Dome collapse- inside job?

Oh boy. When I saw him take Dpodoll's bait, I guessed this would be fun.

I hope this all can get cleared up by the time we make it to the moon (since we didn't actually get there the first time, and it was all fabricated in movie studios).

I've been profiting from the over reaction to 9/11 for going on 10 years. Inside job or not, a lot of us got rich off of it. Those that benefit are usually the culprits, but in this case, I can tell you honestly that I didn't have any part in it.

smoking hat, smoking hat

Whenever someone says "you just proved my point", it's almost certain that they didn't. It's just a cheap rhetorical trick. It doesn't appear that the OP was very interested at all in discussing a potential conspiracy involving the Metrodome roof, that looks like an excuse to rave about 9/11. No amount of evidence will shake the conspiracy theorists, they generally aren't worth bothering with. The #1 rule of conspiracy theorists is protect the conspiracy. Any evidence which contradicts the conspiracy is considered evidence of a coverup.

Remember the kidney theft urban legend? Some people have so much invested in believing this that they have created elaborate conspiracies around it. There are no police reports about stolen kidneys, there are no medical records about people rushed to the ER after their kidneys are stolen. That is strong evidence against it, right? Not if you are a conspiracy theorists, then it is just evidence that police and hospitals are part of the conspiracy. If someone is going to steal a kidney, are they going to be nice enough to makre sure you are sewed up properly, and give you a note telling you what to do? It's more likely that they would strip you for parts, like car theives stripping a car. Leave nothing left, if they leave you alive, you can testify against them.

you're likely right, I probably have a less than stellar IQ...Are you saying the 1000+ engineers are dumber than you?....then instead of calling me names, post something intelligent refuting what hey are saying....

I'm saying that the overwhelming majority of engineers who don't believe this inside job conspiracy are smarter than a handful or conspiracy theorists.

debunked long ago...Editor is cousins with former homeland chief..

again they don't refute what the scientists have said..When the owner of building 7 admits they blew it up....


BBC reports the colllapse before it happens..

not sure what is so conspiratorial about this. Hard to accept, yes..

" something intelligent..." from RyeGuy.

RyeGuy: Practice what you preach!!!! :banghead:

debunked long ago...Editor is cousins with former homeland chief..

again they don't refute what the scientists have said..When the owner of building 7 admits they blew it up....


BBC reports the colllapse before it happens..

not sure what is so conspiratorial about this. Hard to accept, yes..

One might want to ask those that question why cameras were rolling at 4 AM as part of a conspiracy this:

Why does it matter that cameras recorded the event? The Vikes could have collapsed the roof without the cameras rolling if their goal was to show the need for a new stadium. Not sure why pointing to it getting caught on video matters in this conspiracy.

Usually the answer is the simpliest one. What's more inflated roof collasping because of the weight of a 2-foot snowstorm with 35 mph winds or the Vikes setting up some elaborate scheme to tear the roof off themselves, all with no guarantee a new stadium would be built anyways and also risk millions and millions of dollars in short term revenue?

What's more likely? A coordinated effort of 20 individuals pulling off a terrorist attack or a coordinated effort of hundreds of people to pull off an elaborate scheme to make it look like a group of 20 committed a terrorist attack for reasons that run the spectrum?

There could be some sort of motion activation on the cameras. I do find it interesting, however, that some of the angles did seem a little staged. I was kinda wondering how they got a few of them, given one of the angles seemed from the field looking up at the roof.

Not ready to by into conspiracy theory, but some reasonable explanation would be helpful.

I'm saying that the overwhelming majority of engineers who don't believe this inside job conspiracy are smarter than a handful or conspiracy theorists.

funny how not one of those "majority" have ever come forward and put an end to the debate and proven them wrong.. Even on the internet...

There could be some sort of motion activation on the cameras. I do find it interesting, however, that some of the angles did seem a little staged. I was kinda wondering how they got a few of them, given one of the angles seemed from the field looking up at the roof.

Not ready to by into conspiracy theory, but some reasonable explanation would be helpful.
It was already linked to in this thread:

I'm saying that the overwhelming majority of engineers who don't believe this inside job conspiracy are smarter than a handful or conspiracy theorists.

See, that proves it's a cover up! The overwhelming majority are trying to crush the few who know the Truth.

Aw man, when did they disable embedding youtube videos?

I feel like this thread has finally brought us together for a common cause.

