Barker Transfering?!?!

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AJ Barker ‏@A_Barker_82
I can take the scrutiny. Time will show/test the strength of my character.
6m xxxxx ‏@birdyfactory
@A_Barker_82 I don't know about in the future, but in this present time not, you are an embarrassment to the state of Minnesota.

Barker then "favorited" my tweet. LOL. What a weirdo.

He was told he would not play anymore. He was also told he would not receive a scholarship. Why wouldn't he release the letter if he was told otherwise?

Cause he looks like a baby. It's not his right to get to play (I don't recall reading that he was told he wouldn't play anymore) or to receive a scholarship. It is his right to leave the program.

43,871 views on this AJ Barker thread, and it is not even 24-hours yet! This must be s GH record.

I can only imagine what the people are going to think that didn't check the internet all day today, and log onto GH tomorrow to read about the Nebraska loss...and see this instead???

I love your posts... Missed you the past few years.

But I'm confused. Are you saying you were the one that had issues with Kill, not Kim? Or the other way around?

Thanks for the kind words; I only speak for myself, Kim has not publicly broached the topic.

Ok 15 minutes in on the Kare11 interview, now I believe his case is about as flimsy as it gets. He basically admits to being an F the system kind of guy and took a basic disagreement and created a massive overreaction piece in response. The facts as he states them in the interview would seem like a complaint a parent would lodge on behalf of their kid against a Middle School coach. He's created this massive victim and martyr complex out of the smallest possible mole hill.

FYI, AJ transferred to Delasalle after going to Mounds Park Academy with his brothers for many years. I can still remember the time he stormed off in practice for being called out for something so small that I can't even remember. Even though the school does a phenomenal job of fighting any ideas of entitlement, it still costs about 17 grand per year to go there. I just wanted to point out that there might be some legitimacy to the entitlement argument. I'm still a little shocked at how this played out considering his family is so intelligent. I never would have imagined that he would do something this rash on such a large stage. Hopefully this story will die down and both parties can move forward.

+ a *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!# ton

Please watch the entire video. A. He seems clearly pissed he didnt' get a scholorshipe after the UNLV game. B. He doesn't like authority (I will say this I agree with West Coast Goapher if he was called a faggot, that is uncalled for), that being said most of what was aimed at him by coach kill in Barkers own words sounded motivational. C. He wants to play in the conference to "prove he deserved a scholarship". D. Just because your dad runs ten miles a day, and you think the world of your mom. I'm sorry I don't buy thay your family has no issues, every and I mean every family has issues, which may or may not *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!# up your life. Like you said nobody is perfect and no family is perfect. To sportsfan24 sorry I came off as harsh, I don't know Kim's situation, but please watch the entire video and I hope you see it doesn't pass the smell test.

Cause he looks like a baby. It's not his right to get to play (I don't recall reading that he was told he wouldn't play anymore) or to receive a scholarship. It is his right to leave the program.

In his last tweet he said those were the reasons he quit.

I can only imagine what the people are going to think that didn't check the internet all day today, and log onto GH tomorrow to read about the Nebraska loss...and see this instead???

This kinda was my story... I get home tonight from Nebraska and instead of posting about my awesome time, I get to opine on this hot mess. =(

Correct interpretation of what I was trying to say.

It appears to me that the majority of folks are not even considering AJ may have a legit argument. Some are even calling him selfish, which the dumbest thing I have ever heard. How dare him believe that he is deserving of a scholarship or proper medical care.

This. I think A.J. looks really, really bad in all of this, but I also think some (and I stress, only some) of his points about Kill might be a little closer to the truth than some Kill supporters would like to hear. I've heard a few stories out of Dinkytown (e.g. a kid takes a hard hit to the head during spring ball and gets a concussion, and as he's laying on the turf, concussed, Kill sprints over to berate him and call him a pu**y, a b*tch, a POS... You get the idea) that make aren't exactly flattering for Kill and that lead me to think Barker has some legitimate, if horribly and embarrassingly broadcast, points.

This kinda was my story... I get home tonight from Nebraska and instead of posting about my awesome time, I get to opine on this hot mess. =(

Haha - me too! I was going to do a blog on their bball practice facility with photos...but the day took a different turn.

In his last tweet he said those were the reasons he quit.

Well even if he was told he won't play, that's for coach Kill to decide. He should thank Jerry for being up front with him. Players transfer all the time without throwing online tantrums.

