Check out this lame little hit-piece that fool Myron just published in the Strib

My issue isn't so much with what Myron wrote, but that there's not even a small capsule look at tonight's game. I know it's a meaningless exhibition game, but nevertheless it's still the public's first look at the 2009-10 squad, and there's nothing about the game. Maybe at least a little something about a potential Gopher starting lineup sprinkled in with a little info on UMD? Is that asking a lot?

Myron wrote: "If Smith arrived in the Twin Cities with full knowledge of the school's basketball history, he knew he was going to have to be tough"

Whoa! Just because of what happened 10-40 years ago????? What a lame and inaccurate statement.

Tubby recruited certain players that had past issues and the potential was there. This sounds like he inherited a team full of thugs which is certainly not the case.

I stand by my point that this article does nothing to depict the environment of the program in the past ten years prior to the recent events and Clemgate. Only things years ago which were resolved and the damage was done. Why stick in the knife and twist it? What matters is what the current coach is doing to run a clean program.

They grow tobacco in Iowa?!?!

I said "lived in tobacco road" not "live in tabacco road". Lived in North Carolina for four years before moving to Iowa two years ago.

Yes, it does happen everywhere else...apparently you just don't hear the other stuff as much. Obviously you aren't going to hear every time there's a violation at another school and you're inevitably going to hear MN news more than news from other schools.

I wouldn't exactly call Duke and Wake Forest great examples either. No offense to MN, but you can't really compare our academics to those two. Obviously the athletes have different admission requirements, but either way it's much harder to qualify for a school like Duke and Wake Forest than a school like MN.

Sorry but you can't erase history. Bottom line is we have a checkered past and we have to accept that. If Myron is the beat writer, he has to report the news. And White's arrest is NEWS! He's been the most heralded metro-area player for the last couple years.

And I'm so tired of the argument, well, it happens everywhere. No it doesn't! How many academic scandals has Duke had? How many players from Wake Forest get arrested? How many major NCAA infractions does UNC have?

You have to take the good with the bad. Can't have it both ways.

For those of you defending Myron, how is this an accurate statement? Maybe I'm misinterpreting the situation, but doesn't this imply that the alleged attack happened before Tubby offered the scholarship? Wasn't the accusation after it was already determined that Trevor was coming here to play bball? This quote is obviously a shot at Tubby. What was Tubby supposed to do? No longer "welcome" Trevor because he was accused of something?

"Smith also welcomed Mbakwe, even after learning he'd been charged with felony assault stemming from an incident in Miami in April and would not necessarily be allowed to compete."

For those of you defending Myron, how is this an accurate statement? Maybe I'm misinterpreting the situation, but doesn't this imply that the alleged attack happened before Tubby offered the scholarship? Wasn't the accusation after it was already determined that Trevor was coming here to play bball? This quote is obviously a shot at Tubby. What was Tubby supposed to do? No longer "welcome" Trevor because he was accused of something?

"Smith also welcomed Mbakwe, even after learning he'd been charged with felony assault stemming from an incident in Miami in April and would not necessarily be allowed to compete."

It doesn't imply that the attack happened before he offered the scholarship, otherwise he would have said, "Tubby still offered Mbakwe a scholarship even though he had been charged with felony assault."

He is just saying that Tubby allowed him to keep his scholarship when he could have suspended him or taken his scholarship as soon as the charges were filed.

He makes it sound as if Tubby did something wrong by "welcoming" him. Was he supposed to take away his scholarship after learning that he was accused of a crime? And Maturi already did suspend him so there wasn't much of an option for Tubby. I suppose Tubby could have kept him out of practice, but that wouldn't have made any sense since there isn't compelling evidence that he's guilty.

It doesn't imply that the attack happened before he offered the scholarship, otherwise he would have said, "Tubby still offered Mbakwe a scholarship even though he had been charged with felony assault."

He is just saying that Tubby allowed him to keep his scholarship when he could have suspended him or taken his scholarship as soon as the charges were filed.

Haha, you beat me to that. Why Myron talks about his stellar basketball career in that article is beyond me.

Surprise, Surprise... Myron wrote himself into another piece about Gopher Basketball. That is my #1 pet peeve about Myron. Just lazy writing.

It's a dirty business because we demand victories and maintain the fiction that these guys are real students. Probably eighty percent of them are not.

This is The Truth. Everything else is just chatter.

Once something is utterly corrupted at its very core....

My longstanding proposal is simply to eliminate athletic scholarships.

Myron's column was excellent and it needed to be written. You people that choose to ignore or whitewash these kinds problems are pathetic. You are part of the problem with big time college athletics these days. You love to ridicule other schools who have similar problems, but you refuse to acknowlege the truly awful history of Gopher basketball since Musselman was here.

And it is less important about what GopherHolers think about this history than what non-Gopher fans in Minnesota think, and what other college basketball fans around the country think. I would wager that the Gophers would be in the Top 10 of any national poll about Division I basketball programs that have had a history of scandal. We would probably be in the Top 5.