Ah, the moon landing conspiracy. The Soviet Union would have given anything to be able to demonstrate that the moon landing was a fake. But conspiracy theorists would have the Soviet Union as a co-conspirator. They tracked the rocket, just like us, they wanted to learn all they could for themselves. Had there been anything irregular, the USSR would have eagerly told the world about it. One major piece of evidence is a mirror placed on the moon. Some people are so wedded to the conspiracy that they will claim that one of the later Apollo missions did go to the moon, but Apollo 11 did not. Mythbusters did an excellent job of debunking the conspiracy theories. It simply would have been easier to go to the moon than to concoct an elaborate conspiracy. The only reason this myth caught on was because there was a movie about a faked Mars landing, and some people didn't know the difference between fantasy and reality.

I seem to remember a "Don't Print That" blurb in Shooter's column about 6 years ago that had a quote from RyeGuy stating that he was directly involved with the cover-up of an inside job regarding 9/11.

You ain't foolin' any of us!

The thing about arguing with the conspiracy theorists is that they demand that you prove to them that it was not a conspiracy. They want you to jump through hoops for them. Pointing out that there exists some engineers who say it was a conspiracy doesn't mean anything, there are a whole lot more who say it wasn't. It's like treating a tiny number of former players as if they are representative of former players as a whole.

no that's what scientists, professors, military and engineers are saying...

Feel free to debate them but I suspect the replies will be "conspiracy theorist" , "tin foil hat" , "nut job" etc etc....

Ever seen a building demolished "nut job"? Here's how: You have to cut out all the concrete on every column on every floor, exposing rebar; set explosives around every column on every floor; set explosives on every support on the ground floor; blow all the support columns on the upper floor; blow the support columns on the ground floor--in that order. How do you do that with 50,000 people working in the building? Another guy to ignore. Go away.

The thing about arguing with the conspiracy theorists is that they demand that you prove to them that it was not a conspiracy. They want you to jump through hoops for them. Pointing out that there exists some engineers who say it was a conspiracy doesn't mean anything, there are a whole lot more who say it wasn't. It's like treating a tiny number of former players as if they are representative of former players as a whole.

Right. If you're trying to convince someone of something, the burden of proof is on you - not them. Saying "you're wrong because you can't prove it didn't happen" is playground logic.

There could be some sort of motion activation on the cameras. I do find it interesting, however, that some of the angles did seem a little staged. I was kinda wondering how they got a few of them, given one of the angles seemed from the field looking up at the roof.

Not ready to by into conspiracy theory, but some reasonable explanation would be helpful.

Roy Terwilliger - the President of the Metropolitan Sports Facilities Commission - indicated in an interview on WCCO yesterday that they (MSFC) notified the media that they were going to intentionally deflate the dome after a couple of the Teflon roof panels tore. He explained that once the panels tore, they were concerned that high winds would cause buffeting and perhaps cause further damage.

It's interesting when you travel to other countries.The kind of stuff I mention is actually taken seriously and most people understand what happened on 911 but when you post to an American site, its all name calling and no intellectual debate. Sport forums are probably not the best venue for this type of topic, my apologies.....Although it was originally a dome post...

It's interesting when you travel to other countries.The kind of stuff I mention is actually taken seriously and most people understand what happened on 911 but when you post to an American site, its all name calling and no intellectual debate. Sport forums are probably not the best venue for this type of topic, my apologies.....Although it was originally a dome post...

Roy Terwilliger - the President of the Metropolitan Sports Facilities Commission - indicated in an interview on WCCO yesterday that they (MSFC) notified the media that they were going to intentionally deflate the dome after a couple of the Teflon roof panels tore. He explained that once the panels tore, they were concerned that high winds would cause buffeting and perhaps cause further damage.

MINNEAPOLIS (AP)—Crews are planning to inspect the Metrodome in Minneapolis after its fabric roof collapsed in a storm that dropped 17 inches of snow on the Twin Cities.

Officials with the Metropolitan Sports Facilities Commission expect to learn Monday afternoon how long it will take to get the Metrodome open for business.

The original manufacturer and roof installer, Birdair Inc. of Amherst, N.Y., is scheduled to inspect the damage and devise a plan to fix the roof, which collapsed early Sunday.

The weight tore three holes in the dome’s Teflon roof and dumped a huge pile of snow on the Minnesota Vikings’ playing field.

Commission chairman Roy Terwilliger says it’s the fourth roof collapse since the stadium opened nearly 30 years ago, all caused by heavy snow.

Anyone notice the guy racing the golf cart down the sideline right before the breach?

Has the Carrier dome ever gone down? They get huge snowfalls in Syracuse.

Oh boy. When I saw him take Dpodoll's bait, I guessed this would be fun.

I hope this all can get cleared up by the time we make it to the moon (since we didn't actually get there the first time, and it was all fabricated in movie studios).

Which is further proof that OJ was innocent, since he bought it in "Capricorn 1"

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