Coach Claeys Job Security Poll post Rutgers

Claeys Job Security

  • 100 - Completely Safe

    Votes: 13 7.4%
  • 90 - Safe

    Votes: 22 12.6%
  • 80 - Probably safe

    Votes: 36 20.6%
  • 70 - Less Safe

    Votes: 15 8.6%
  • 60 - Seat is Warm

    Votes: 26 14.9%
  • 50 - Seat is Hot

    Votes: 25 14.3%
  • 40 - Seat is Red Hot

    Votes: 27 15.4%
  • 30 or below - May need to win out to retain job

    Votes: 11 6.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
At 5-2??

Maybe at the end of the year depending on how things turn out but right now at 5-2??

Unless the bottom completely falls out this season I would expect Claeys to be the HC next season.

Long term is where Claeys has some issues. 5-2 but no buzz about this team. The losses to Penn St, Iowa and this performance against a bad Rutgers team doesn't give the squad much momentum in the interest level amongst causal fans.

An AD that didn't hire a coach that was given the job out of necessity and a stadium that is 3/4 full most games I doubt bodes well for Claeys long term prospects. I would say those factors go beyond his win loss record unless the record is so good the AD can't fire him.

what a bunch of pathetic whiney losers,if anybody deserves to have a losing team its all the people on this board who complain constantly.

First, go away. 2nd, come back the end of November and tell me how I was right. Thanks

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If the Gophers played like this 4 years ago, I'd be happy that they've got a good chance at .500+ and a bowl.

However, it's 4 years later and the team has dramatically dropped off. Is part of it because guys are hurt, suspended, etc.? Partly yet. Is part of it because good players left and the talent level left is just not that good? Partly yes. However, there are obvious signs that point to it being more than that.

The defense is bad, especially when I can sit and point to having 3 recievers on one side of the field and MN's defense only has 2 defenders. Or when it's 3rd down and 3 or less (a very high run chance) and the linebackers are playing 7 yards back. Or when it's 3rd and 20 and the only reason the opponent doesn't covert is because the receiver is so bad that he can't keep his feet in bounds. Or when the CBs are playing 7 yards off and basically giving up a quick pass for 5 yards before they even touch the person who caught the ball and has a good chance for even more.

I think Claeys should go back to defensive coordinator where he belongs and let someone else be head coach. Yes, I know that might be hated right now, but he has been a great defensive coordinator and clearly has too much on his plate right now. Put him back there and let someone else head coach and maybe the defense can actually stop someone.

The offense is bad as ever and I honestly shake my head when there are QBs playing on teams with worse records or even smaller schools that can play better than what MN has. The fact that Mitch is 5 years in and looks like a freshman is embarrassing. Our WRs are bad, yes, and the fact that we can't get decent ones doesn't help either, especially when your TE is the best one on the team. However, the offense should be better than this and should have a QB that can actually throw better than most guys on the street.

The offense needs to get with the 21st century and stop trying to be a run heavy team. If there was a time to switch, now would be the time as next year and the year after are going to be worse at this rate. If they were switching, I would say that they don't have the players yet, but again the coaching holds the team back. The offense is the basically the same as last year, so the guys in it know how the offense works, and yet they look so bad.

A lot of the fault has to be on the coaches and, except for Claeys that has proven to do good a job in just one area, the rest do not seem like they can coach in the Big 10 level.

If the Gophers played like this 4 years ago, I'd be happy that they've got a good chance at .500+ and a bowl.

However, it's 4 years later and the team has dramatically dropped off. Is part of it because guys are hurt, suspended, etc.? Partly yet. Is part of it because good players left and the talent level left is just not that good? Partly yes. However, there are obvious signs that point to it being more than that.

The defense is bad, especially when I can sit and point to having 3 recievers on one side of the field and MN's defense only has 2 defenders. Or when it's 3rd down and 3 or less (a very high run chance) and the linebackers are playing 7 yards back. Or when it's 3rd and 20 and the only reason the opponent doesn't covert is because the receiver is so bad that he can't keep his feet in bounds. Or when the CBs are playing 7 yards off and basically giving up a quick pass for 5 yards before they even touch the person who caught the ball and has a good chance for even more.

