Dome collapse- inside job?

How so? I responded to your post:

"Hmm, what to do today...let's see, I think I'll go on a University of Minnesota Golden Gophers football message board, post a Truther thread disguised as a Metrodome roof collapse thread, and see what happens. Yup, this makes total sense, and I'm sure it will engender some real productive conversation, too."

your reply ended with a question mark asking about my 911 theories.....My original post was merely trying to show a parallel with 911...I had no intention to taking it beyond that because the parallel I was using is fairly well known and obvious in most parts, I didn't realize it would get everyone up in arms. my apologies


your reply ended with a question mark asking about my 911 theories.....My original post was merely trying to show a parallel with 911...I had no intention to taking it beyond that because the parallel I was using is fairly well known and obvious in most parts, I didn't realize it would get everyone up in arms. my apologies

If you had any doubt he's just trolling it should disappear here. Pretty funny though.

What??? 9/11 conspiracy theories aren't widely accepted???

If you had any doubt he's just trolling it should disappear here. Pretty funny though.

What??? 9/11 conspiracy theories aren't widely accepted???

If you're in a little bubble, anything can seem widely accepted.

" something intelligent..." from RyeGuy.

RyeGuy: Practice what you preach!!!! :banghead:

I am going to repeat an earlier comment I made on this thread. Yee Gads, RyeGuy, you indeed put new credence to the term... :horse: :banghead: more :horse: :banghead: some more.

I think I've been called just about every name in the book for this post. Fair ball...One of my original responses was to challenge anyone here to challenge the scientists, engineers, gov't whistle blowers, pilots, police and fire fighters who all have the same beliefs.....So far in 6 pages of posts, it hasnt' happened and I doubt it will...... bring on the name calling..much easier than actually looking at what they are saying and accepting it...

I think I've been called just about every name in the book for this post. Fair ball...One of my original responses was to challenge anyone here to challenge the scientists, engineers, gov't whistle blowers, pilots, police and fire fighters who all have the same beliefs.....So far in 6 pages of posts, it hasnt' happened and I doubt it will...... bring on the name calling..much easier than actually looking at what they are saying and accepting it...

What kind of ridiculousness are you going to say next? That temperatures in Tennessee actually follow the laws of averages?

What kind of ridiculousness are you going to say next? That temperatures in Tennessee actually follow the laws of averages?

I'm not saying members, scientists, engineers, gov't whistle blowers, pilots, police and fire fighters who all have the same beliefs are saying it......Send your post to a 911 family member and see how they take it... post was a lame attempt at humor circa the Middle Tennessee St. game.

For the record though, I don't generally believe in conspiracy theories because I don't think people are smart enough to pull them off.

It was a joke, old man.

Joking or not, whippersnapper..never, ever, joking or otherwise, call me and "old man" you young frikking cochsucher. I have forgotten more than you will ever know. That is because I am "tolerant".

no that's what scientists, professors, military and engineers are saying...

Feel free to debate them but I suspect the replies will be "conspiracy theorist" , "tin foil hat" , "nut job" etc etc....

Um wut?

Wait a minute, you're from Winnipeg, right? Are you that guy who was riding on the bus and then you cut off the guy's head next to you and ate it? Man, you are allllll right.

Joking or not, whippersnapper..never, ever, joking or otherwise, call me and "old man" you young frikking cochsucher. I have forgotten more than you will ever know. That is because I am "tolerant".

You are a real arrogant dickhead, old man.

so building 7 looks like a normal building collapse to you? falling at free fall speed into its own footprint as a result of a few office fires with no resistance?.. back to physics class for you sir....

I took physics, and have a degree in Architecture. Thanks though numb-nuts. Building 7 was the central command post and was equipped with diesel fuel lines to run generators through out the building, these lines caught fire and just like WTC 1 and WTC 2, the structural steel holding up the building collapsed due to the upper weight compressing the weakened lower steel where the debris from the first two towers collapsed. I know morons like you love conspiracies and just can't accept reality, I guess that's what makes life fun for you..? :cool:

I actually think Santa Claus and the Little Mermaid we're behind the 9/11 attacks, not 10 of the 19 Muslim fanatic terrorist hijackers flying 2 planes into the buildings... under the direct order by President Bush, with Rudolph leading the way, Santa flew his sleigh straight into Tower 1. No Joke.

I think I've been called just about every name in the book for this post. Fair ball...One of my original responses was to challenge anyone here to challenge the scientists, engineers, gov't whistle blowers, pilots, police and fire fighters who all have the same beliefs.....So far in 6 pages of posts, it hasnt' happened and I doubt it will...... bring on the name calling..much easier than actually looking at what they are saying and accepting it...

I wouldn't dare challenge any of the thousands of scientists, engineers, gov't whistle blowers, pilots, police and fire fighters who debunk any possibility that this was an inside job. Popular Science, Popular Mechanics, History Channel, Discovery Channel and NGC have all interviewed thousands of those same people mentioned above and every single one coming to the true conclusion that the "conspiracy" that it was an inside job, such as loose-change's claims, are completely false and foolish to believe in. If you think everything that happens is an inside job and that get's you to sleep at night.. :rolleyes:

I'm not saying members, scientists, engineers, gov't whistle blowers, pilots, police and fire fighters who all have the same beliefs are saying it......Send your post to a 911 family member and see how they take it...

No, they are not. On average, about 0% of such groups are saying these things. It's like a punter claiming to speak for all former Gopher football players. The VAST MAJORITY of these people disagree with you.

I wouldn't dare challenge any of the thousands of scientists, engineers, gov't whistle blowers, pilots, police and fire fighters who debunk any possibility that this was an inside job. Popular Science, Popular Mechanics, History Channel, Discovery Channel and NGC have all interviewed thousands of those same people mentioned above and every single one coming to the true conclusion that the "conspiracy" that it was an inside job, such as loose-change's claims, are completely false and foolish to believe in. If you think everything that happens is an inside job and that get's you to sleep at night.. :rolleyes:

That's the thing, to the conspiracy theorists, the 1 in a 1000 scientists and engineers who agree with them outweigh the other 999.

I'm sure this is common knowledge, but I just read something on one of the helpful links that RyeGrass sent us and I wanted to make sure it was true. It said that the planes flown into the towers contained all of Obama's original Kenyan birth certificates.

If that's true, RyeGrass, why would W order them destroyed? That makes no sense. Please help.

its a longshot conspiracy to be sure, unlike 9/11 which is pretty cut and dry.....Just thought I would throw it out most cases, the people that benefit from events like these are also the culprits.

Maybe if the vikes ran the metrodome instead of sports comission you could think it. The Vikes just rent.

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