Carey Woods - Bemidji

I would love to see Bemidji take on Eden Prairie. At least Bemidji has a QB who can throw the ball. That QB from EP was painful to watch. Sort of throws like Tebow, with the big windup. Hendricks has a much quicker delivery, and is far more accurate. I was amazed at the lack of skill I saw from EP's QB. I'd say Jacks 29 Eden Prairie 10. So, Bob, I think you're mistaken if you think EP would put a hurting on Bemidji. But we'll never know, will we?

I would love to see Bemidji take on Eden Prairie. At least Bemidji has a QB who can throw the ball. That QB from EP was painful to watch. Sort of throws like Tebow, with the big windup. Hendricks has a much quicker delivery, and is far more accurate. I was amazed at the lack of skill I saw from EP's QB. I'd say Jacks 29 Eden Prairie 10. So, Bob, I think you're mistaken if you think EP would put a hurting on Bemidji. But we'll never know, will we?

Wow. You are crazy. Having seen Bemidji and Totino, the edge easily goes to TG. We saw what EP did to them.

For a program that's been as bad as Minnesota's, the fans on here are way too cocky. At least beat NDSU and Northwestern before you consider yourself an elite program that can afford to disrespect great players from your home state. I've been a Gopher football fan my whole life, but after reading the arrogant posts on this forum, I will have a hard time remaining a fan. Oh, well, not much to cheer about at TCF lately anyway. Do yourself a favor, watch Bemidji trounce Rocori tomorrow, and continue to minimize Woods. It makes it more fun for us outstate remote programs. I just wish there was a metro team going against Bemidji. That would be sweet to brutalize a team from the "mighty metro".
By the way, are there any tickets left for the Gopher game tomorrow? I imagine it's probably sold out pretty early, huh? Such an elite program...

For a program that's been as bad as Minnesota's, the fans on here are way too cocky.
I've been a Gopher football fan my whole life, but after reading the arrogant posts on this forum, I will have a hard time remaining a fan. Oh, well, not much to cheer about at TCF lately anyway. Do yourself a favor, watch Bemidji trounce Rocori tomorrow, and continue to minimize Woods. ...

I don't think the Gophers are very good at all. However, no one has offered Woods yet, not even a MAC school. It's not just MN that thinks it's too good for Woods, it's Eastern Michigan too.

I think they both might be wrong, as I've been pretty impressed with Woods. But it is NOT arrogance of MN that is keeping him from getting offers, because NO ONE, NOT 1 D1 program has offered him. A kid playing at Triton has a D1 offer, but not Woods.

For a program that's been as bad as Minnesota's, the fans on here are way too cocky. At least beat NDSU and Northwestern before you consider yourself an elite program that can afford to disrespect great players from your home state.
NDSU beat us because they thoroughly out-coached us, not just in that game, but for the many years building up to that game. NDSU will never ever outrecruit Minnesota in a million years, which is why we should never accept losing to them.

I've been a Gopher football fan my whole life, but after reading the arrogant posts on this forum, I will have a hard time remaining a fan. Oh, well, not much to cheer about at TCF lately anyway.
See you later.

I would love to see Bemidji take on Eden Prairie. At least Bemidji has a QB who can throw the ball. That QB from EP was painful to watch. Sort of throws like Tebow, with the big windup. Hendricks has a much quicker delivery, and is far more accurate. I was amazed at the lack of skill I saw from EP's QB. I'd say Jacks 29 Eden Prairie 10. So, Bob, I think you're mistaken if you think EP would put a hurting on Bemidji. But we'll never know, will we?

First off, you don't want to see Bemidji take on Eden Praire, it would squash your delusion that the two teams are comparable. You'd be better off believing the fantasy than learning the truth. That's not a rip on Bemidji, because it isn't fair to compare schools of those different sizes.

