Do you agree with the decision to fire Coach Claeys?

Do you agree with the decision to fire Coach Claeys?

  • Yes, it was the right decision

    Votes: 74 28.9%
  • No, it was not the right decision

    Votes: 182 71.1%

  • Total voters
I agree. The facts don't really matter in these situations. I was merely responding the poster who was arguing that Claeys tweet was pro-rape because it was a gang bang.
Literally no one said he's pro rape

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I'm sorry........I'm absolutely furious with how all of this has been handled. Like I've said.....I hope the police take a more in-depth look at this and if a rape has occurred.....I'd like to see those players not only expelled.....but also put in jail. Claeys probably shouldn't have sent that tweet. But the idiots who chose to mischaracterize the support for his players who wanted to see due process take it's course.....and call for his head.....infuriates me.

I'm a Democrat. I'm as socially liberal as any. But this level of political correctness is terrifying. Claeys didn't deserve this.

Well we will agree to disagree and apology accepted. I was pissed when the players said they were boycotting until ALL 10 players got reinstated...not when they received due process. In their young minds, due process meant that they would all be back on the team. If they had objected to players not receiving due process and Claeys had helped guide them in ways to productively address their grievances, I don't think we would be here. I am rarely accused of being politically correct, but I am old enough to remember the days when people dated on campuses....and old enough to run with the folks who write some of the bigger checks so my perspective it has been quite obvious that Claeys was unlikely to keep his job. I don't think Coyle is going to have many fans due to his handling of this unless he makes a fantastic hire. I also think that it is Coyle's job to teach his coaches how he wants things handled. From what I can tell, Pitino's program to bring in outsiders from various fields to teach players how to treat women wasn't duplicated in the other programs? Why not? That's on Coyle more than Claeys. Kaler doesn't appear to have been much better in his leadership either. But the fall guy is usually the one lowest on the totem pole. In Colorado with our sex scandal, no one at first got fired and it ended up taking down the chancellor, the AD and the head that's what happens when an AD tries to protect his coach and a chancellor tries to protect her AD.

I wonder how much my 'bias against Claeys' will look when he never becomes a P5 head coach again. He'll be a coordinator again somewhere soon, which is what he's good at.

He wasn't fired for being a poor head coach, you loser. Blows your stupid ****ing assertion away.

Yes. Correct (but unfortunate) decision. As others have said, this is a no win situation all around. This ain't political correctness (I hate that more than anyone). This is a combination of things. But if the Coyle version of events is accurate... Claeys was virtually asking to be fired. Would this have happened without the sex "scandal?" No. Who is at fault for this whole thing? Not Coyle. Not Kaler. Not Coach Claeys. Not the tooth fairy. The players involved are responsible for this mess... Period. They have been dealt with, and Claeys ended up going down with them.

He wasn't fired for being a poor head coach, you loser. Blows your stupid ****ing assertion away.

Was part of the equation. Coyle mentioned in the press conference he was tired of blowing leads in the 2nd half.

I don't but his story makes sense to me. Coyle is relatively experienced and he is saying a third party associate AD was present during both of the meeting where Claeys backed Coyle's and the U's position.

That means nothing to me. So convenient. He is a lap dog for Coyle.

Coming from one of the four or five main assholes that fronted the GH witch hunt. You can go **** yourself as well. A man got fired for a tweet and a bunch of kids have gotten their futures ruined because of people like you. Hope you feel good about yourself, you piece of ****.

I bet Claeys feels a lot like Limegrover and Zebrowski felt a year ago after he fired them. As for you, have a good cry and have mommy tuck you in tonight and things will be ok tomorrow.

So the alternative theory is Coyle is making this up because he realizes this is what should have happened and he is cya? Maybe but I don't think so.

Yeah, I'm in a foul mood and just grabbing at things. Not directed at you at all. Just not very trusting of things at the moment.

Was part of the equation. Coyle mentioned in the press conference he was tired of blowing leads in the 2nd half.

Was it? First nine win season in over a decade? First win over a P5 team in a bowl game in over a decade?

STFU troll. You have no credibility.

I bet Claeys feels a lot like Limegrover and Zebrowski felt a year ago after he fired them. As for you, have a good cry and have mommy tuck you in tonight and things will be ok tomorrow.

Thanks, I will. It cheers me up to see all of the losers like you crawl out of their own filth when something bad happens. It shouldn't make me feel better.....but it does. Thanks again. I'm going to sleep well.

Was it? First nine win season in over a decade? First win over a P5 team in a bowl game in over a decade?

