Whenever someone says "you just proved my point", it's almost certain that they didn't. It's just a cheap rhetorical trick. It doesn't appear that the OP was very interested at all in discussing a potential conspiracy involving the Metrodome roof, that looks like an excuse to rave about 9/11. No amount of evidence will shake the conspiracy theorists, they generally aren't worth bothering with. The #1 rule of conspiracy theorists is protect the conspiracy. Any evidence which contradicts the conspiracy is considered evidence of a coverup.
Remember the kidney theft urban legend? Some people have so much invested in believing this that they have created elaborate conspiracies around it. There are no police reports about stolen kidneys, there are no medical records about people rushed to the ER after their kidneys are stolen. That is strong evidence against it, right? Not if you are a conspiracy theorists, then it is just evidence that police and hospitals are part of the conspiracy. If someone is going to steal a kidney, are they going to be nice enough to makre sure you are sewed up properly, and give you a note telling you what to do? It's more likely that they would strip you for parts, like car theives stripping a car. Leave nothing left, if they leave you alive, you can testify against them.