who publicly represents our school. There are plenty of good athletes that manage to succeed at their sports and get through school without stealing a dime and without assaulting anyone. They are the people I want to play for the U.

You can't seriously be comparing our position as a reserach institution to the discipline on our basketball team? Are you being sarcastic or is that a serious argument? I'm not sure if you recall but Yale just recently had a murder on campus, actually in a school building. Is this crime going to affect their position as one of the most academically prestigious Universities in the world? I would argue that it's pretty doubtful.

I don't think you realize the magnitude to which sports has an affect on a University. If you win your University gets more exposure. If you win people forget about issues that may have arose with how you got there. That's just my opinion.

I find it funny/ disturbing that some of you are talking about a star recruit who is already considered one of the "usual suspects" for crimes on campus before he has even stepped foot on the court, as if it's not big deal.

I'm in no way saying it's no big deal. I'm saying we don't know the details of this latest incident yet. He may be considered a suspect based on nothing more then his prior transgretions and the fact that he was in the dorm at the time. If that's all it's based on, it should be cleared up soon. If it's not, there's probably fire to this smoke. If he's charged, kick him out of school. Period.

What's felonious about shoplifting?

It's a misdemeanor at that level. Also, I would gladly toss a rent-a-cop around too if I was 6-7. That would be a great time.

I wonder who Royce will start in place of against Butler? Let's talk matchups.

Do you think UNLV fans were complaining in the 90s? Do you think Michigan fans minded Webber getting paid when they played in back-to-back title games? Do you think Binghamton minded their guard dealing coke when they made the tourney last year?

People need to get their priorities straight. This is a win-at-all-costs business. Or have those of you calling for Brewster's head on the football board after every loss changed your tone?

Some of us are plenty concerned with the discipline issues both on and off the field at Bierman. In fact, I've yet to see a call for additional thugs on the team.

If he has stolen the laptop he will not be in the program long, this will be true whether it can be proven or not. Something else will happen sooner than later if indeed he did take it. Time will tell, he won't be playing this year either way is my guess.

Comparison between Wisconsin and UM situations

Yes it is true. Both were removed from the team through the student disiplinary policy. DT decided to leave the school because he no longer had a free ride. The other (Glover) decided to stay in school and apply for reinstatement. He was denied. Apparently he may stay in school and reapply next year. Neither situtation even go to Bo Ryan. Bo had no say in the reinstatement. Both kids are on the first offender program.

For Royce, I think there would be value in keeping him on the team but not let him play this year. He could be the king of the scout team but he would be exposed to Tubby's influence. That would be the kid's last and best chance of turning things around. If guilty this time, it may already be too late.

This has nothing to do with Royce and if he's guilty I'm fine with him getting kicked off.

But I'm pretty sick of seeing this about Wisconsin because it's not entirely true. Both those kids were suspended initially. Diamond Taylor left school and transferred before he was ever kicked off. Glover was kicked off but he was also a walkon. It's not like it was necessary to yank his scholarship or leave a scholarship open. Also, to this point their thefts were of much greater value and was also on campus from fellow students.

Now, all that said...again, if Royce is guilty here I have no problem and actually would encourage that he be dismissed from the team. He's had his chances to change his life. It's sad a kid pisses away an opportunity for his life like this but maybe it's what he needs to wake up.

Myron Tweets

Royce White tells Gophers he's innocent, according to source close to the program.

Well, alrighty then.

Honestly, I'm really hoping this kid pulls his head out of his ass and Tubby is able to straighten him out.

Does anyone really know what happened?

I've heard or read four different reports on this.

From KQ this morning, that the girl was sleeping in her room and her laptop was stolen.

From FOX 9-

University of Minnesota Deputy Police Chief Chuck Miner said the laptop was stolen from a student's room at Territorial Hall around 8:30 p.m. Saturday.

The victim of the alleged theft told police she left her room unlocked while taking a shower and returned her laptop was gone. A neighbor across the hall saw four men, one of whom she recognized from news reports as Royce White, in the hallway at the same time.

No one saw Royce White take the laptop and the other men have not been identified.

The others from the Strib and Pioneer press didn't go into any sort of detail.

Myron Tweets

Well, alrighty then.

Honestly, I'm really hoping this kid pulls his head out of his ass and Tubby is able to straighten him out.

did he tell them he was innocent because the police eliminated him as a suspect or is this just his word to the team?

did he tell them he was innocent because the police eliminated him as a suspect or is this just his word to the team?

Probably just his word right now. I don't think they've eliminated him as a suspect yet.

But yeah, four dudes walking in the hall at the same time really means little as if she was taking a shower, that's what, 5,10 minutes worth of time minimum?

Probably just his word right now. I don't think they've eliminated him as a suspect yet.

But yeah, four dudes walking in the hall at the same time really means little as if she was taking a shower, that's what, 5,10 minutes worth of time minimum?

for a girl it could be anywhere from 5 minutes to 1 hour.

So it fair to say that if he hadn't been all over the news last week, he may not have been the one recognizeable face in this instance? I guess I don't really feel sorry for him though.

did he tell them he was innocent because the police eliminated him as a suspect or is this just his word to the team?

Myron's tweet. No idea.

Dorms like Territorial hall are like what my daughter stayed in. Double rooms, common baths, in this case, according the the U website, 24 rooms per common bath. ( yuck ). Co-ed dorm, those places are like friggin Grand Central Station.

Gotta love Al Nolen's Tweet though..

Gotta remind your self what u do doesn't only affect you its bigger then just YOU!

Aimed at Royce?

Another case of being guilty until proven innocent.

I know he's created his own reputation, but I hope he's innocent, and for his sake, that he's doing the right thing to recognize his potential.

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