Carey Woods - Bemidji

I don't disagree with that either. When you get down to the last couple of scholarships, I don't see the harm in looking at an athletic multi-position kid from the home state and offering him.
watch out, that view point isn't going to go over very well here

After talking to a ndsu coach

You just keep running into people up there...

Just a couple of days ago, you were on here asking about Ford or Larson whether NDSU has any chance at either of them and since then you ran into another NDSU coach who decided to share his recruiting strategy with you.

Weird. You should really work for TMZ or something. You have an uncanny ability of running into these people and having them give you a lot of info.

PS: Are you going to drive to Bemidji to check out Woods outfits for indicators?

I'm sorry but lets face facts here how often do MAC schools and those schools offer kids from up north in Minnesota? I hate to bring up NDSU again but how many of their players had offers from those schools and they would beat half of those MAC and Conference USA teams.
This year.

And, as someone else has already mentioned, the players NDSU beat us with were more from the metro than from Northern Minnesota. If you want to use NDSU as an example, the argument is that metro-area players aren't getting the number of offers that they should.

Just take a look at the NDSU roster:

-Sam Ojuri (Illnois)
-DJ McNorton (Texas)
-Brock Jensen (Wisconsin)
-Warren Halloway (Texas)
-Marcus Williams (Minneapolis)
-Coulter Boyer (South Dakota)
-Chad Willson (Utah)
-Cole Jirki (Northfield, Minn)
-Preston Evans (South Dakota)
-Colton Heagle (Wisconsin)

Statistically, these are the top 10 leaders on the Bison team. Two of them are from Minnesota. None of them are from Northern Minnesota.

Your argument just doesn't hold water.

This year.

And, as someone else has already mentioned, the players NDSU beat us with were more from the metro than from Northern Minnesota. If you want to use NDSU as an example, the argument is that metro-area players aren't getting the number of offers that they should.

Just take a look at the NDSU roster:

-Sam Ojuri (Illnois)
-DJ McNorton (Texas)
-Brock Jensen (Wisconsin)
-Warren Halloway (Texas)
-Marcus Williams (Minneapolis)
-Coulter Boyer (South Dakota)
-Chad Willson (Utah)
-Cole Jirki (Northfield, Minn)

Statistically, these are the top 8 leaders on the Bison team. Two of them are from Minnesota. None of them are from Northern Minnesota.

Your argument just doesn't hold water.
Mother of God, I didn't mean every single player comes from Northern Minnesota or even that their best players come from Northern Minnesota or any of their players come from Northern Minnesota. I meant that they take players that don't have offers from any MAC schools and they would beat most MAC schools. Also if my argument doesn't hold water how does the yours hold water? There is more than 8 players on a team .

But I'm done with this thread I think Woods should get an offer, I realize Kill is better at this then I ever will be so I trust his judgement but I think he looked good and everything I have read about him sounds like he is athletic, so I think he should get an offer. That was all I was trying to say.

Mother of God, I didn't mean every single player comes from Northern Minnesota or even that their best players come from Northern Minnesota or any of their players come from Northern Minnesota. I meant that they take players that don't have offers from any MAC schools and they would beat most MAC schools. Also if my argument doesn't hold water how does the yours hold water? There is more than 8 players on a team .

But I'm done with this thread I think Woods should get an offer, I realize Kill is better at this then I ever will be so I trust his judgement but I think he looked good and everything I have read about him sounds like he is athletic, so I think he should get an offer. That was all I was trying to say.

You said that NDSU is beating teams like Minnesota with players like Woods (I'm assuming you meant obscure players from upstate, as this is the only way your statement could make any sense at all)

The truth is, no, they aren't. You said that, not expecting anyone to actually do the legwork to confirm that your statement was false. NDSU is built with players from lots of different places, and the prime Minnesota players are from the metro, along with Wisconsin, Illinois, and Texas, not Northern Minnesota. This does nothing to add to the argument that there are obscure Big Ten-quality players in Northern Minnesota, and it makes your NDSU example invalid.

watch out, that view point isn't going to go over very well here

As if I come here for approval. LOL.