Royce White should be kicked off the Gopher basketball team. End of story.

still an over-reacting fool, i see. surprised you are even posting on a thread that has nothing to do with allowing/not allowing alcohol in tcf stadium! :rolleyes:

Costa Rican Gopher...

"You're one of the most reasonable posters on here Gopher Lady."

I agree and am curious to hear your thoughts GL on Royce's most recent incident. This is not intended to taunt you or bait you Nadine, I'm genuinely interested to hear what you think as you defended him after the throwing the ball at Damian Johnson when his back was turned/ quitting/walking out on his team at summer league. I know some others who've been in the guy's corner like you have tired of his antics since that time, but how are you feeling about him? There's no doubt he can be charming when he wants to be (So can sociopathic serial killers) as he made very good impressions on you and BigGopherFan. Are you still of the mind that he's a super guy, just misunderstood? Expelled from the dorms, shoplifting, assault....would you agree it's a pattern he brings on himself or do you see these issues as unrelated? Thoughts?

First of all, thank you for your well written post and questions. You could of easily give me a great big "I told you so," but you didn't, you took the higher ground, and I commend you for that.

As you remember, I have defended Royce for years, I really, truly believed in him - and that's why I wanted him to write the blog for GopherHole last year, after getting so much bad press. I thought if his personality could come out, and people saw what I did in my interactions with them, they'd give him another chance...and a lot of people did. They seemed to enjoy that.

So many of these kids come from rough backgrounds, that I could never understand coming from a very supportive, and traditional family. I really think a lot of these kids can stay on the right path if people believe in them, support them, and most importantly, teach them. I think most of you know that I do defend a lot of the kids I really like and believe in, and most have turned out to be great kids.

I understand a lot of the kids will be kids thing...but the one thing I don't tolerate is violence. That's how I've been with the football players too. Kids drink, they get minors, they make mistakes (I did)...but I can't deal with any of the assault issues, I will not defend those actions.

As for my current thoughts on Royce right now, if everything that has been written has been true (and I have no reason to believe it's not), I can sum up my feelings in one word...disappointed. :(

Once again, Myron becomes the bad guy here! I'm not saying he is a good writer, that's beside the point. However, I don't think he should be put through the meat-grinder every time he has to write something not-so-flattering about the Gophers. I think all of us want Minnesota and Tubby Smith to succeed, and it hurts some people on here to see everything negative that has happened with the beloved program laid out in print like that.
I have a feeling the people who complain about Myron on Gopher Hole would find something to complain about if a new writer stepped in. Myron is merely doing his job, and unfortunately he has to be vilified and completely lambasted on this public forum because several fans disagree with what he wrote. It's sad. Personal attacks are not necessary.
What is he supposed to print? "Everything in Tubbyville is just great! The Gophers are going to be the best team in the Big 10. White and Mbakwe made some silly little mistakes and will be back soon to help the best college basketball program in the country."

I've never gotten into the Myron attacks before but that article today was 100% pure garbage. There was no need to write that story lumping this current situation in with the past. First off we have no idea if Trevor is even guilty of anything. And why does Rodney keep getting thrown into all these discuussions. Rodney has never been in any sort of trouble that I've ever heard of and his only problem was poor academics early in his high school career. What was Trevor's big past mistake, that he switched schools a bunch of times. so did cory Joseph and many, many other kids. Certainly there we're some concerns about the people around Trevor giving him bad advice but he's not close to the risk some Bucky fans would lead you to believe. Bostick just made a dumb mistake and bad timing got him lumped into this mess, it would barely be a footnote had it happenned some other time. Even Royce's history was mostly immaturity.

"I can sum up my feelings in one word...disappointed."

I really want him to get his act together and what better place than at the U with Tubby right? Who knows maybe this is the time it will finally stick for Royce? Maybe the healthy thing for him is to let him hit rock bottom? Maybe he would actually have been better served getting away from home? I don't know but I too am disappointed.

"I can sum up my feelings in one word...disappointed."

I really want him to get his act together and what better place than at the U with Tubby right? Who knows maybe this is the time it will finally stick for Royce? Maybe the healthy thing for him is to let him hit rock bottom? Maybe he would actually have been better served getting away from home? I don't know but I too am disappointed.

Here is a novel ideal. How about Royce being held accountable for his actions? Pardon me if I am wrong in assuming that has rarely happened to him before.


Does anyone ever notice how the Star Tribune reporters like Russo, Zulag, Lavelle, etc. end up on local radio or television shows to provide insight, and our basketball reporter is the exception? Do his colleagues think he's a tool too?

Here is a novel ideal. How about Royce being held accountable for his actions? Pardon me if I am wrong in assuming that has rarely happened to him before.

This post reminds me of someone...

why doesn't someone tell that clown to go and cover the mavericks, so we can get a gopher covering the team.

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