Barker Transfering?!?!

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Between the UNC debacle, Trevor's DUI, Saul's DUI and now Barker's public temper tantrum, I have to think that Maturi will be most thankful on Thursday at Thanksgiving Dinner that he retired when he did.

Norwood has to be losing any last few stands of hair that he came here with.

Go Gophers!!

Barker seems to think what he's doing is protecting players on this team from going through what he did. Like somehow him doing it will convince other players to do the same. Anyone wanna set an over/under on how many players come out and admit to similar things happening to them?

I don't see Ferentz welcoming Barker to his program.

that would be funny,,,hard to see any B1G program given most if not all the coaches highly respect Coach Kill...not to mention many other HCs in the conferences he has coached in and has ties to...

Your dad runs 10 miles a day!! OHHHHH GOOD FOR YOU. HERE'S YOUR F'N COOKIE

Ok, here's my deal: Say AJ/Kim's dad is telling the absolute truth; that Kill is a horrible, horrible human being and yells too hard at kids (you know, worse than the stuff Sandusky pulled). Is this something we are willing to trade in for a winning program? Or should we just go back and hire Brewster again, accept being the 128th ranked NCAA BCS program 9 times out of 10 and rest easy knowing our players have a best friend as their coach?


Ok, here's my deal: Say AJ/Kim's dad is telling the absolute truth; that Kill is a horrible, horrible human being and yells too hard at kids (you know, worse than the stuff Sandusky pulled). Is this something we are willing to trade in for a winning program? Or should we just go back and hire Brewster again, accept being the 128th ranked NCAA BCS program 9 times out of 10 and rest easy knowing our players have a best friend as their coach?


As long as we're not getting caught breaking NCAA rules and obviously that we're not breaking the law (Penn State) then yes, we'll take a few kids crying to their parents for more wins. Do Alabama players like Nick Saban? Nope, not during the season. But they do like winning.

I finally decided to read the letter - the kid is a psycho. If coach kill used the scholarship to leverage barker and to get more out of him I see zero wrong with that.

I'll admit - I'm bias when it comes to coach kill. Three months ago I was diagnosed with cancer at 29 and ocoach kill reached out to me personally to let me know he was thinking about me. For every a-hole like barker there's 20 guys like mike carter who have busted their chops for the coach and themselves to be better men. Barker is just pathetic.

It's always the coaches fault isn't it? It was at Wisconsin, and again at Minnesota.

I think the blaming game is your MO. You assign blame somewhere else when you don't like what is said.

Me? I have said to ad nauseam Wisconsin was MY fault.

Minnesota? I have no idea what you are talking about, I consider that a win. My son came home played in a bowl game and was a two year captain of his beloved University of Minnesota Golden Gophers....and he converted his dad. Not to mention that he made his "little" (165lb) 6th grade brother a huge gopher fan; yep, much to some chagrin there will be another Royston (yes, he's that good).

I'm publicly critical of myself, it's only natural (to me anyway) that I'm publicly critical of others. Let me answer your next question....yes, I would have no problem with my son playing for Kill. I also have no doubt Kill won't be here when that time comes. He will either win and move on or be fired.

I finally decided to read the letter - the kid is a psycho. If coach kill used the scholarship to leverage barker and to get more out of him I see zero wrong with that.

I'll admit - I'm bias when it comes to coach kill. Three months ago I was diagnosed with cancer at 29 and ocoach kill reached out to me personally to let me know he was thinking about me. For every a-hole like barker there's 20 guys like mike carter who have busted their chops for the coach and themselves to be better men. Barker is just pathetic.


As long as we're not getting caught breaking NCAA rules and obviously that we're not breaking the law (Penn State) then yes, we'll take a few kids crying to their parents for more wins. Do Alabama players like Nick Saban? Nope, not during the season. But they do like winning.

I agree.. but it seems like there are just as many fans who would rather have the latter. Which makes me weep for our program.

And for myself.

Mostly for myself. Because I'm a self-entitled patsy.

This guy sounds like Chris Kluwe. Unnecessary lashing out.

bingo. crazy, little chris kluwe was the first thing that popped into my head as well while reading a.j.'s rant. he bizarrely thinks he is some kind of football/athletics reality trailblazer, which is pretty laughable to be honest.

newsflash: you are not special. just like chris kluwe is not special.

newsflash: coaches, like military drill sergeants, break players down and build them back up. it has always been that way in sports and athletics. it will always be that way. you are no different. you are not special. you are not a trail blazer. you are not going to change that fact.

newflash: just like chris kluwe, you are not special or different a.j. barker. the thing you have in common is you both work to manipulate the media in the same way you claim coaches and others are trying to manipulate you. and once the media doesn't agree with you, like the pioneer press didn't agree with chris kluwe, you will scream that you are taking your ball and going home.

final thought? time to move on and enough about this kid. this whole blown out of proportion story, like most stories in the age of 24 hour news cycles, is going to burn out rather quickly. the media will find their next story of the day. a.j. apparently wasn't going to play the rest of this season anyways and he will be gone soon enough. and my guess is he probably won't be welcomed in by another big ten team all things considered. he has signed his own death certificate there when it comes to how most college coaching staffs with any sense of discipline and self-respect, and how NFL scouts, will view him. they don't want or need any more chris kluwe's or dez bryant's on their team's.

i am bored of this story already. seems like a whole lot of nothing.

I think the blaming game is your MO. You assign blame somewhere else when you don't like what is said.

Me? I have said to ad nauseam Wisconsin was MY fault.

Minnesota? I have no idea what you are talking about, I consider that a win. My son came home played in a bowl game and was a two year captain of his beloved University of Minnesota Golden Gophers....and he converted his dad. Not to mention that he made his "little" (165lb) 6th grade brother a huge gopher fan; yep, much to some chagrin there will be another Royston (yes, he's that good).