I think Claeys should go back to defensive coordinator where he belongs and let someone else be head coach. Yes, I know that might be hated right now, but he has been a great defensive coordinator and clearly has too much on his plate right now. Put him back there and let someone else head coach and maybe the defense can actually stop someone.

The offense is bad as ever and I honestly shake my head when there are QBs playing on teams with worse records or even smaller schools that can play better than what MN has. The fact that Mitch is 5 years in and looks like a freshman is embarrassing. Our WRs are bad, yes, and the fact that we can't get decent ones doesn't help either, especially when your TE is the best one on the team. However, the offense should be better than this and should have a QB that can actually throw better than most guys on the street.

The offense needs to get with the 21st century and stop trying to be a run heavy team. If there was a time to switch, now would be the time as next year and the year after are going to be worse at this rate. If they were switching, I would say that they don't have the players yet, but again the coaching holds the team back. The offense is the basically the same as last year, so the guys in it know how the offense works, and yet they look so bad.

A lot of the fault has to be on the coaches and, except for Claeys that has proven to do good a job in just one area, the rest do not seem like they can coach in the Big 10 level.

Why even waste the keystrokes to suggest that Claeys self-demote to DC? When has that ever happened in the history of football? Who's going to be the head coach then? Someone on the current staff? Who's more qualified and would do a better job than he? If an outside head coach were hired, he's likely not keeping any of the current staff, and certainly not the previous head coach.

I'm not going to take the time to dig up posts on this site or social media but it has been said more than once. If you don't think anyone has said it I'm glad because it's ludicrous.

That being said, this was already posted in this thread: "I thought he would have been fired after the game."

So for you, beating Northwestern at home is enough for you? Winning 7 games against teams with a combined 22-66 record is fine with you? Beating a team at our home stadium who was outscored 174-14 in 4 Big Ten games, doubling their 4 game point output against us, on a last second field goal. I se great things ahead!

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Why even waste the keystrokes to suggest that Claeys self-demote to DC? When has that ever happened in the history of football? Who's going to be the head coach then? Someone on the current staff? Who's more qualified and would do a better job than he? If an outside head coach were hired, he's likely not keeping any of the current staff, and certainly not the previous head coach.

Once you get a new head coach in line, you make the switch.

If the Gophers played like this 4 years ago, I'd be happy that they've got a good chance at .500+ and a bowl.

However, it's 4 years later and the team has dramatically dropped off. Is part of it because guys are hurt, suspended, etc.? Partly yet. Is part of it because good players left and the talent level left is just not that good? Partly yes. However, there are obvious signs that point to it being more than that.

The defense is bad, especially when I can sit and point to having 3 recievers on one side of the field and MN's defense only has 2 defenders. Or when it's 3rd down and 3 or less (a very high run chance) and the linebackers are playing 7 yards back. Or when it's 3rd and 20 and the only reason the opponent doesn't covert is because the receiver is so bad that he can't keep his feet in bounds. Or when the CBs are playing 7 yards off and basically giving up a quick pass for 5 yards before they even touch the person who caught the ball and has a good chance for even more.

I think Claeys should go back to defensive coordinator where he belongs and let someone else be head coach. Yes, I know that might be hated right now, but he has been a great defensive coordinator and clearly has too much on his plate right now. Put him back there and let someone else head coach and maybe the defense can actually stop someone.

The offense is bad as ever and I honestly shake my head when there are QBs playing on teams with worse records or even smaller schools that can play better than what MN has. The fact that Mitch is 5 years in and looks like a freshman is embarrassing. Our WRs are bad, yes, and the fact that we can't get decent ones doesn't help either, especially when your TE is the best one on the team. However, the offense should be better than this and should have a QB that can actually throw better than most guys on the street.