This. I think A.J. looks really, really bad in all of this, but I also think some (and I stress, only some) of his points about Kill might be a little closer to the truth than some Kill supporters would like to hear. I've heard a few stories out of Dinkytown (e.g. a kid takes a hard hit to the head during spring ball and gets a concussion, and as he's laying on the turf, concussed, Kill sprints over to berate him and call him a pu**y, a b*tch, a POS... You get the idea) that make aren't exactly flattering for Kill and that lead me to think Barker has some legitimate, if horribly and embarrassingly broadcast, points.

I feel the way I do because he lost all credibility with me once he took this public in the fashion that he did. The way he handled it was uncalled for, and I will not support someone who carries himself like that. He handled it the wrong way, and for that, he has lost the support, and the benefit of the doubt of almost everyone.

I think people are more upset about him feeling the need to air all of this over the internet.

He was left with no other choice. If he saids nothing and simply transferred, Kill gets away with his treatment of AJ. If says something, folks can disagree all they want but eventually if enough folks continue to say the same things, maybe folks will see the pattern. And if nothing else, AJ will have been heard.

Look, I told everyone almost a year ago Kill had for a lack of a better word "issues." Kill and his staff after preaching togetherness and team for 10 months, Kill had nothing to do with the senior class after the last game. With the exception of "one" coach they didn't attend the seniors pro day. Then after the tragic death of GT he turned it into motivational tactic. He posted play hard for Gary stuff up in the locker and training rooms? Dude didn't give a feces about Gary until he saw some benefit for himself.

AJ is right and AJ is wrong.

AJ was wrong to do what he did-no question about it. Came off as childish at best. Took away from any truth there was and made it seem petty.

AJ was right about coach Kill. He's an a-hole. Why? Because he is a coach. All coaches are a-holes to someone. Sorry to all of the coaches here, but you are an a-hole to more than a few people you have coached over the years. I hated some of my coaches and liked some of the others. The ones I hated were a-holes imo, but I know other guys on the team loved them. My favorite coach was hated by many of my teammates. Just the way it goes. All coaches are a-holes in one way or another-nature of the beast. I have no doubt that Kill comes off as a major a-hole to many of the players, but what does that have to do with being a complete baby and handling your business the way AJ did? Just wrong on so many levels.

AJ Barker ‏@A_Barker_82
I can take the scrutiny. Time will show/test the strength of my character.
6m xxxxx ‏@birdyfactory
@A_Barker_82 I don't know about in the future, but in this present time not, you are an embarrassment to the state of Minnesota.

Barker then "favorited" my tweet. LOL. What a weirdo.

I understand that many people in here might not be happy with his decision and how he handled it. However, this person is making the decision that he feels is best for him now and in the future. Calling him an embarrassment to the state of Minnesota is just that, embarrassing. This kid is doing what he thinks is right and he certainly doesn't owe you anything. The irony from many posters in here is that they feel Barker thinks he is entitled to a scholarship(among other things) while they also feel that they are entitled to his services and loyalty as a football player at the University of Minnesota.

I think people need to realize here, it's not just about the kid gettin chewed out in practice. It's more than that. His belief is about coaches (and in this case Kill specifically) are basically manipulating kids with their power. Not saying he's on point or whatever, but I guarantee you there are a boatload of athletes who wholeheartedly agree with him, and I'm sure plenty of others who agree this occurs, but just don't see it as an issue. But then of players who would agree, I'm guessing most of them aren't leading receivers on their teams and, as he said, basically free to do what he wants cause he isn't on scholarship. We all know there are kids on the team right now, who may not say a word of agreement with Barker, but feel the exact same way. That's fair for them to feel that way.

The problem is, I'm pretty sure Kill has done nothing differently than a vast majority of coaches. But, his problem is he did a "power play", so to speak, with a star receiver who basically admitted he's had past issues with authority figures, and was also in position to not take it (no scholly removes some risk for him) if he didn't want to. When I'm watching this Kare 11 interview, he doesn't really lay out an environment where I think Kill is out of line here. It really comes off as "I didn't like the way I was coached, so I left". To me, that's not fair to Kill then, to paint him as this evil master manipulator like he's doing something out of control.

