Doogie/Myron on Twitter - White investigated in another theft

As for Royce, you lie with dogs, you get fleas. He's entitled to due process in the court of law, but not within the athletic dept. at the University of Minnesota. Because today's media should enjoy little more credibility than say a Royce White at this point, the police investigation should play out. If the law enforcement investigation suggests Rocye was involved, he should see if Jay Pivac will take him in. Royce himself should be to blame for the cloud that follows him around, not the media, the University or anyone else.

As more news becomes available

Earlier I wrote that I was bothered by Myron's tweet about Royce White. In that tweet, the report was attributed to an unidentified "University official"

Since then, the report has been converted to the online version of the Strib and the name of the University official provided.

It's an investigation and not a charge. I think it becomes a judgement call to name White as being a subject of an investigation because too quickly people jump to the "where there's smoke, there must be a fire" conclusion. If I were a reporter, I think I'd sit on the story a bit longer but to print or not is arguable.

If a charge is issued, I'd think Tubby would simply extend the suspension. If White's found guilty of the charges from both events, I'm pretty confident that Tubby will suspend him from the team for the balance of this year at a minimum.

As for Royce, you lie with dogs, you get fleas. He's entitled to due process in the court of law, but not within the athletic dept. at the University of Minnesota. Because today's media should enjoy little more credibility than say a Royce White at this point, the police investigation should play out. If the law enforcement investigation suggests Rocye was involved, he should see if Jay Pivac will take him in. Royce himself should be to blame for the cloud that follows him around, not the media, the University or anyone else.

Wow....a post on here that actually makes sense and doesn't flame another fellow Gopher fan. Well done, Swede!

I've supported Royce all along. Not afraid to admit that I've only done so because I think he would be huge for our team. That being said, if this is true he needs to go.

Yeah, even if not true, the fact that it could get to the point of a "possible suspect" or even a "person of interest" is nothin but stupidity on Royce's part, unless he's got someone who REALLY wants to go after him and bring him down. I kinda doubt that though.

I've supported Royce all along. Not afraid to admit that I've only done so because I think he would be huge for our team. That being said, if this is true he needs to go.

Honest response, Tubbytown. Appreciated!

Does FOT or anyone else have knowledge of a past player that has given Tubby this much trouble and how was he dealt with? Thx

Honest response, Tubbytown. Appreciated!

There comes a point where the image of the program, Coach Smith, and the U as a whole has to take precedence. I think we are reaching that point....can you even imagine the harassment he would get at road games? Hello "Peter Warrick Treatment", just replace Dillard's bags with Macy's bags, along with some rather friendly cheers and you have yourself a disaster. If he hasn't figured it out yet, he never will. I hate giving up hope on people, but this one's a lost cause.

Yeah, even if not true, the fact that it could get to the point of a "possible suspect" or even a "person of interest" is nothin but stupidity on Royce's part, unless he's got someone who REALLY wants to go after him and bring him down. I kinda doubt that though.

This has got to be one of the stupidest things I have ever read. Wow.

You realize I could call the cops and say "Monty raped a child" and you would automatically be a possible suspect or person of interest. You realize that, don't you?

WTF do you think it takes to become a "possible suspect"? A call or a complaint creates an investigation. That's all it takes.

Doesn't anyone on here remember when J.R. Rider had rape allegations thrown his way during the summer of 1996? Some woman made the claims and the media jumped all over it thinking it was true "because it was J.R." A day later, it came out that the claims were unsupported.

To say that you doubt Royce would have someone that would want to tarnish his name is hilarious. Look how much sh*t people talked after he transferred to Hopkins. Look how much sh*t people talked on here when the MOA stuff came out. And you don't think there are haters who would wanna add fuel to the fire??

Get real and let the facts play out before you act like Pontius Pilate...and that goes for everyone who has already tried and convicted him.

Is it ironic that I had to quit reading this thread to put my daughter to bed. She wanted to read a Dora book, in which one character is "Swipe The Fox". You're supposed to tell Swipe, "don't swipe my things" and he doesn't. Does that work for Royce?

Further irony is that if Royce could stay focused, he'll likely be the richest person on the team, and maybe in the entire University enrollment.

I was all for giving Royce a break and lesson learned from the Mall incident. If the newest accusation is true, he needs to be dismissed from the U. The one thing that could change my mind is if he had a preexisting medical condition because this behavior is beyond stupid. If he had a pre-existing medical condition I think a suspension from games from the year but allow him to stay on the team if that would provide stability to him mentally. My hunch is we'll have an extra scholarship for 2011.