Second, Hendricks is better than the EP QB. But there is more to football than 1 position. EP wouldn't have to throw the ball much against you guys. Again, that's not a rip on the Jacks. I'd say that Bemidji is similar to Totino Grace, and Totino Grace wouldn't fair well in the Classic Lake. There just aren't many schools who can compete with them, that's why they are adding another class next year. Those schools are SO big that even the big metro schools can't compete.

I can't see Bemidji scoring 29 points on Eden Praire. No one scored 29 points on them all season. They shut down a Hopkins team with a better WR than Woods (Andre McDonald), they've played against guys like Woods before, every week (or similar). Bemidji has never faced a defense anything comparable to Eden Praire's.

NDSU beat us because they thoroughly out-coached us, not just in that game, but for the many years building up to that game. NDSU will never ever outrecruit Minnesota in a million years, which is why we should never accept losing to them.

See you later.

He's not a Gopher fan anyways.
#1: He argued that MN hasn't recruited Woods because Woods plays in Bemidji, which is playing in the 4A (not 9man) championship. (Totally overlooks the fact that our commit list is littered with outstate MN kids).
#2: He argued that because people said that there could be some risk in offering Woods that meant they didn't think Woods was good. Well, I think Woods is good, I even think he can play in the Big 10, but I still understand the risk in it. Then again, i've been on these boards pimping Jon Harden for 2 years, but I understand the risk in offering him as well.
#3: He takes everything personally.

For a program that's been as bad as Minnesota's, the fans on here are way too cocky. At least beat NDSU and Northwestern before you consider yourself an elite program that can afford to disrespect great players from your home state. I've been a Gopher football fan my whole life, but after reading the arrogant posts on this forum, I will have a hard time remaining a fan. Oh, well, not much to cheer about at TCF lately anyway. Do yourself a favor, watch Bemidji trounce Rocori tomorrow, and continue to minimize Woods. It makes it more fun for us outstate remote programs. I just wish there was a metro team going against Bemidji. That would be sweet to brutalize a team from the "mighty metro".
By the way, are there any tickets left for the Gopher game tomorrow? I imagine it's probably sold out pretty early, huh? Such an elite program...

lol..... woods is not a great player... if he was he would have more offers than bemidji state and moorhead...

For a program that's been as bad as Minnesota's, the fans on here are way too cocky. At least beat NDSU and Northwestern before you consider yourself an elite program that can afford to disrespect great players from your home state. I've been a Gopher football fan my whole life, but after reading the arrogant posts on this forum, I will have a hard time remaining a fan. Oh, well, not much to cheer about at TCF lately anyway. Do yourself a favor, watch Bemidji trounce Rocori tomorrow, and continue to minimize Woods. It makes it more fun for us outstate remote programs. I just wish there was a metro team going against Bemidji. That would be sweet to brutalize a team from the "mighty metro".
By the way, are there any tickets left for the Gopher game tomorrow? I imagine it's probably sold out pretty early, huh? Such an elite program...

When you Dakota trolls come stir stuff on our board the least you could do is keep things consistent within a single trolling post. Apparently that's too difficult for you Dakota schools.

You guys fail to realize that several players from Bemidji will be playing at the next level. The D line, inside linebackers, it's not just a one man team like Mankato West. Going by comparable opponents, Bemidji beat Moorhead 40-13 IN MOORHEAD, Wayzata beat Moorhead 49-14 at a neutral site. Bemidji feasted on the 5A teams they played this year. This is a special group of players that would do quite well in 5A. Looking at Totino's results, they didn't appear to dominate anyone. Bemidji, if they had chosen to, would have beaten most teams they've played this year in the 60-10 range if they'd kept their starters in longer to appear stronger in the ratings. But that's now how they played it. They'd get out to a huge halftime lead, and substitute freely in the second half. How many teams would use a 9th grade QB in the playoffs (another Hendricks, who might turn out to be better than his big brother)? I know Bemidji will never get the credit from the mighty metro people who apparently invented high school football, but that's okay. Keep patting yourselves on the back, and watch Bemidji put up 50 against Rocori. See ya, gotta leave for the big city, you fellas have fun watching the Gophers. I hear they might get 20000 at TCF today. Wow. Big time college football.