The point I'm trying to make is that there are legacy/"last minute local" offers in every class for just about every team and if we have a couple sitting around at the end of the process, ship one to Woods if the stars are aligned.

The thing about guys like Woods, Larson and Michaelson is that they are going to be more thought of as safety valves rather than guys we should offer because we have nothing to lose. We really have nothing to gain by offering them this soon because we have almost no competition for them. As I said earlier, if a kid only had an offer from NDSU or SDSU in late January/early February and we were still trying to land a high profile kid, well, if things didn't pan out with those high profile kids.....the Michaelson's of the world will likely take that last minute Gopher offer. You saw this last season with Greyson Levine and Joe Bjorklund (late MN signees).

The Gopher coaches are honest about it, look at the Drake Michaelson interview. He said that the Gopher coaches told him to continue looking at other schools (so he has other options) but that they MIGHT still come around. That's really the honorable way to handle that situation.

I've seen enough Gopher football over the last three years to realize that teams like the Gophers have to take a chance on a kid like this. If you're just going to play it safe and only go after the guys everybody else is going after,, you're never going to reach the upper echelon of college football. The only thing that might be holding him back is grades. That I could understand. But both of his parents are teachers, so I think they hold education very important in their family.

As far as Nelson being the best player in the state, I'm from Bemidji, I've only seen him once (last week) and honestly, I was a little disappointed in his performance. I've heard so much about his accuracy, but I thought he missed a lot of guys who were open. I expected to see the second coming of Brett Favre, but I thought Bemidji shut down this kid pretty well. Heck, we spotted them a 14 point lead, and still won by 19. Nelson looks like a great QB in warmups, but he didn't make the big play when they needed it, and Woods did. All this hotstove talk is fine, but Woods and Bemidji made their statement on the field, where it belongs. Woods will dominate against Rocori, and he still won't get the respect he should get. Maybe he's better off at NDSU or UND where they really want him.

I"ve been hearing for years how Minnesota needs to get every big-time player in the state. I hate to keep bringing it up, but how many times does Minnesota have to get embarrassed by a team like NDSU to realize that what the Gophers have been doing has not been working?

I"ve been hearing for years how Minnesota needs to get every big-time player in the state. I hate to keep bringing it up, but how many times does Minnesota have to get embarrassed by a team like NDSU to realize that what the Gophers have been doing has not been working?

But I don't think we are doing what we have always been doing. I think things are different now than they were even 5 years ago.

Kill isn't Brew or Mason. You can't blame him for missing on kids that Brew or Mase missed on.

As i've said earlier, we have signed a few kids from outstate MN this season, some of them are from more remote places and less publisized programs than Bemidji.

So it's not a matter of him not looking closely at MN players, it's about him not wanting to offer Woods (at this time). It isn't outstate MN in general, it's Woods. He could end up dead wrong on that, Woods is REALLY impressive. I'm just saying, this isn't a situation where Jerry Kill is only interested in Metro players and doesn't respect the outstate programs.

As far as Nelson being the best player in the state, I'm from Bemidji, I've only seen him once (last week) and honestly, I was a little disappointed in his performance. I've heard so much about his accuracy, but I thought he missed a lot of guys who were open. I expected to see the second coming of Brett Favre, but I thought Bemidji shut down this kid pretty well. Heck, we spotted them a 14 point lead, and still won by 19. Nelson looks like a great QB in warmups, but he didn't make the big play when they needed it, and Woods did. All this hotstove talk is fine, but Woods and Bemidji made their statement on the field, where it belongs. Woods will dominate against Rocori, and he still won't get the respect he should get. Maybe he's better off at NDSU or UND where they really want him.

That's not really fair to Phil Nelson (another outstate kid).

He threw for over 300 yards and ran for 190 yards. Bemidji was the better team and Woods was really impressive, but Nelson was still dominant. Furthermore, a comparable player to Woods for Mankato West named Hunter Friesen (another guy NDSU is looking at), only played half the game and during that half, he outplayed Carey Woods (he had 7 - 100 - 2 TDs at half).

I'm not making excuses, and I have no dogs in the fight, but if Friesen (as well as their 2nd best WR) doesn't get hurt, that's a completely different game. I'm not saying Bemidji loses, but I think it's closer and I think Nelson goes for 400 and 190.