The offense needs to get with the 21st century and stop trying to be a run heavy team. If there was a time to switch, now would be the time as next year and the year after are going to be worse at this rate. If they were switching, I would say that they don't have the players yet, but again the coaching holds the team back. The offense is the basically the same as last year, so the guys in it know how the offense works, and yet they look so bad.

A lot of the fault has to be on the coaches and, except for Claeys that has proven to do good a job in just one area, the rest do not seem like they can coach in the Big 10 level.

Our defense didn't make it hard for their QB most of the day today. Our DBs played so soft and many times their receivers were so wide open. He really didn't have to make many difficult throws today. We haven't been very aggressive defensively.

Our defense didn't make it hard for their QB most of the day today. Our DBs played so soft and many times their receivers were so wide open. He really didn't have to make many difficult throws today. We haven't been very aggressive defensively.

I'm not just talking about Gopher opponents, I'm talking other games/teams. There are teams below .500 or at with better QBs.

So I guess that is why the stadium was half full, because it's ok?

Keep breathing. Today was bad, but we won. No one is happy with where we are, let alone the coaching staff and players. Suggesting otherwise is just plan foolish. I've been supporting this team for a long time, and saw this game more than once were we did not win and move on.

Once you get a new head coach in line, you make the switch.

What? As I stated, no outside head coach coming in is going to keep the previous head coach on staff. Ever.

The Gophers won. It was not a thing of beauty for sure. But the Gophers won. In six weeks, if they are 10-2 all will be well. If they are 4-6, not so much. 6 more wins just like this one and all will be thrilled.

The Gophers won. It was not a thing of beauty for sure. But the Gophers won. In six weeks, if they are 10-2 all will be well. If they are 4-6, not so much. 6 more wins just like this one and all will be thrilled.
4-6? Will they give back one of their 5 wins?

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4-6? Will they give back one of their 5 wins?

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I read somewhere that yesterday's win was actually a loss.

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I hope it's 30. 9 wins or fired imo. Needs at least 2 quality wins, has 0 so far.

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Only one he probably has a chance at is NW this year but they arent that great either. Just another so so year with a crap bowl.

Les Miles gets fired for losing to two unranked teams in the first four games of the season. Those two teams (WI&AUB) are now combined 10-4 and ranked top 10 and top 15.

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I doubt Claeys gets fired, but he has not had a good coaching season so far imo. Yesterday was amateur hour at best. If they win 7 games I would hope he is long gone before next season. I have little doubt the Claeys experience will not end well from what I have seen so far.

At the end of the season, the AD will evaluate the coach based on a number of factors: on-field record - amount of buyout - off-field issues - attendance - donations - recruiting.

Give the coach a grade for each area, then an overall grade, and make a decision. Another big factor - how much $ are the Gophers willing to pay to bring in a new coach and staff?

And another factor - do you make the decision before or after the bowl game. Let's say they go 7-5, and win a bowl game. Do you fire a coach after an 8-win season? If Coyle has already made up his mind that the program needs to go in a different direction, I would think that it makes more sense to pull the plug before the bowl game and get started on the coaching search. If you wait until after the bowl game, you lose a month of search time, and run the risk of firing a coach who just won a bowl game. That may make sense in a big-picture situation, but the optics are bad.

I thought he would have been fired after the game. That win was a loss. One of the worst games I have ever seen in person. The place was half empty and it is only going to get worse. Apathy has set in. Bad play calling. Horrible discipline and you can't make one yard on all of those 4th downs. It is amazing how we are 8 years into the new stadium and nothing. What we saw today is what we will always be and I guess for most fans that is ok.

