Do you agree with the decision to fire Coach Claeys?

Do you agree with the decision to fire Coach Claeys?

  • Yes, it was the right decision

    Votes: 74 28.9%
  • No, it was not the right decision

    Votes: 182 71.1%

  • Total voters
.....I put justice over caving into a bunch of regressive fascists.

There you go labeling those you don't agree with again. Your really need to read some more poly sci books to expand your vocabulary.

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I think it had to be done! Take the program to an elite level now!

NO...I guess it was about attendance ,fund raising and he wasn't a Tubby like hire to begin with... we'll have to wait and see how many sellouts there will be at the Bank next year...and how many billions the next coach will raise..

There you go labeling those you don't agree with again. Your really need to read some more poly sci books to expand your vocabulary.

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No, those ones fit perfectly, that's exactly what they are.

I agree with the firing because of the tweet, the support of the boycott and his description in Sports Huddle as last year's class as a good class. I don't think the U will get a better football coach. I don't think they will necessarily find someone who holds players accountable for poor behavior nor one who tries to change the culture. I don't think the football program will be better because of the firing but I think the U will be better. The players have only themselves to blame...not just the 10 but Wolitarsky and the captains who threatened to boycott until ALL 10 were reinstated. Claeys had no control. Too bad...I thought in the football area, he was awesome. Oh well.

Absolutely not. It was a disgusting and cruel move, personally for Claeys, making him the scapegoat - and a disaster for the program. After six years we had a top defensive team winning 8 and this year 9 games. These idiots at the U have made one mistake after another in recent years and this is a re-do of Maturi firing Mason AFTER the bowls. Even if they could get a name coach, it will take years to recover from this. But I am especially upset at the cruelty to Claeys personally, who was in an impossible situation. He is good coach and a fine man.

He had no business supporting his players or giving them the benefit of the doubt. Who cares what the video showed; the young lady said she was assaulted so damn it she was assaulted.

Sarcasm alert.

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Maybe it's already posted but Coyle's statement made sense to me. He made his points well and if I was him I would have been furious if Claeys backed me behind closed doors and then was two faced to the coaches and team saying he didn't agree. I don't know if I could have waited until now to fire him. And I know this is going to be tough to overcome. You can't have your employees disrespect you like that

Yes, there was no other option after last month.

Exactly. Whether deserved or not, the minute he sent that tweet there was no scenario where Kaler/Coyle and Claeys co-exist. Unless you wanted Coyle to fire himself, this was the only real option.

Maybe it's already posted but Coyle's statement made sense to me. He made his points well and if I was him I would have been furious if Claeys backed me behind closed doors and then was two faced to the coaches and team saying he didn't agree. I don't know if I could have waited until now to fire him. And I know this is going to be tough to overcome. You can't have your employees disrespect you like that

That would be true if Claeys did that. It would be a flat-out lie if Claeys didn't. Somewhere in the middle if Claeys was told to back him up, even if Tracy thought it was the wrong thing to do and then found his conscience and sent out the tweet.

Regardless of what happened Coyle said at the Press Conference that it wasn't solely about the tweet.

So one of them is lying, and Coyle may be lying twice.

Maybe it's already posted but Coyle's statement made sense to me. He made his points well and if I was him I would have been furious if Claeys backed me behind closed doors and then was two faced to the coaches and team saying he didn't agree. I don't know if I could have waited until now to fire him. And I know this is going to be tough to overcome. You can't have your employees disrespect you like that

And you know he's telling the whole truth how?

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And you know he's telling the whole truth how?

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I don't but his story makes sense to me. Coyle is relatively experienced and he is saying a third party associate AD was present during both of the meeting where Claeys backed Coyle's and the U's position.

I agree with the firing because of the tweet, the support of the boycott and his description in Sports Huddle as last year's class as a good class. I don't think the U will get a better football coach. I don't think they will necessarily find someone who holds players accountable for poor behavior nor one who tries to change the culture. I don't think the football program will be better because of the firing but I think the U will be better. The players have only themselves to blame...not just the 10 but Wolitarsky and the captains who threatened to boycott until ALL 10 were reinstated. Claeys had no control. Too bad...I thought in the football area, he was awesome. Oh well.

Go **** self-righteous prick.

Dumbest decision yet by the U administration.

Honestly, the Regents should be considered as culpable for the behavior of every single student at the U at all times and in all places as much as the football coach is held responsible for the after hours behavior of the men on his team.

Coyle comes off as a conniving weasel who only cares about wielding power and advancing his cowardly agenda at the expense of the athletes.

Grow the eff up.

Coming from one of the four or five main assholes that fronted the GH witch hunt. You can go **** yourself as well. A man got fired for a tweet and a bunch of kids have gotten their futures ruined because of people like you. Hope you feel good about yourself, you piece of ****.

Yes. He showed that he doesn't have control of the program and the U can hire a better proven coach.

Have control, how can you have control when the admin lies about you to the media. I think the whole deal was a setup for TC to take the fall.