Hahahaha, I think Woods is a great player but I gotta laugh at these clowns that act like NDSU is relevant to anyone outside of Fargo. Yea Gophers may be down but I'd rather cheer for a team that's down and CAN be than a team that never WILL be.

And how big of a backwoods dumb @SS do u have to be to ignore all the posts that say they would like to see Woods in a gopher uniform? Sure there are some folks that think he's not big ten caliber but how can you get sensitive about that when at the moment no D1 or D1-AA school has offered?????? #stupidity

And how big of a backwoods dumb @SS do u have to be to ignore all the posts that say they would like to see Woods in a gopher uniform? Sure there are some folks that think he's not big ten caliber but how can you get sensitive about that when at the moment no D1 or D1-AA school has offered?????? #stupidity
Hey, Jose, how do you know he doesn't have any other offers? Learn to read, dumb@$$. You don't have a clue about Woods, I know the kid, ok? He does have offers, learn to read.

Hey, Jose, how do you know he doesn't have any other offers? Learn to read, dumb@$$. You don't have a clue about Woods, I know the kid, ok? He does have offers, learn to read.

If he has "offers" why do the Gophers have to hurry up and offer before he commits to NDSU. If you have "offers", you don't end up in Fargo.

I guess we don't really know if Woods has any FBS offers or not. But if he doesn't, that could change quickly with another dominating performance in the championship game.

For someone who is a close personal friend I would expect you to know this???

Hey, Jose, how do you know he doesn't have any other offers? Learn to read, dumb@$$. You don't have a clue about Woods, I know the kid, ok? He does have offers, learn to read.

i want to see proof he has offers to play football out side of the reported moorehead and bemidji st...

i want to see proof he has offers to play football out side of the reported moorehead and bemidji st...

Carey was offered a partial from ndsu about a month ago and on tues I believe was offered a full ride from the bison. Und offered early in the season. I would love carey to come to the U as a walk on but he is not tough enough imo for a full ride. He is a great high school wr but his toughness has me concerned. The bemidjifan has really gone a bit over the top with his homer attitude.

So much for that crushing victory by Bemidji. The kids did great but your attitude needs some effort.

Jonah Pirsig is from Blue Earth and he had offers from major programs as early as last year.

But I'm not even talking about major programs, FBS also means teams like Wyoming, Akron, Western Michigan, Air Force, etc. All of whom have offered guys like Brett Pierce, Drake Michaelson, Charles Webb, Jonathan Harden, and Duke Anyanwu. Now, you may be absolutely correct that part of this is because schools like that scan the metro, offer guys they like, and never bother to look out-state. But part of that is the lack of big-time football played outside of the metro.

Kill has also managed to find (as others have mentioned) players from Rochester and Mankato. Maybe he has a bit of a blind eye to the guys from up north (Joe Mollberg never seemed to get much consideration), but I don't think that's killing the program either way. I'm hardly upset at Coach Kill for not offering a scholarship when even lesser programs have failed to do so as well. If Woods was a sure-fire Big Ten prospect, somebody would have found him. If it's Kill, great, but I doubt it will be anyone else.

Funny you mentioned Wyoming in this post. I'm best friends with a guy who started at Wyoming for four years and we watched the prep bowl today and he called and texted everybody he knew in that program about Woods before half time, including sending his highlight video. You can bet that they'll be interested. Especially with how their program is coming along. They've been a very good team this year and don't lose one starter for next season. You can bet they'd be willing to take a chance on a player like Woods

Bemidjifan - please stop acting like a tool. You're making the rest of us from Bemidji (and the northwoods) look bad.

As other people pointed out, Bemidji fan was picking fights with people who said that they would like to see Woods with the Gophers (including myself). He is a outstate guy that has such a chip on his shoulder that he isn't able to have a realistic conversation about kids from his hometown.