There comes a point where the image of the program, Coach Smith, and the U as a whole has to take precedence. I think we are reaching that point....can you even imagine the harassment he would get at road games? Hello "Peter Warrick Treatment", just replace Dillard's bags with Macy's bags, along with some rather friendly cheers and you have yourself a disaster. If he hasn't figured it out yet, he never will. I hate giving up hope on people, but this one's a lost cause.

Oh, oh, oh, what a guy. Didn't Florida State win a national championship with Warrick? I'm sure all those Seminoles fans were really hating it when that happened. So sure.

Get over yourself and stop acting like you wouldn't trade a Final Four trip for some suspensions.

This has got to be one of the stupidest things I have ever read. Wow.

You realize I could call the cops and say "Monty raped a child" and you would automatically be a possible suspect or person of interest. You realize that, don't you?

WTF do you think it takes to become a "possible suspect"? A call or a complaint creates an investigation. That's all it takes.

Doesn't anyone on here remember when J.R. Rider had rape allegations thrown his way during the summer of 1996? Some woman made the claims and the media jumped all over it thinking it was true "because it was J.R." A day later, it came out that the claims were unsupported.

To say that you doubt Royce would have someone that would want to tarnish his name is hilarious. Look how much sh*t people talked after he transferred to Hopkins. Look how much sh*t people talked on here when the MOA stuff came out. And you don't think there are haters who would wanna add fuel to the fire??

Get real and let the facts play out before you act like Pontius Pilate...and that goes for everyone who has already tried and convicted him.

Just because I personally kinda have doubts, doesn't mean it's not possible. Trust me, I know all about being falsely accused, and all that. I, myself, as well as friends have gone down that road. It happens, no question about it. But guess what? None of us had the baggage this dude's got. And that, unfortunately for him, works against him in this case. When it comes out he has nothing to do with it, then alright, that's the deal, good for him. But just because I have my doubts at the moment (can you blame anyone for thinking that based on his history?) doesn't make me right or make me wrong. I have far from already convicted the dude, I just simply have my doubts. I think you horribly overreacted to that post quite a bit, really.

Oh, oh, oh, what a guy. Didn't Florida State win a national championship with Warrick? I'm sure all those Seminoles fans were really hating it when that happened. So sure.

Get over yourself and stop acting like you wouldn't trade a Final Four trip for some suspensions.

I would absolutely trade a Final 4 trip for some suspensions, but you're making it seem like a minor issue. Like I said, I was fine with the first thing. Stole something once, whatever. But to be stupid enough to do it again (if these rumors are true) is a whole different story. What makes you think he wont keep on doing it over and over again? Obviously a ton of negative media towards him, and a suspension didn't stop him. What will? The point is, why bring down our team for one player who can't keep his head on straight? He's just being detrimental to the team, get rid of him before he brings us down even farther.

Just because I personally kinda have doubts, doesn't mean it's not possible. Trust me, I know all about being falsely accused, and all that. I, myself, as well as friends have gone down that road. It happens, no question about it. But guess what? None of us had the baggage this dude's got. And that, unfortunately for him, works against him in this case. When it comes out he has nothing to do with it, then alright, that's the deal, good for him. But just because I have my doubts at the moment (can you blame anyone for thinking that based on his history?) doesn't make me right or make me wrong. I have far from already convicted the dude, I just simply have my doubts. I think you horribly overreacted to that post quite a bit, really.

You're right. I shouldn't have aimed that at you. It was aimed at everyone who has already said "he should never suit up for the U." I just reacted to your post because it was near the end.

We know almost nothing about what's going on and people act like Twitter is the final word. Come on, people.

I would absolutely trade a Final 4 trip for some suspensions, but you're making it seem like a minor issue. Like I said, I was fine with the first thing. Stole something once, whatever. But to be stupid enough to do it again (if these rumors are true) is a whole different story. What makes you think he wont keep on doing it over and over again? Obviously a ton of negative media towards him, and a suspension didn't stop him. What will? The point is, why bring down our team for one player who can't keep his head on straight? He's just being detrimental to the team, get rid of him before he brings us down even farther.

I will judge when we know more. Everyone is gonna feel like real pricks if this comes out to be nothing.

Following all the news about White & Bostick following the good reviews of Messrs Decker and Williams it reminds me that college athletes are like the population as a whole. With about 100 football and basketball athletes it's impossible to guess how high some of them will soar or the depths to which some of them will plummet. Even while over time they will be mostly normal, good 18-21 year old students. I imagine the numbers aren't out of line with any group of 100 college students.

Oly problem is our athletes get on the front page of the newspaper.

Wow. You don't check in for a few hours and look what's happened. All of this is a knee jerk reaction. If Royce is actually stupid enough to do something like this, then absolutely - don't want him on the team and would prefer not to hear of him again.

