Dome collapse- inside job?

I'm sure this is common knowledge, but I just read something on one of the helpful links that RyeGrass sent us and I wanted to make sure it was true. It said that the planes flown into the towers contained all of Obama's original Kenyan birth certificates.

If that's true, RyeGrass, why would W order them destroyed? That makes no sense. Please help.

Ask yourself this question, are secret society bonds stronger than political affiliations? I think you know the answer.

Some threads are epic because they spin into something really funny (oops wrong forum, Tx statues)

Some are epic because they lead to unexpected places (dpo's chase for Al Golden)

This thread has reached epic levels of stupidity (Stupid from the beginning, pushed the boundaries of dumbest thread I've ever read throughout, and pushed over the edge when DrDon and Kaliq got into a religious fight between.)

I tried to kill this thread but it won't die. Mods not much help.

I can conclusively prove that there are multiple people that were in New York City on 9/11/2001 who were also in MINNEAPOLIS the day the dome collapsed. Coincidence? I think not! I used to think they were just my neighbors that moved from New York a couple years ago, but now that the dome has collapsed I think it's pretty obvious they are part of a top-secret demolition squad for hire that was planted here waiting for a storm to cover their nefarious deed. It took 3 years, but it looks like they finally accomplished their mission: bring down the dome and bring the Vikes a new stadium. It probably cost a million tops to house them here, so the Vikings will likely come out WAY ahead financially. Follow the money, people. WAKE UP!

I'd welcome any evidence to the contrary, but I doubt you'll find it. The truth CAN be hard to accept!

I can conclusively prove that there are multiple people that were in New York City on 9/11/2001 who were also in MINNEAPOLIS the day the dome collapsed. Coincidence? I think not! I used to think they were just my neighbors that moved from New York a couple years ago, but now that the dome has collapsed I think it's pretty obvious they are part of a top-secret demolition squad for hire that was planted here waiting for a storm to cover their nefarious deed. It took 3 years, but it looks like they finally accomplished their mission: bring down the dome and bring the Vikes a new stadium. It probably cost a million tops to house them here, so the Vikings will likely come out WAY ahead financially. Follow the money, people. WAKE UP!

I'd welcome any evidence to the contrary, but I doubt you'll find it. The truth CAN be hard to accept!

Well I think that proves it, the Vikings are working with the Taliban!!!!!

The replay of the video of the Dome Roof Collapse clearly shows a guy walking around with a gun shooting holes in the roof until...BINGO!... mission accomplished.

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