Carey Woods - Bemidji

Who knows too, maybe at that time Woods preferred basketball over football or felt he had a better shot at playing b-ball in college. Or maybe he wants to play both sports in college so going to a smaller school would make that much easier.

I wonder to what degree outstate coaches are out of step? In todays world unless a kid plays at the highest levels, it's about getting out tape, so you get camp invites. Once you secure an invite it's all about performance at the camps you attend. If the coaches aren't doing their part in coordinating getting the tape out they're partially to blame.

Who knows too, maybe at that time Woods preferred basketball over football or felt he had a better shot at playing b-ball in college. Or maybe he wants to play both sports in college so going to a smaller school would make that much easier.

I don't know Woods, but that's a plausible explanation. But could he play both sports at somewhere like NDSU? You almost have to go down to the next level before you start to see multi-sport athletes these days and even they are rare at that level when the seasons are back-to-back the way football and basketball (and hockey) currently are.

Granted, I went to a small college in the 1970s, and two- (and the rare three like Terry Egerdahl) sport guys could be found on most every non-D1 campus. Specialization has changed a lot of that.

Good luck to Woods. Great athlete. Hope he finds the place that fits best for him.

I wonder to what degree outstate coaches are out of step? In todays world unless a kid plays at the highest levels, it's about getting out tape, so you get camp invites. Once you secure an invite it's all about performance at the camps you attend. If the coaches aren't doing their part in coordinating getting the tape out they're partially to blame.

I heard that was the issue with Billy Turner. He is a Mounds View kid who never got tape out until late and didn't go to any camps, so while the U was intrigued, they really had very little to go on. I think that was posted in an interview with Turner or something like that. You'd think Mounds View would have some experience with sending kids to play in college. It's a similar process for FCS and D2, you want to go to camps.

I don't know Woods, but that's a plausible explanation. But could he play both sports at somewhere like NDSU? You almost have to go down to the next level before you start to see multi-sport athletes these days and even they are rare at that level when the seasons are back-to-back the way football and basketball (and hockey) currently are.

Granted, I went to a small college in the 1970s, and two- (and the rare three like Terry Egerdahl) sport guys could be found on most every non-D1 campus. Specialization has changed a lot of that.

Good luck to Woods. Great athlete. Hope he finds the place that fits best for him.
I honestly don't remember his name but that 5'5" guy who has won a couple dunk contests was a 4-star DB recruit to Washington where he played football(was actually really good) and walked-on for basketball.

I honestly don't remember his name but that 5'5" guy who has won a couple dunk contests was a 4-star DB recruit to Washington where he played football(was actually really good) and walked-on for basketball.

I think you're thinking of Nate Robinson and he is listed at 5'9". He's probably 5'8". But still, yeah, he was a freak athlete.

Bryant Allen did that here as well.

Thanks for the two-sport examples guys. Guess it can be done.

Thanks for the two-sport examples guys. Guess it can be done.

It is rare though and it's very difficult, especially if you make a bowl. If you make a bowl, you won't start basketball until January.

Oh, another example, Decker played baseball at the U.

From Minneapolis, went to Bemidji State for undergrad, I go to the U for grad school, my tuition at BSU was cheaper then my little bro's tuition at St. Thomas Acadamy. State college is as cheap as it gets for four years

'm sure Woods has been invited to past gopher camps when he was Junior, I'm guessing Kill and co know who he is and what he can do

MNSCU is incredibly cheap. I am in a similar situation (at U for grad school and went to SMSU for undergrad), and my last semester I wrote out a check for 450 dollars. I never filled out a FAFSA in undergrad and got a few scholarships. It was dirt cheap. Makes me cringe when I see what my bills are for these additional four years.

Granted, I went to a small college in the 1970s, and two- (and the rare three like Terry Egerdahl) sport guys could be found on most every non-D1 campus.

If my memory isn't too fuzzy I think the last 3-sport star at the U was Ken Yackel (football, hockey, baseball) in the mid-fifties.

If my memory isn't too fuzzy I think the last 3-sport star at the U was Ken Yackel (football, hockey, baseball) in the mid-fifties.

Noel Jenke was the most recent Gopher to letter in three sports. He played football (All Big Ten), hockey and baseball. I believe he was drafted in all three sports, as was Dave Winfield (though he didn't play football obviously, but was drafted by the Vikes).

The only other three sport athlete I can think of is Bud Grant.

Go Gophers!!

Thanks for all the great examples guys. I lot of these, like Jenke, I had totally forgotten about.

Welcome to NDSU Carey Woods!!
along with All State Nebraska QB Derek Mcginnis, the run through the playoffs is paying dividends.

Welcome to NDSU Carey Woods!!
along with All State Nebraska QB Derek Mcginnis, the run through the playoffs is paying dividends.

You do realize that his only other offer was D2 for basketball, right? Just want to put it into context. Also, does anyone outside of the college's actually playing in the 1-AA playoffs know they are going on?

Welcome to NDSU Carey Woods!!
along with All State Nebraska QB Derek Mcginnis, the run through the playoffs is paying dividends.

Ha - getting two players nobody else wanted! Kudos! NDAC is really ripping sh*t up!

Best of luck in the JV playoffs. (Not really.)

I think you guys need to go re read this thread. he is talented.

Mwill & Paul Cornick All Americans 1st team from minnesota, thank you though.

I understand ripping on lakesbision for posting stuff about NDSU all the time. But it really annoys me when some of you act like no one cares about small college football. With how bad the BCS is, I think it's kinda nice to see championships actually decided on the field.

Maybe I'm a little over-sensitive to this subject as I played small college football myself. I know most players in D2, D3, and FCS work just as hard as the top FBS players. And many of them work jobs during the summer and school year as well. We had just as much passion for the game that the big guys do. I'm proud to say I played D2 football, even if I was a walk-on who barely played until my senior year and didn't get much scholarship money.