Kill is human, (contrary to how some on this site paint him lol), he'll fly off the handle, he'll mess up (probably a whole lot), so he probably did go overboard with the injury thing. But I think the proper way to address this is rather than pop off a 4,000 word rambling rant, just simply and calmly acknowledge that Kill did some things he didn't appreciate and thought were out of line, and that because of your scholarship situation and the freedom it allowed you, you decided to transfer to get out of the situation. It comes off reasonable, still puts a little spotlight on Kill's methods, while also allowing you to not come off as someone who may have some issues internally.
This is by far the most reasonable response I've seen so far.

I could dumb it down for you if you like?

Or you could stop and consider what you are going to post before you do so you don't keep writing the same thing over and over in a nonsensical fashion.

I feel the way I do because he lost all credibility with me once he took this public in the fashion that he did. The way he handled it was uncalled for, and I will not support someone who carries himself like that. He handled it the wrong way, and for that, he has lost the support, and the benefit of the doubt of almost everyone.

As I said, I think Barker looks bad, and he certainly has lost the benefit of the doubt. But your post kind of helps prove my point. "He handled it the wrong way, and, for that, he has lost the support..." Barker absolutely handled it the wrong way, but this isn't a cut and dry issue of supporting Barker or supporting Kill. As bad as Barker looks, I don't think it's prudent to say, "Barker handled this situation poorly, so that must mean Kill is 100 percent in the right." Yes, Barker handled this poorly--to say the least--but that doesn't necessarily exonerate Kill and staff from some of the issues Barker aired (that certainly aren't exclusive to Barker).

EDIT: I don't mean to sound like I'm agreeing with Barker that Kill is, in some capacity, a master manipulator. I don't think he is. I also don't think he's as standup a coach as he's often portrayed.

Screw this, Smokey and the Bandit is on ION television. "Give me a diablo sandwich, a Dr. Pepper, and make it quick, I'm in a god-damn hurry."

As I said, I think Barker looks bad, and he certainly has lost the benefit of the doubt. But your post kind of helps prove my point. "He handled it the wrong way, and, for that, he has lost the support..." Barker absolutely handled it the wrong way, but this isn't a cut and dry issue of supporting Barker or supporting Kill. As bad as Barker looks, I don't think it's prudent to say, "Barker handled this situation poorly, so that must mean Kill is 100 percent in the right." Yes, Barker handled this poorly--to say the least--but that doesn't necessarily exonerate Kill and staff from some of the issues Barker aired (that certainly aren't exclusive to Barker).

It may not. Barker might be right in a few of his points, but the University should not reward this type of behavior from Barker. He is gone, and if no one else steps up and expresses issues with coach Kill. It should be left as it appears, an angry player who overreacted and transferred away. The University currently does not have any reason to dig deeper.

It all comes down to wins and losses. As long as Kill isn't breaking any laws he can coach how he sees fit and use whatever tactics he wants. He doesn't have to be a boy scout or a second father to any of these players. He can be the meanest, cut throat, snake, used car salesman, lying SOB in the world if he wins games. He was hired to win football games, he will be fired if he doesn't. That is the bottom line. You can't tell him how to treat each player any more then you can tell him what plays to call. The best you can do is complain on a forum.

It all comes down to wins and losses. As long as Kill isn't breaking any laws he can coach how he sees fit and use whatever tactics he wants. He doesn't have to be a boy scout or a second father to any of these players. He can be the meanest, cut throat, snake, used car salesman, lying SOB in the world if he wins games. He was hired to win football games, he will be fired if he doesn't. That is the bottom line. You can't tell him how to treat each player any more then you can tell him what plays to call. The best you can do is complain on a forum.
Tell that to current Indiana coach, Bobby Knight.

I understand that many people in here might not be happy with his decision and how he handled it. However, this person is making the decision that he feels is best for him now and in the future. Calling him an embarrassment to the state of Minnesota is just that, embarrassing. This kid is doing what he thinks is right and he certainly doesn't owe you anything. The irony from many posters in here is that they feel Barker thinks he is entitled to a scholarship(among other things) while they also feel that they are entitled to his services and loyalty as a football player at the University of Minnesota.

As a player on the University Minnesota football team, the only division 1 football team in the state, you represent your state and the University. There's little question with the way he his handling this situation is embarrassing to Minnesota and most definitely the University. I'm embarrassed by this being a fan of the team living in Iowa, and being previously a big fan of AJ.

AJ talks about players should be free to speak out about coaches? How so? In treatment, playcalling, etc... I wouldn't want my players able talk about their treatment especially if they are angry about playing time or undermine play calling or lack of say throws. PS if you watch the video on kare 11, is someone farting at the the 13:40 and the 17:26 mark?

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