Big-time player is such a relative term. What does that even mean? The QB from my high school class set records for passing touchdowns at our school so I considered him a big-time player. Did I think he should play for the Gophers? Heck no. (Basketball was his sport anyway)

I've seen enough Gopher football over the last three years to realize that teams like the Gophers have to take a chance on a kid like this. If you're just going to play it safe and only go after the guys everybody else is going after,, you're never going to reach the upper echelon of college football. The only thing that might be holding him back is grades. That I could understand. But both of his parents are teachers, so I think they hold education very important in their family.

As far as Nelson being the best player in the state, I'm from Bemidji, I've only seen him once (last week) and honestly, I was a little disappointed in his performance. I've heard so much about his accuracy, but I thought he missed a lot of guys who were open. I expected to see the second coming of Brett Favre, but I thought Bemidji shut down this kid pretty well. Heck, we spotted them a 14 point lead, and still won by 19. Nelson looks like a great QB in warmups, but he didn't make the big play when they needed it, and Woods did. All this hotstove talk is fine, but Woods and Bemidji made their statement on the field, where it belongs. Woods will dominate against Rocori, and he still won't get the respect he should get. Maybe he's better off at NDSU or UND where they really want him.

Second coming of Brett Favre? You only have yourself to blame for placing such unrealistic and foolish expectations on a high school senior. I don't know what you are getting at with your criticism of Nelson (right or wrong). Are you implying that Woods is somehow more deserving of a scholarship than him? By all accounts Nelson is a LEGIT D1 FBS prospect that has been receiving national recognition for his play during the entire season, not just one game. If Kill and his staff feel that Woods is worthy of a scholarship, I definitely won't have a problem with it. Same goes for if they decided to bring him in as a preferred walk-on.

It's really hard to take anything you say seriously given your obvious bias on this issue. You need to take a step back and look at this from an outside perspective.

Nelson could turn out to be a stud for the Gophers. I'm just saying he didn't prove anything to me in the Bemidji game. Impressive looking athlete, but he didn't get the job done. Just saying. Nothing against the kid, maybe he'll develop into a fine QB.

Second coming of Brett Favre? You only have yourself to blame for placing such unrealistic and foolish expectations on a high school senior. I don't know what you are getting at with your criticism of Nelson (right or wrong). Are you implying that Woods is somehow more deserving of a scholarship than him? By all accounts Nelson is a LEGIT D1 FBS prospect that has been receiving national recognition for his play during the entire season, not just one game. If Kill and his staff feel that Woods is worthy of a scholarship, I definitely won't have a problem with it. Same goes for if they decided to bring him in as a preferred walk-on.

It's really hard to take anything you say seriously given your obvious bias on this issue. You need to take a step back and look at this from an outside perspective.
All we heard coming into the game was what a monster this Philip Nelson kid was, how Bemidji didn't stand a chance, how Mankato would win by 30, a no-brainer. I guess I bought into the hype and expected more. The Brett Favre comparison is only an illustration of how much this kid was built up prior to the Bemidji game. Of course I didn't think he would be as good as Favre, I was only speaking to the extreme hype coming from many different sources.

Nothing to lose?

I say we give the kid an offer we have nothing to lose. He looks like he could play DB or WR, love the way he adjusts to the ball in the air thats one of the hardest things to teach a player, he also seems like he is one of the faster players in the state. IMO give him an offer.

DrunkGopher - You need to lay off the sauce. We have everything to lose, i.e. a scholarship. I am sure if somebody used that kind of logic with Kill he would smile and show him the door. Okay now you need to go to the door. I will while smile. The step should be obvious.

PS - This is not a comment on whether the kid deserves a scholarship. It is about your logic or lack of.


I 100% agree with this and I think Kill knows what he is doing and looking for so I will trust his judgement. But from where I'm sitting, in my uneducated scouting view, I think he is worth an offer. That was all I was saying, nothing more nothing less

Not only do you have bad logic you have selective memory per the folllowing quote:

Originally Posted by DrunkGopher
"I say we give the kid an offer we have nothing to lose."