I know the shots here were more intended for lakesbison and NDSU, but it sometimes comes off disrespectful. Obviously you can say whatever you want, just my two cents.

/Rambling Rant

I think you guys need to go re read this thread. he is talented.

I agree, he is talented, just not talented enought to play BCS football out of high school, he would be considered a project by the staff. Hence why they only offered him a walk on position.

Mwill & Paul Cornick All Americans 1st team from minnesota, thank you though.

The only schools Williams could get into academically out of HS was Fargo, thus how he ended up there. I think he even had to sit out his first yr at Fargo due to HS academics, further proving how F'd up his academics were. Congrats for your school being sh!tty enough to let him in.

I understand ripping on lakesbision for posting stuff about NDSU all the time. But it really annoys me when some of you act like no one cares about small college football. With how bad the BCS is, I think it's kinda nice to see championships actually decided on the field.

Maybe I'm a little over-sensitive to this subject as I played small college football myself. I know most players in D2, D3, and FCS work just as hard as the top FBS players. And many of them work jobs during the summer and school year as well. We had just as much passion for the game that the big guys do. I'm proud to say I played D2 football, even if I was a walk-on who barely played until my senior year and didn't get much scholarship money.

I know the shots here were more intended for lakesbison and NDSU, but it sometimes comes off disrespectful. Obviously you can say whatever you want, just my two cents.

</Rambling Rant>

I don't disagree. I just think it's tiresome that fans like lakesbison and the "odd squad" from Wisconsin come over here and never miss an opportunity to talk crap or whatever.

I hope Woods does well. Nice athlete. We'll see how it turns out. Is he the player who ate up Mankato West or is he the guy that was controlled by Rocori? We'll see what the answer is soon enough.

Ha - getting two players nobody else wanted! Kudos! NDAC is really ripping sh*t up!

Best of luck in the JV playoffs. (Not really.)

Said the dips#!t who's favorite team got their ass kicked twice in a row by the "NDAC".

You really are a tool.

The Gophers are my 2nd favorite team, NDSU is obviously first, so it bothers me with ass#@les like you make comments like this, regardless of their alligence. For as much as you all hate on lakesbison, guys like you are just as big a turd. Go f#@k yourself.

Why does that bother you so much?

A NDSU fan comes onto a MN boards and brags about their recruits. The fact is that if the Gophers offered Woods the day before signing day, he would choose MN. Yet, this particular NDSU comes here and brags about their recruits. Dpo's response is about what you should expect from somebody saying that. If Dpo would go to Bisonville and post that out of nowhere, i'd agree with you, he'd be being a tool. Under this circumstance (in response to an NDSU troll), what do you expect?

Another English Major from NDAC

Said the dips#!t who's favorite team got their ass kicked twice in a row by the "NDAC".

You really are a tool.

The Gophers are my 2nd favorite team, NDSU is obviously first, so it bothers me with ass#@les like you make comments like this, regardless of their alligence. For as much as you all hate on lakesbison, guys like you are just as big a turd. Go f#@k yourself.

From your writing above I suspect you majored in English or was it rhetoric?

The Williams kid and Woods kid wouldn't be able to play in the Big 10 anyway.

Said the dips#!t who's favorite team got their ass kicked twice in a row by the "NDAC".

You really are a tool.

The Gophers are my 2nd favorite team, NDSU is obviously first, so it bothers me with ass#@les like you make comments like this, regardless of their alligence.
If the Gophers are not your favorite team and you are so easily offended,you obviously should stay over at the Bison board.

Smack talk anywhere is just that.

I am of the age that I was a Packer Fan before the Vikings were in existance.

So, when the Vikings play anyone else, I root for the Vikings.
When the Packers play anyone else, I root for the Packers.

When the Vikings play the Packers, I drink, get drunk, and don't give a rip.

Same scenario goes for the Gophers versus ND Ag College.

And then, and then, and then, I go to the bathroom mirror, kiss myself, and puke. Big Deal.

Said the dips#!t who's favorite team got their ass kicked twice in a row by the "NDAC".

You really are a tool.

The Gophers are my 2nd favorite team, NDSU is obviously first, so it bothers me with ass#@les like you make comments like this, regardless of their alligence. For as much as you all hate on lakesbison, guys like you are just as big a turd. Go f#@k yourself.

Every time a recruit takes a scholarship offer at NDSU over a walk on offer at Minnesota, there is a tsunami of smack talk coming from Bisonville about how they "beat" Minnesota to a recruit. Of course, you can only meaningfully talk about beating someone to a recruit if both schools had offered a scholarship. It is of course possible that Minnesota had a mistake by not offering a scholarship, but if that is the case, then every other FBS school in the country also made a mistake.

This is a Gophers board. I suggest you learn to behave like a guest. If a Gopher fan is secondarily an NDSU fan and posts on Bisonville, would it be at all reasonable to demand that the Gophers be treated with respect on Bisonville? Gopherhole is far more respectful toward NDSU than Bisonville is to Minnesota. We don't owe NDSU a damned thing, and Bisonville doesn't have to change to suit Gopher fans. They are free to call us the "Goophers" all the want. This is our board, and that is theirs.

Smack talk anywhere is just that.

I am of the age that I was a Packer Fan before the Vikings were in existance.

So, when the Vikings play anyone else, I root for the Vikings.
When the Packers play anyone else, I root for the Packers.

When the Vikings play the Packers, I drink, get drunk, and don't give a rip.

Same scenario goes for the Gophers versus ND Ag College.

And then, and then, and then, I go to the bathroom mirror, kiss myself, and puke. Big Deal.

Isn't that every day?

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