Coach Claeys Job Security Poll post Rutgers

Claeys Job Security

  • 100 - Completely Safe

    Votes: 13 7.4%
  • 90 - Safe

    Votes: 22 12.6%
  • 80 - Probably safe

    Votes: 36 20.6%
  • 70 - Less Safe

    Votes: 15 8.6%
  • 60 - Seat is Warm

    Votes: 26 14.9%
  • 50 - Seat is Hot

    Votes: 25 14.3%
  • 40 - Seat is Red Hot

    Votes: 27 15.4%
  • 30 or below - May need to win out to retain job

    Votes: 11 6.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
Reaction score
Where would you say Coach Claeys job security is on a 100 point scale?

Team needs to show some discipline down the stretch. If they're still lining up incorrectly and committing key offensive penalties at the end of the season, it just doesn't reflect well on the coaching - or the players' commitment to the program.

I hope it's 30. 9 wins or fired imo. Needs at least 2 quality wins, has 0 so far.

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80, pretty safe

This is Gopher football and Minnesota after all, people just don't get fired. Didn't we just give a mediocre hockey coach an extension? Wild card in new AD though, so there is that.

Unless there is a sudden turnaround, I don't think he'll be back. Coyle will hire his own guy. I realize we are not the most talented team out there so those shortcoming I can deal with, however the lack of discipline and just basics of lining up and starting the play on the snap just floors me. How many false starts, illegal formations and off sides have we had this year? It's not getting better either, that is the worst part. I feel like we are starting a slow march backwards from where we were a couple years ago, which was not that high to begin with.

The 4th down situations certainly did not help - what a joke those were.

5-2 and just a couple of plays from 7-0.

I understand how many of you feel. The Minnesota winter is just around the corner.

Win 7 and imo he should be gone but won't be
8+ is safe

Loss to penn state was hard because we were the better team and blew a win. Hard but we were on the road and I accepted it. Lost to Iowa was tough but it was a good defensive effort and we lost 14-7 to a team that was really strong last year. In my mind I was justifying things like we could be undefeated and his team sill has potential. Today was a shocker for me. We played terrible and even though we won I feel worse then we did after our two losses. This was an abomination. This should have been a huge blow out.

I thought he would have been fired after the game. That win was a loss. One of the worst games I have ever seen in person. The place was half empty and it is only going to get worse. Apathy has set in. Bad play calling. Horrible discipline and you can't make one yard on all of those 4th downs. It is amazing how we are 8 years into the new stadium and nothing. What we saw today is what we will always be and I guess for most fans that is ok.

Go Gophers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyone in the media, on this board or anywhere else suggesting the Gophers head coach could or should be fired if they go 8-4 is absolutely insane.

A case could be made for 8-4 being a disappointment but there is absolutely no chance a Gophers head football coach gets fired after 8-4 without some other factor (ex. cheating). None. Zero.

If you don't like Tracey Claeys and don't think he's the answer for this program that's your opinion and you might be right, we'll see. But suggesting he should be fired immediately if they had lost to Rutgers or suggesting he should be fired if they go 8-4 is preposterous and irrational.

Anyone in the media, on this board or anywhere else suggesting the Gophers head coach could or should be fired if they go 8-4 is absolutely insane.

A case could be made for 8-4 being a disappointment but there is absolutely no chance a Gophers head football coach gets fired after 8-4 without some other factor (ex. cheating). None. Zero.

If you don't like Tracey Claeys and don't think he's the answer for this program that's your opinion and you might be right, we'll see. But suggesting he should be fired immediately if they had lost to Rutgers or suggesting he should be fired if they go 8-4 is preposterous and irrational.
Name one person who said 8-4 should get him fired?

what a bunch of pathetic whiney losers,if anybody deserves to have a losing team its all the people on this board who complain constantly.

what a bunch of pathetic whiney losers,if anybody deserves to have a losing team its all the people on this board who complain constantly.

Yes, because what separates elite programs from mediocre ones is that all the elite programs have fans with low expectations.

what a bunch of pathetic whiney losers,if anybody deserves to have a losing team its all the people on this board who complain constantly.

I see u are one of the "get 6-7 wins and play in the Kohler Toilet Bowl" is ok crowd....Some fans are sick of the mediocrity and would like a commitment by the university to put a quality program on the field, considering the price of season tickets.

Name one person who said 8-4 should get him fired?

I'm not going to take the time to dig up posts on this site or social media but it has been said more than once. If you don't think anyone has said it I'm glad because it's ludicrous.

That being said, this was already posted in this thread: "I thought he would have been fired after the game."

what a bunch of pathetic whiney losers,if anybody deserves to have a losing team its all the people on this board who complain constantly.

We have been losing going on 49 years now so I give people a pass. If you find this kind of football acceptable then good for you. I know lots of people who are considering not renewing their season tickets or giving up their premium seats. We give a big donation and next year is still up in the air. I am not sure the U wants to let losers like me go.

I'm not going to take the time to dig up posts on this site or social media but it has been said more than once. If you don't think anyone has said it I'm glad because it's ludicrous.

That being said, this was already posted in this thread: "I thought he would have been fired after the game."

Nobody has set that.

There are a lot of people who think we won't get to 8-4 (myself included).
Maybe that's what you are thinking of

Nobody will be coming to the university unless this school is willing to fork over big money otherwise expect the status quo.

Nobody will be coming to the university unless this school is willing to fork over big money otherwise expect the status quo.


If the gophers don't want to try to win big we should sign TC to a Lifetime contract and take 6-6 forever

what a bunch of pathetic whiney losers,if anybody deserves to have a losing team its all the people on this board who complain constantly.

Amen. Fans reap what they sow. I hope all these negative fire Claeys guys were at the game today.

80, pretty safe

This is Gopher football and Minnesota after all, people just don't get fired. Didn't we just give a mediocre hockey coach an extension? Wild card in new AD though, so there is that.

Long time national title winning wrestling coach fired simply for not talking to Coyle, nothing to do with performance...

Amen. Fans reap what they sow. I hope all these negative fire Claeys guys were at the game today.

I was. And I think TC could go 6-6 every year if that's what you're into

I enjoyed Tim Brewster 6-6 the same as I enjoy TC 5-7 and 6-6

Sounds like you are expecting them to lose out? I think 8 wins or more and he stays.
I think with 6 wins he stays.

I think they probably get 7.

I don't think they ever win more than 8 with TC as coach.

As I've said, if around .500 is what you aspire to, give him a lifetime contract

If they ever win 9, I'll happily eat my crow

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