I am not going to lash out at Bemidji and Woods because of his stupidity. But yeah, I didn't think Bemidji could play Eden Praire/Wayzata or even Cretin to within 20 points and today only confirmed that thought. That isn't to take anything away from Bemidji because it's comparing apples to oranges.

About Woods - - -
I Tivo'd the game and he looks pretty good. I don't think he is a sure fire D1 prospect. He looks pretty fast and he has really good hands, but I could see the concern with him as a possible Big 10 football player. I think he's borderline, so I wouldn't have any issue with our staff's decision on him either way. Despite Bemidjifan's homerism, I would have liked to see Bemidji play up to their ability because I don't think this was their best. They made a lot of mistakes that they normally don't make, but like Mankato in the semi's, all that matters is who wins the game.

I will agree with one thing bemidjifan said, most of the fans on Gopherhole are absolutely ridiculous, and I too am embarassed by a lot of the people on here. That is including many of the people in this thread. I will, however, remain a fan. And he is correct about the out-state thing as well. I'm from out-state and the U is VERY RARELY up here for recruiting (believe me, you hear that kind of stuff up here, it's much more close knit than the metro). There are quite a few lineman up north that could make far more of an impact on Minnesota than the sad ones we have right now. Almost all of UMDuluths OL is from northern MN and some of them are far better than our sorry excuse of an OL.

After watching the Prep Bowl today, Minnesota needs to give more thought to Woods. He would definitely make more of an impact than some of the receivers we had this year. I wouldn't say he's a true freshman type player, but you could redshirt him and let him bulk up a little more and the kid could be a major player in Kill's offense. I have a feeling the one thing that might be holding the U back about bringing him in is his height, a 6 foot even receiver in the B1G isn't normal. But even after that, I think this kid has the ability to be a clutch receiver for the U.

I will agree with one thing bemidjifan said, most of the fans on Gopherhole are absolutely ridiculous, and I too am embarassed by a lot of the people on here. That is including many of the people in this thread. I will, however, remain a fan. And he is correct about the out-state thing as well. I'm from out-state and the U is VERY RARELY up here for recruiting (believe me, you hear that kind of stuff up here, it's much more close knit than the metro). There are quite a few lineman up north that could make far more of an impact on Minnesota than the sad ones we have right now. Almost all of UMDuluths OL is from northern MN and some of them are far better than our sorry excuse of an OL.

After watching the Prep Bowl today, Minnesota needs to give more thought to Woods. He would definitely make more of an impact than some of the receivers we had this year. I wouldn't say he's a true freshman type player, but you could redshirt him and let him bulk up a little more and the kid could be a major player in Kill's offense. I have a feeling the one thing that might be holding the U back about bringing him in is his height, a 6 foot even receiver in the B1G isn't normal. But even after that, I think this kid has the ability to be a clutch receiver for the U.
It seems to me that by "outstate" Minnesota you mean Northern Minnesota.

It seems to me that by "outstate" Minnesota you mean Northern Minnesota.

Yes haha, up here it's just assumed that out-state is only attributed to northern Minnesota. Many people up here consider Mankato to be a part of the metro when it comes to high school sports.

I mean obviously the U shouldn't spend to much time recruiting up here because there aren't many B1G caliber athletes, but when it comes to linemen they need to do a little more looking. There are a lot of big kids up here and quite a few of them are better than what Minnesota has now for linemen.

Yes haha, up here it's just assumed that out-state is only attributed to northern Minnesota. Many people up here consider Mankato to be a part of the metro when it comes to high school sports.

I mean obviously the U shouldn't spend to much time recruiting up here because there aren't many B1G caliber athletes, but when it comes to linemen they need to do a little more looking. There are a lot of big kids up here and quite a few of them are better than what Minnesota has now for linemen.
I'd say the same thing about Southern Minnesota. Lot of big guys down here that are STRONG. Heck most football players here are strong. I was talking to a guy in my class that played football about the lifting numbers that were released over the off-season and our RB had similar lifting stats to Bennett.

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