Go Gophers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I completely agree with this comment. I'm a long time season ticket holder and life long fan and this lack of discipline in the players is testing my patience. This discipline starts with the coaches from practice to meetings to everything-attention to detail and it starts with the coaches culture they set with the players. I heard boos from the crowd yesterday and it's been a while since I've heard that and lots of negative comments around me too. Apathy has set in and also note, our record may be 5-2 and to most teams this is great but our success this year is mostly due to Kill and his work. If we continue down the road/culture that Claeys is setting, this is going to be our best year for many years to come. This-do we want to continue to be a middle-of-the-road team or do we want to be competitive and win those trophy's back? I thought our vision was to be up there with Wisc, Iowa, PSU by building that beautiful new athletic village. From what I've seen so far this year, Claeys will never be THAT coach that wins the West, captures the trophies and brings us to glory in a New Year's bowl...only time will tell and I really hope I'm wrong but I don't think I will be

Are you really saying you THOUGHT that Claeys would be fired after the game? Seriously? You thought a Gopher coach was going to be fired after winning a Big 10 football game?

I get the argument that maybe you hoped he would get canned (which is another story all together), but you thought it would happen after the game?

How can this season be the tipping point for all these "lifelong fans". Things have been so much worse - so much worse - in the not so distant past. What a joke. Seriously - just go. Leave. Stop coming here too - why keep posting on this board if you have hit that point. Go.

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How can this season be the tipping point for all these "lifelong fans". Things have been so much worse - so much worse - in the not so distant past. What a joke. Seriously - just go. Leave. Stop coming here too - why keep posting on this board if you have hit that point. Go.

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Totally agree, being one who shows up at the game and stays at the game no matter what I honestly can't take any of these comments seriously.

This team was an utter dumpster fire when Mason was fired. I'm not not going to rehash the past, but keep things in perspective. You blow up a team and a staff, you're doubling down on a 7 against a dealer 8.

We have already met our win total from last year and have the opportunity to add to it. I'm as frustrated as anyone yesterday, but I'm really looking forward to these games against Northwestern, Nebraska, and Wisconsin. I'll be in Illinois on Saturday and i'll be at at Purdue the week after that. Because I was there when we walked into every game with almost no chance. So i'm going to enjoy the ride.

At the end of the season, the AD will evaluate the coach based on a number of factors: on-field record - amount of buyout - off-field issues - attendance - donations - recruiting.

Give the coach a grade for each area, then an overall grade, and make a decision. Another big factor - how much $ are the Gophers willing to pay to bring in a new coach and staff?

And another factor - do you make the decision before or after the bowl game. Let's say they go 7-5, and win a bowl game. Do you fire a coach after an 8-win season? If Coyle has already made up his mind that the program needs to go in a different direction, I would think that it makes more sense to pull the plug before the bowl game and get started on the coaching search. If you wait until after the bowl game, you lose a month of search time, and run the risk of firing a coach who just won a bowl game. That may make sense in a big-picture situation, but the optics are bad.

Great post. The low buyout, combined with the decline in ticket sales, plunging enthusiasm under Claeys thus far will be factors. That said, if he wins the game he's "supposed to" win, cleans up the sloppy play, is competitive vs the better teams (and PSU looks much improved in hindsight) then he may survive.

He has low charisma, isn't recruiting particularly well (although we have some nice players committed), and has failed to energize either the diehards or casual fans. Lost to Iowa.

Will Coyle want to hitch his horse to Claeys wide carriage, or sell "hope"? If I had to bet my own money I'd bet on the latter, today, but things can certainly change. Claeys and Co still have a chance to control their destiny IMO. Coyle won't fire a coach that wins 8 games and beats WI.

If he wins 8 wins and beats WI, we'll all chip in to carry him across the threshold back into TCF Stadium.

Les Miles gets fired for losing to two unranked teams in the first four games of the season. Those two teams (WI&AUB) are now combined 10-4 and ranked top 10 and top 15.

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LSU fans might argue has they fired him earlier they win those two games and neither is in the top 15

If he wins 8 wins and beats WI, we'll all chip in to carry him across the threshold back into TCF Stadium.

No we won't. Because that means he lost to northwestern, Purdue, or illinois

How safe do you guys think Mike Zimmer's job is? I say he needs to win 12 games or he's gone.

How safe do you guys think Mike Zimmer's job is? I say he needs to win 12 games or he's gone.

Well, he did just lose to a terrible Philly Team with a rookie QB and all our wins have been against bad teams we caught at the right time - so, there appears to be some truth in your post.

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