I'm publicly critical of myself, it's only natural (to me anyway) that I'm publicly critical of others. Let me answer your next question....yes, I would have no problem with my son playing for Kill. I also have no doubt Kill won't be here when that time comes. He will either win and move on or be fired.

I love your posts... Missed you the past few years.

But I'm confused. Are you saying you were the one that had issues with Kill, not Kim? Or the other way around?

given the year he has had, this may be Kluwe's last year. He is probably wanting to be an assistant to Dr. Phil...

given the year he has had, this may be Kluwe's last year. He is probably wanting to be an assistant to Dr. Phil...

Not to derail the thread but, almost all of Kluwe's stats this year are better than his career averages. He's had a couple bad games but that's it.

I think it is incredibly ironic Barker is citing today's information technology as a benefit for calling out his coach. Giving him a voice, etc.

I say this because electronic copies of his loooong I'll-advised "call out" will serve as a life long tattoo to not only remind him of his mistake for the rest of his life, he'll also get the added face slap of knowing he let the entire college football world in on his poor judgement.

I say this without knowing if his story has merit. Regardless if he is right or wrong, never let emotion burn your bridges, or cause you to throw your baby out with the bath water.

Not to derail the thread but, almost all of Kluwe's stats this year are better than his career averages. He's had a couple bad games but that's it.

Orseske had some pretty good stats too, but he's riding the pine. Punting is all about the eyeball test and consistency. Punting is situational, something that stats can't always portray.

Looking at the stats, you would never know that Orseske once punted the ball 5 yards, or that Eldred punted the ball 7. Looking at the stats, you would never know that Kluwe has shanked a few punts for less than 20 yards in key situations, because in the grand scheme of things, a few shanks isn't really going to affect your average.

He brings up Penn State. Wow.

This. I was trying to give the interview a chance. Then, he mentioned Penn State, in a subtle way, by saying it isn't related. But, he brought it up. He lost his argument for me, right there.

Also, it seems, he didn't get his scholarship after 5 career catches after the UNLV game and seems pretty upset about that.

Not to derail the thread but, almost all of Kluwe's stats this year are better than his career averages. He's had a couple bad games but that's it.

oh I don't much longer can we talk about Barker? Probably needs to be derailed right about now...if not now very soon.

I think people need to realize here, it's not just about the kid gettin chewed out in practice. It's more than that. His belief is about coaches (and in this case Kill specifically) are basically manipulating kids with their power. Not saying he's on point or whatever, but I guarantee you there are a boatload of athletes who wholeheartedly agree with him, and I'm sure plenty of others who agree this occurs, but just don't see it as an issue. But then of players who would agree, I'm guessing most of them aren't leading receivers on their teams and, as he said, basically free to do what he wants cause he isn't on scholarship. We all know there are kids on the team right now, who may not say a word of agreement with Barker, but feel the exact same way. That's fair for them to feel that way.

The problem is, I'm pretty sure Kill has done nothing differently than a vast majority of coaches. But, his problem is he did a "power play", so to speak, with a star receiver who basically admitted he's had past issues with authority figures, and was also in position to not take it (no scholly removes some risk for him) if he didn't want to. When I'm watching this Kare 11 interview, he doesn't really lay out an environment where I think Kill is out of line here. It really comes off as "I didn't like the way I was coached, so I left". To me, that's not fair to Kill then, to paint him as this evil master manipulator like he's doing something out of control.

Kill is human, (contrary to how some on this site paint him lol), he'll fly off the handle, he'll mess up (probably a whole lot), so he probably did go overboard with the injury thing. But I think the proper way to address this is rather than pop off a 4,000 word rambling rant, just simply and calmly acknowledge that Kill did some things he didn't appreciate and thought were out of line, and that because of your scholarship situation and the freedom it allowed you, you decided to transfer to get out of the situation. It comes off reasonable, still puts a little spotlight on Kill's methods, while also allowing you to not come off as someone who may have some issues internally.

This. I was trying to give the interview a chance. Then, he mentioned Penn State, in a subtle way, by saying it isn't related. But, he brought it up. He lost his argument for me, right there.

Also, it seems, he didn't get his scholarship after 5 career catches after the UNLV game and seems pretty upset about that.

This. This. This. Just bring up Penn State and then say it's not related. Ok champ then why mention it?

what are people's deal with Kluwe? what did he do wrong? he didn't bash the vikings, he just shares his opinion, yet people just want him to shut up and play football. I don't get how people have the mindset that athletes should only play their sport and only that. here's the thing guys, athletes do other things besides sports, it would be like saying an accountant has to only focus on numbers his entire life, I understand you might not like his viewpoint, but he is entitled to it, and its not like he is missing practices and games for the things he does in his FREE TIME. I used to hang out with a lot college athletes few years ago(well known to Minnesotans I should add), and if you guys knew what they were doing with their free time...well lets just say you wouldn't approve with what they did with their free time, just be happy Kluwe isn't going out and getting in trouble during his free time,

what are people's deal with Kluwe? what did he do wrong? he didn't bash the vikings, he just shares his opinion, yet people just want him to shut up and play football. I don't get how people have the mindset that athletes should only play their sport and only that. here's the thing guys, athletes do other things besides sports, it would be like saying an accountant has to only focus on numbers his entire life, I understand you might like his viewpoint, he is entitled to it, and if its not like he is missing practices and games for the things he does that he thinks is fun. I used to hang out with a lot college athletes few years ago(well known to Minnesotans I should add), and if you guys knew what they were doing with their free time...well lets just say you wouldn't approve, just be happy Kluwe isn't going out and getting in trouble

This. Thanks, I was going to rip into some posters, now I don't have to.

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