If the Gophers played like this 4 years ago, I'd be happy that they've got a good chance at .500+ and a bowl.
However, it's 4 years later and the team has dramatically dropped off. Is part of it because guys are hurt, suspended, etc.? Partly yet. Is part of it because good players left and the talent level left is just not that good? Partly yes. However, there are obvious signs that point to it being more than that.
The defense is bad, especially when I can sit and point to having 3 recievers on one side of the field and MN's defense only has 2 defenders. Or when it's 3rd down and 3 or less (a very high run chance) and the linebackers are playing 7 yards back. Or when it's 3rd and 20 and the only reason the opponent doesn't covert is because the receiver is so bad that he can't keep his feet in bounds. Or when the CBs are playing 7 yards off and basically giving up a quick pass for 5 yards before they even touch the person who caught the ball and has a good chance for even more.
I think Claeys should go back to defensive coordinator where he belongs and let someone else be head coach. Yes, I know that might be hated right now, but he has been a great defensive coordinator and clearly has too much on his plate right now. Put him back there and let someone else head coach and maybe the defense can actually stop someone.
The offense is bad as ever and I honestly shake my head when there are QBs playing on teams with worse records or even smaller schools that can play better than what MN has. The fact that Mitch is 5 years in and looks like a freshman is embarrassing. Our WRs are bad, yes, and the fact that we can't get decent ones doesn't help either, especially when your TE is the best one on the team. However, the offense should be better than this and should have a QB that can actually throw better than most guys on the street.
The offense needs to get with the 21st century and stop trying to be a run heavy team. If there was a time to switch, now would be the time as next year and the year after are going to be worse at this rate. If they were switching, I would say that they don't have the players yet, but again the coaching holds the team back. The offense is the basically the same as last year, so the guys in it know how the offense works, and yet they look so bad.
A lot of the fault has to be on the coaches and, except for Claeys that has proven to do good a job in just one area, the rest do not seem like they can coach in the Big 10 level.