Carey Woods - Bemidji

I say we give the kid an offer we have nothing to lose. He looks like he could play DB or WR, love the way he adjusts to the ball in the air thats one of the hardest things to teach a player, he also seems like he is one of the faster players in the state. IMO give him an offer.
We have plenty to lose.

the reason no one knows about carey is he has never gone to any of the football camps. up until a few games into this season he was looking at playing basketball in college. 2 summers ago he played on 2 aau teams and then last summer played only 1. if he would have been thinking football last year and did some camps he would have several offers.

the reason no one knows about carey is he has never gone to any of the football camps. up until a few games into this season he was looking at playing basketball in college. 2 summers ago he played on 2 aau teams and then last summer played only 1. if he would have been thinking football last year and did some camps he would have several offers.
Or he wouldn't. Neither of us have any idea.

Let's not play Uncle Rico with a kid who hasn't even graduated from high school yet.

I didn't say that no kids still surprise at the next level, but I admit that I should have been more clear. Gauging high school talent is still a bit of a crap shoot. Witness the pro baseball entry draft. It can be difficult to ascertain where a kid will be when he's fully developed. Some kids who are studs at 16 fall back a bit if they don't continue to develop physically while other kids surpass them. Football is a little different as the skill set position-to-position varies dramatically and one can specialize to a greater degree than in baseball or basketball.

The point I was driving at is that with all the camps, recruiters have more information on kids than they did a generation ago. Add to that the fact that video is more readily attainable now than then and there are other advantages for both coaches and athletes to "find their level."

I don't know what Woods' level is. I don't grade kids' athletic ability for a living. Kill and company do and my guess is that if they believe Woods is up to Big 10 competition, they'll try to find a way to get him on campus.

Yeah, they do. It's called a scholarship and when you are in the process of rebuilding a crap program you can't afford to lose any of them.
I'm sorry you give the scholarship to a hardworking extremely athletic kid, as long as he stays out of trouble, that is not considered a waste and I don't see the risk. IMO he is less risking than 90% of the kids we have committed from other states. I don't see the risk other than maybe he doesn't see the field, a lot of kids on scholarship don't, so its not like that won't happen if someone else got his offer.

It'll be hard for the U to offer a kid who hasn't been to any of their camps. The reason is that we are in such a bad situation when it comes to depth that we can't afford to "waste scholarships", so the coaches are going to want to only offer guys who they have seen play and compete against good competition.

I'm sorry you give the scholarship to a hardworking extremely athletic kid, as long as he stays out of trouble, that is not considered a waste and I don't see the risk. IMO he is less risking than 90% of the kids we have committed from other states. I don't see the risk other than maybe he doesn't see the field, a lot of kids on scholarship don't, so its not like that won't happen if someone else got his offer.

Well if that's the attitude you are going to have let's just pull all outstate offers and give them to those hardworking Minnesota kids. Why not completely minimize the "risks" by having a team full of instate kids?

i dont see the U offering him anything but walk on status and i dont think there is anything wrong with that. if they do, i will be very happy for him

I'm sorry you give the scholarship to a hardworking extremely athletic kid, as long as he stays out of trouble, that is not considered a waste and I don't see the risk. IMO he is less risking than 90% of the kids we have committed from other states. I don't see the risk other than maybe he doesn't see the field, a lot of kids on scholarship don't, so its not like that won't happen if someone else got his offer.

No offense, but how do you know Woods is less of a risk than other kids. How do you know he works any harder than our other recruits? How do you know that he is less of an academic risk than other recruits? Because he's from Bemidji?

Well if that's the attitude you are going to have let's just pull all outstate offers and give them to those hardworking Minnesota kids. Why not completely minimize the "risks" by having a team full of instate kids?

That's even assuming that the instate kids all are less risk than kids from different states.

Well if that's the attitude you are going to have let's just pull all outstate offers and give them to those hardworking Minnesota kids. Why not completely minimize the "risks" by having a team full of instate kids?
Ok where is the risk with this offer? Its recruiting its all guessing and when you are not Texas or Alabama, you have to take shots on upside players. That's exactly what this is, is there a chance he doesn't perform, of course but its less of a chance IMO opinion than quite a few players we have committed already.

Ok where is the risk with this offer? Its recruiting its all guessing and when you are not Texas or Alabama, you have to take shots on upside players. That's exactly what this is, is there a chance he doesn't perform, of course but its less of a chance IMO opinion than quite a few players we have committed already.
If you're a moron.