If he did then God help him overcome whatever he's dealing with. It doesn't bode well for his life.

Until then though, I'll presume he's innocent and not involved in any more trouble. Like it or not the sun will rise tomorrow. Let's all settle down a bit until more is known.

You're right. I shouldn't have aimed that at you. It was aimed at everyone who has already said "he should never suit up for the U." I just reacted to your post because it was near the end.

We know almost nothing about what's going on and people act like Twitter is the final word. Come on, people.

Haha that's cool, I can see how it came off a little rough, but yeah I do agree on that, a little wait and see should probably take place before judgment. It's just, it seems like one thing after another for this guy. It'd be great to be able to look three years from now and say "Wow, that guy was a real pain when he got here but look at him now, a national player of the year candidate, great teammate, and much more mature individual" lol.

I will judge when we know more. Everyone is gonna feel like real pricks if this comes out to be nothing.

Absolutely. And if you would've read my post a little more thoroughly, you might have seen that I was in no way saying he was guilty, nor was I crucifying him before we know what really happened. I very clearly said IF these rumors are true.

Absolutely. And if you would've read my post a little more thoroughly, you might have seen that I was in no way saying he was guilty, nor was I crucifying him before we know what really happened. I very clearly said IF these rumors are true.

"Everyone" = people who are already saying he she be kicked off the team because the cops wanted to talk to him

For God's Sake

I do not see Royce White playing for the Gophers this season...maybe ever. If for some reason this is all true, the program needs to wash their hands of him and get the young man some help.
For God's sake, where there's smoke, there's fire. This kid has been kicked out of the dorms, had an embarassing and felonious incident, and now is implicated in is only two months in. If nothing else, he needs to sit for the year and somehow try to get his decision-making in order. Maybe, a big maybe, he can take some stock in who he is and who he could be. Why! Why! Why!

For God's sake, where there's smoke, there's fire. This kid has been kicked out of the dorms, had an embarassing and felonious incident, and now is implicated in is only two months in. If nothing else, he needs to sit for the year and somehow try to get his decision-making in order. Maybe, a big maybe, he can take some stock in who he is and who he could be. Why! Why! Why!

What's felonious about shoplifting?

It's a misdemeanor at that level. Also, I would gladly toss a rent-a-cop around too if I was 6-7. That would be a great time.

I wonder who Royce will start in place of against Butler? Let's talk matchups.

Do you think UNLV fans were complaining in the 90s? Do you think Michigan fans minded Webber getting paid when they played in back-to-back title games? Do you think Binghamton minded their guard dealing coke when they made the tourney last year?

People need to get their priorities straight. This is a win-at-all-costs business. Or have those of you calling for Brewster's head on the football board after every loss changed your tone?

What's felonious about shoplifting?

It's a misdemeanor at that level. Also, I would gladly toss a rent-a-cop around too if I was 6-7. That would be a great time.

I wonder who Royce will start in place of against Butler? Let's talk matchups.

Do you think UNLV fans were complaining in the 90s? Do you think Michigan fans minded Webber getting paid when they played in back-to-back title games? Do you think Binghamton minded their guard dealing coke when they made the tourney last year?

People need to get their priorities straight. This is a win-at-all-costs business. Or have those of you calling for Brewster's head on the football board after every loss changed your tone?

You are 100% wrong.

But I'm pretty sick of seeing this about Wisconsin because it's not entirely true. Both those kids were suspended initially. Diamond Taylor left school and transferred before he was ever kicked off. Glover was kicked off but he was also a walkon. It's not like it was necessary to yank his scholarship or leave a scholarship open. Also, to this point their thefts were of much greater value and was also on campus from fellow students.

Taylor and Glover both said that Taylor was the instigator. It was pretty clear that Taylor was going to be kicked off the team and that he transferred before that could happen. See, at UW they have a committee that examines instances of misconduct by athletes. This takes disciplinary action out of the hands of the coach, so they don't try to brush it under the rug or pretend what happened was not significant enough to garner suspension. Minnesota should probably consider such a committee. Taylor was just given his due process under the committee's review of his misconduct; he bolted almost immediately after his arrest.

What's felonious about shoplifting?

It's a misdemeanor at that level. Also, I would gladly toss a rent-a-cop around too if I was 6-7. That would be a great time.

I wonder who Royce will start in place of against Butler? Let's talk matchups.

Do you think UNLV fans were complaining in the 90s? Do you think Michigan fans minded Webber getting paid when they played in back-to-back title games? Do you think Binghamton minded their guard dealing coke when they made the tourney last year?

People need to get their priorities straight. This is a win-at-all-costs business. Or have those of you calling for Brewster's head on the football board after every loss changed your tone?


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