Again that is an absurb statement.

Nelson could turn out to be a stud for the Gophers. I'm just saying he didn't prove anything to me in the Bemidji game. Impressive looking athlete, but he didn't get the job done. Just saying. Nothing against the kid, maybe he'll develop into a fine QB.

But again, he threw for over 300 yards and ran for almost 200 yards. I think it's a safe guess that had his best WR not gotten hurt (Friesen, who is a similar talent to Woods), that he would have went for 400 yards and 190 rushing. Those are absurd stats for a kid who "didn't get the job done".

Even as is (without any speculating on whether or not Friesen would have made a difference), 300 yards passing and 190 yards rushing is quite the game for not getting the job done.

Not only do you have bad logic you have selective memory per the folllowing quote:

Originally Posted by DrunkGopher
"I say we give the kid an offer we have nothing to lose."

Again that is an absurb statement.

Yeah, that's just it. He said that we should "offer Woods because we got nothing to lose".

I don't think anyone is going to argue with someone's opinion that we should or should not offer Woods. That's a judgment call and he's been impressive, so you could definitely see the argument either way.

However, the idea that you have nothing to lose by offering a kid with zero FBS offers is just out wrong. He might be worth the risk, but that doesn't mean that there isn't a risk.

I think the point could be made that a lot of those stats he piled up were done during garbage time when the game was out of reach and Bemidji was not playing the intense defense they would have played in a closer game. But you're right, he did put up some numbers. But the bottom line is in the W/L column.

I guess we don't really know if Woods has any FBS offers or not. But if he doesn't, that could change quickly with another dominating performance in the championship game.

Speaking of taking chances on a kid with the possibility of the kid having problems and wasting a scholarship, the case could be made that the Gophers took a huge risk with the Kill hiring because of his health problems. If it turns out Kill can't coach through his contract, the Gophers will be out the millions of dollars they've invested in him. So every decision they make has a risk element to it. I would argue that a kid wasting a scholarship is less expensive to a school than a coach who can't fulfill his multi-year, multi-million dollar contract.

I think the point could be made that a lot of those stats he piled up were done during garbage time when the game was out of reach and Bemidji was not playing the intense defense they would have played in a closer game. But you're right, he did put up some numbers. But the bottom line is in the W/L column.

You could make that argument, but you'd be wrong. He had 240 / 80 yards at halftime (before his best WR's went out) and Nelson's 70 yard run in the second half made it a 5 point game. He didn't pad his stats in garbage time, he started hotter than he finished.

The bottom line isn't the W/L column when it comes to evaluating recruits though. If that was the case, the only teams anyone should consider are EP and Wayzata as they are the two best teams and would both put a hurting on Bemidji. Does that make Woods any less of a player? Of course not. Pirsig, Hayes, Williams, Rallis, Will Johnson all played on teams who didn't get super far in the post season, does that make them less quality of recruits? Obviously not.

The W/L is the only thing that matters when you are evaluating what team is better, not when you're evaluating what certain players potential.

Speaking of taking chances on a kid with the possibility of the kid having problems and wasting a scholarship, the case could be made that the Gophers took a huge risk with the Kill hiring because of his health problems. If it turns out Kill can't coach through his contract, the Gophers will be out the millions of dollars they've invested in him. So every decision they make has a risk element to it. I would argue that a kid wasting a scholarship is less expensive to a school than a coach who can't fulfill his multi-year, multi-million dollar contract.

I don't see what Coach Kill's health has to do with anything. I wasn't arguing that Woods wasn't worth the risk, he might be, but just that there is a risk (in response to drunk's reference that there is nothing to lose).

Speaking of taking chances on a kid with the possibility of the kid having problems and wasting a scholarship, the case could be made that the Gophers took a huge risk with the Kill hiring because of his health problems. If it turns out Kill can't coach through his contract, the Gophers will be out the millions of dollars they've invested in him. So every decision they make has a risk element to it. I would argue that a kid wasting a scholarship is less expensive to a school than a coach who can't fulfill his multi-year, multi-million dollar contract.

Each of your posts in this thread is worse than the last. Quit while you're behind. Way, waaaay behind.

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