STFU troll. You have no credibility.

I look forward to you leaving GH and following Claeys to his next head coaching gig.

Coyle's snake in the grass press conference will make any self-respecting coach run from this football program. We'll be luck if a Tim Brewster shows up. What a shame this University is.

What a pile of crap this firing is! I had my doubts with Coach Claeys especially regarding clock management this year. I'm not sure he is geared to be a big time coach. But I'm positive he shouldn't be the damn fall guy for 2 completely worthless, pathetic, inept, moronic, bumbling administrators!!!! Truly classless and pathetic!

This +1000

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Absolutely not. It was a disgusting and cruel move, personally for Claeys, making him the scapegoat - and a disaster for the program. After six years we had a top defensive team winning 8 and this year 9 games. These idiots at the U have made one mistake after another in recent years and this is a re-do of Maturi firing Mason AFTER the bowls. Even if they could get a name coach, it will take years to recover from this. But I am especially upset at the cruelty to Claeys personally, who was in an impossible situation. He is good coach and a fine man.

Agreed 100%.

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I bet Claeys feels a lot like Limegrover and Zebrowski felt a year ago after he fired them. As for you, have a good cry and have mommy tuck you in tonight and things will be ok tomorrow.

That makes no sense, as Limegrover and Zebrowski were terrible at their jobs. Claeys wasn't.

Firing Claeys was a Bush League move.

Coyle can push world class facilities, world class university and super-duper best student experience ever all he wants, the reality is this......... No coach worth his salt is going to stick his hand in this garbage disposal after this fiasco.

I think our AD may be in over his head.

If he wants to fire Claeys ok fine, but in his press conference he seemed half annoyed when addressing the fan frustration.

Dude pulled up a lot of the generic "why not us" and "minnesota guy" like lines... empty BS.

He defended his communication although as far as I can tell dude didn't actually say what he communicated, how.

In the meantime he seems to struggle to actually communicate to the fans / promote the department / might just not want to......

Do you agree with the decision to fire Coach Claeys?

I said no based on the information that we have been given. Coyle said yesterday that Claeys had seen the report and supported the suspensions. Claeys would have know at that time that there was no due process for those suspended. If that is true then Claeys' tweet was tantamount to stabbing his bosses in the back and left them with little or no choice.

Years ago I had a key executive in my company do something like that to me, except not as public as Claeys' tweet. I terminated the executive and it hurt our company short term.

Just think of how much different this discussion would be had we lost the bowl game. Then, remember that the next time someone uses the term "meaningless bowl game".

On 11/29 the poll "If you are Coyle, what do you do? Extend? Fire? Status Quo?" had 96 GH'ers (53%) in favor of firing TC. Today, according to the above poll, 159 people (78%) say he should be retained.

Not especially interested to hear from the fire/fire, keep/fire, keep/keep people, I understand your perspective.

I'm kind of fascinated to hear from some of the fire/keep people.

Civil rights affects federal contracts. I just finished reading a UCLA generated report for the State of Tennessee on the impact of a gender toilet law would have on the state of Tennessee. At a minimum, UCLA projected the state would lose $3,000,000 in Federal dollars and a maximum of $9,000,000. That is not to include the economic impact of boycotts, conventions, tourism, and entertainment, which added several million more to the cost to the States economy. Every time a student is sexually assaulted, it costs the University substantial resources to conduct an investigation as not doing so would cost the University very dearly. So, the University takes these cases very, very seriously. And, we are not even counting the cost of lawsuits that could render judgments against the University for failure to comply with Title IX if it failed to address the sexual violence on campus.

The players may defend themselves with civil suits against the U. But, in the end, the duty of Tracy Claeys was to support the University, his employer, and not the private interest of his players, of which he had no role to defend or not defend them.

The players also were duty bound to play in the Bowl game as they agreed to put on the U of M uniform and represent both the U and the Big Ten Conference at the bowl game prior to the alleged assault. That obligation did not go away as a result of suspensions and Tracy Claeys support of their action broke that loyalty to the University that he agreed to when he became employed by the U.

Due process actions do not negate previous obligations of the players and the coaches. Failure to abide by the terms of these contracts put the University at risk for non performance, if it came to that with a boycott.

The more I think about it, the more I realize that Tracy Claeys' loyalties to private parties jeopardized his primary business relationship with his employer. He was fired justly for cause. It was not arbitrary, retaliatory for some perceived slight to the AD. He was fired because he put the U into a very difficult position when his job was to support the administration and gain an end to the wildcat boycott.

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