Not $1 of my money is supporting the athletic dept until Coyle is gone.

TC worked with the kids told them the options and TREATED THEM LIKE ADULTS. The administration did the furthest thing from that. The admin caused the boycott!!! Why did those morons ever let the 4 players back on the team, they should be fired for that alone.

It makes me sick

I need more information. From a football perspective, whether or not I agree with the decision depends on who Coyle hires to replace Claeys. On the more personal side of things a lot depends on questions we will never have the answers to: what really went on in the night in question? who is telling the truth about how Claeys involvement/lack of involvement in the suspension process? Obviously if Coyle's version of events is true (and I am not saying they are) how can you keep a coach who didn't object to the suspensions until his players did and then helped to foster a football team vs administration feud?

It seems most people think this was a slam dunk decision one way or the other and I am just not there.

Right move. Claeys only beat 1 Big Ten team that finished with a winning record in 1 1/2 seasons and is 0-6 against recognized rivals, 0-7 if you count Nebraska. We should expect better.

Right move. Claeys only beat 1 Big Ten team that finished with a winning record in 1 1/2 seasons and is 0-6 against recognized rivals, 0-7 if you count Nebraska. We should expect better.

And helped lead the team to the best record we've seen in over ten years. Good take, though. :rolleyes:

I don't agree with the combination of the method and decision. The season was good enough for him to receive a raise in my opinion. Therefore the decision was largely based on the handling of the boycott which is consistent with Coyle's reference of the tweet in his statement.

If this is the case, you terminate Claeys' employment immediately following the tweet. If he was good enough to lead them in the bowl week and in the Holiday bowl, he was good enough to lead them in 2017.

This is yet another example of poor leadership at the U (Coyle and Kaler). Additionally, they took ZERO accountability for the system in which they on-board students and student athletes. These actions should have been immediately instituted after the men's basketball debacle last year and would have benefited Winfield, Green, and the other first year players among the 10 not to mention the victim. Mr. Coyle and President Kaler are correct in their assessment the University has an obligation to their students. The best way to accomplish this is with proactive education of young people which has been the University's charter since inception.

I do not condone any of the actions of the football players. But the way this was handled by the administration was careless and disrespectful to the victim.

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I don't like this move at all. The fact that so many current and past players are coming out against it is telling. The last two coaches to leave the program were good, principled men. Through this situation, Coyle and Kaler have come off as arrogant, uncommunicative and lacking leadership. Nothing Coyle has done, nor the last 50 years of history for this program, suggest he can find someone better than TC. And if he doesn't have someone immediately lined up and needs to go thru a full search... My god, what a blunder. I can stomach rooting for bad teams. Have done it many years for this program. But rooting for bad people? Now that's difficult. I hope they prove me wrong. But their track record suggests otherwise.

Pretty clear from the presser that Coyle has wanted his own guy from day 1.

If not "this" it would have been "something" else.

Well, as a Gopher fan I've gotten to experience the great running game of the Mason Era and the great defenses of the Clayes/Sawvill Era.

Maybe I'll live long enough to see both at the same time in Maroon and Gold...

I completely disagree with this decision. The odds of the program stepping back to a 2-10, 3-9 level are quite high unless things go very well for Coyle. We may not see another 9 win season for years.

Claeys had the program moving in the right direction, and this narrative that the program was some rogue, corrupt, out of control thing is unfair to Claeys and staff. Even if they make a good hire on paper, we may not win 9 games again for a long time.

The boat rower, or 62 year old Les Miles might bring some people to TCF Bank Stadium next year, but winning games might be a tough task for any coach after all the players leave, and the everyone starts over.

Fire Coyle and Kahler as well.


Wow, thanks stocker:)

I'm sorry........I'm absolutely furious with how all of this has been handled. Like I've said.....I hope the police take a more in-depth look at this and if a rape has occurred.....I'd like to see those players not only expelled.....but also put in jail. Claeys probably shouldn't have sent that tweet. But the idiots who chose to mischaracterize the support for his players who wanted to see due process take it's course.....and call for his head.....infuriates me.

I'm a Democrat. I'm as socially liberal as any. But this level of political correctness is terrifying. Claeys didn't deserve this.

That packed stadium against Northwestern on senior day loved 'the best record we've seen'...:rolleyes:

And I'm sure sending the team back to the bottom will fix the attendance issues. Your bias against Claeys has been obvious for a while.

Stick to poorly predicting the weather.'s going to be cold tomorrow? Thanks for the update, Einstein.

Claeys got a raw deal, but I suspect that he'll land on his feet, five years from now we'll see his success and regret letting him go.

And I'm sure sending the team back to the bottom will fix the attendance issues. Your bias against Claeys has been obvious for a while.

Stick to poorly predicting the weather.'s going to be cold tomorrow? Thanks for the update, Einstein.

I wonder how much my 'bias against Claeys' will look when he never becomes a P5 head coach again. He'll be a coordinator again somewhere soon, which is what he's good at.

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