No offense, but how do you know Woods is less of a risk than other kids. How do you know he works any harder than our other recruits? How do you know that he is less of an academic risk than other recruits? Because he's from Bemidji?
How do you know he is not? I said I don't see the risk in giving him an offer because he plays at 2 positions of need and everyone jumped me saying that the risk is a lost scholarship, like every player we have signed is a guaranteed to not to bust. So again tell me the risk in giving a kid that has played great for 4 years in 2 sports, clearly looks athletic enough to play Big Ten Football, an offer an see if he can take his athleticism and grow into a good player

What sucks is that NDSU has been taking these types of players and beating us with them and yet we are scared that this might take away from a scholarship that goes to who?

But he's 90% sure!
you bring nothing to the conversation, why are you even in this thread? Other than saying you don't think he deserves an offer, why? You haven't given any original thoughts on the subject but you criticize my reasoning. So again I ask why doesn't he deserve an offer? Why is he more risky than any player from Florida that no one here has seen?

So again tell me the risk in giving a kid that has played great for 4 years in 2 sports, clearly looks athletic enough to play Big Ten Football, an offer an see if he can take his athleticism and grow into a good player
The risk is that he's not clearly athletic enough and that he will never develop into the type of athlete that can compete in the Big Ten. Schooling other out-state Minnesota kids in the 4A playoffs does not make you "clearly athletic enough to play Big Ten football"

Maybe Woods is good enough. I'm not going to say I've seen enough of him, or guys like Tyren Hills, to make a real evaluation. All I'm saying is that:

a) You don't give a scholarship to a kid who can't cut it because recruiting is "guessing." If that were the case, as someone else mentioned, lets just offer 30 Minnesota kids and call it a day.

b) No other FBS teams have offered him. Not the academies, not the MAC, not Conference USA, certainly not the Big Ten. If Kill is missing the boat, so is everyone else.

I'm sorry I disagree with the group think going around here, but I don't see this player as any more or less or a sure thing than half the players we have committed. None of these players are sure things, recruits bust all the time but I guess I must be a moron for thinking that every player we recruit isn't a sure thing and isn't guaranteed to be an All-Big Ten player.

How do you know he is not? I said I don't see the risk in giving him an offer because he plays at 2 positions of need and everyone jumped me saying that the risk is a lost scholarship, like every player we have signed is a guaranteed to not to bust. So again tell me the risk in giving a kid that has played great for 4 years in 2 sports, clearly looks athletic enough to play Big Ten Football, an offer an see if he can take his athleticism and grow into a good player

What sucks is that NDSU has been taking these types of players and beating us with them and yet we are scared that this might take away from a scholarship that goes to who?

I wasn't the one who claimed to know which kids were riskier than other kids. You were the one that claimed we should offer because he is less of risk. I never said he was more of a risk, just that I didn't think you knew which kids were more or less risky.

I do know that the Gopher coaches have access to these kids grades and have 15 years of experience evaluating talent.

There are kids from MN who aren't strong academically. There are kids from MN who aren't the hardest workers.

I'm sorry I disagree with the group think going around here, but I don't see this player as any more or less or a sure thing than half the players we have committed. None of these players are sure things, recruits bust all the time but I guess I must be a moron for thinking that every player we recruit isn't a sure thing and isn't guaranteed to be an All-Big Ten player.
People disagree with me = must be group think.

You're not a moron for thinking that every recruit we bring in isn't a sure thing. You might be a moron (didn't say you were) if you think recruiting is nothing but guessing. Recruiting is a science. It's not a flawless science, but it's not "guessing." Guessing is pulling names out of a hat. If you think that's recruiting, yes, you are a moron.

The risk is that he's not clearly athletic enough and that he will never develop into the type of athlete that can compete in the Big Ten. Schooling other out-state Minnesota kids in the 4A playoffs does not make you "clearly athletic enough to play Big Ten football"

Maybe Woods is good enough. I'm not going to say I've seen enough of him, or guys like Tyren Hills, to make a real evaluation. All I'm saying is that:

a) You don't give a scholarship to a kid who can't cut it because recruiting is "guessing." If that were the case, as someone else mentioned, lets just offer 30 Minnesota kids and call it a day.

b) No other FBS teams have offered him. Not the academies, not the MAC, not Conference USA, certainly not the Big Ten. If Kill is missing the boat, so is everyone else.
I'm sorry but lets face facts here how often do MAC schools and those schools offer kids from up north in Minnesota? I hate to bring up NDSU again but how many of their players had offers from those schools and they would beat half of those MAC and Conference USA teams.

I'm sorry I disagree with the group think going around here, but I don't see this player as any more or less or a sure thing than half the players we have committed. None of these players are sure things, recruits bust all the time but I guess I must be a moron for thinking that every player we recruit isn't a sure thing and isn't guaranteed to be an All-Big Ten player.

I agree with you, it's a calculated crap shoot. My point was just that the Gopher coaches knew the other variables that none of us are privy to (academics, skill against better competition, etc.).

I know nothing about the kid other than he looked REALLY good against Mankato West and he has an impressive highlight reel, but it's certainly possible that he isn't strong academically.

After talking to a ndsu coach, it was 1. Ford, 2 Horne (milwaukee) 3. larson 4. woods. 5. freisen

NDSU got horne, then still has a foot in the door (albeit long shot at Ford) and Larson, with woods after those, so Im guessing now that the writing is on the wall that NDSU probably wont get ford or larson, they want woods.

NDSU at WR has Vraa, Gebhardt (from sioux falls) who were both heralded recruits but keep getting hurt. So a Woods on the squad would be helpful!

i dont know who the bemidji fan is, but like i said being up by bemidji last week, they said NDSU was on him right away and they remain loyal to NDSU.

People disagree with me = must be group think.

You're not a moron for thinking that every recruit we bring in isn't a sure thing. You might be a moron (didn't say you were) if you think recruiting is nothing but guessing. Recruiting is a science. It's not a flawless science, but it's not "guessing." Guessing is pulling names out of a hat. If you think that's recruiting, yes, you are a moron.
I used the group think analogy because I posted something people didn't agree with and a couple posted jumped me without giving any reasons why they disagreed. I didn't say everyone should agree with me but people calling me out on my opinion that he isn't less risky than some 2 star WR in Florida that has 20 catches on the year and 2 TDS, without giving reasons is pretty lame

you bring nothing to the conversation, why are you even in this thread? Other than saying you don't think he deserves an offer, why? You haven't given any original thoughts on the subject but you criticize my reasoning. So again I ask why doesn't he deserve an offer? Why is he more risky than any player from Florida that no one here has seen?

I never said he didn't deserve one. In fact, I would have no problem with any player that the experienced Division 1 coaching staff feels is worthy of one and right now (as far as we know) they feel he isn't. Forgive me for deferring to the real coaches and not some message board poster who doesn't appear to take criticism well.

After talking to a ndsu coach, it was 1. Ford, 2 Horne (milwaukee) 3. larson 4. woods. 5. freisen

NDSU got horne, then still has a foot in the door (albeit long shot at Ford) and Larson, with woods after those, so Im guessing now that the writing is on the wall that NDSU probably wont get ford or larson, they want woods.

NDSU at WR has Vraa, Gebhardt (from sioux falls) who were both heralded recruits but keep getting hurt. So a Woods on the squad would be helpful!

i dont know who the bemidji fan is, but like i said being up by bemidji last week, they said NDSU was on him right away and they remain loyal to NDSU.

Good god enough with the sioux recruiting talk.

I agree with you, it's a calculated crap shoot. My point was just that the Gopher coaches knew the other variables that none of us are privy to (academics, skill against better competition, etc.).

I know nothing about the kid other than he looked REALLY good against Mankato West and he has an impressive highlight reel, but it's certainly possible that he isn't strong academically.
I 100% agree with this and I think Kill knows what he is doing and looking for so I will trust his judgement. But from where I'm sitting, in my uneducated scouting view, I think he is worth an offer. That was all I was saying, nothing more nothing less

I never said he didn't deserve one. In fact, I would have no problem with any player that the experienced Division 1 coaching staff feels is worthy of one and right now (as far as we know) they feel he isn't. Forgive me for deferring to the real coaches and not some message board poster who doesn't appear to take criticism well.
All I said was I thought he should get an offer and that I don't think we have anything to lose by doing it.

I'm sorry but lets face facts here how often do MAC schools and those schools offer kids from up north in Minnesota? I hate to bring up NDSU again but how many of their players had offers from those schools and they would beat half of those MAC and Conference USA teams.

MAC schools offer MN kids quite a bit actually.
Michaelson, Harden, Roullier, Larson, Pierce, Anwayu, Moritko, Hughes, Webb, and Bungum all have MAC/Mountain West/Conf USA offers. I think Sura will end up with a MAC type offer as well.

NDSU does do a nice job, but they pass on kids as well. There are plenty of kids at UMD who NDSU passed on who could help them. It's the nature of the beast....

I 100% agree with this and I think Kill knows what he is doing and looking for so I will trust his judgement. But from where I'm sitting, in my uneducated scouting view, I think he is worth an offer. That was all I was saying, nothing more nothing less

I don't disagree with that either. When you get down to the last couple of scholarships, I don't see the harm in looking at an athletic multi-position kid from the home state and offering him.

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