Barker Transfering?!?!

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I guess the thing that really annoys me is that this is now going to be all over the place for quite a while, Barker will have guys like Doogie giving him a stage and frustrating everything. This thread is already 17 pages and will probably be over 30 by tomorrow night unless locked and will do nothing other then hurt the program that is trying to be something other than being at best mediocre.

Gotta say my previous comments stand...Barker is all about Barker and listening to the video, all I am hearing is someone whose ego got bruised.

Remember, AJ was a non-recruited walk on who I assume worked day and night to be a contributing player. He finally puts in the work and the Coach tells him that he can't have 1 scholarship out of 85?

Coach said before the year EXACTLY why he won't be given one next year, and AJ explains it CLEARLY in his letter:

I was not given a scholarship because, as you expressed to me after the UNLV game, you think it should go to our kicker, and added that you want me to be healthy for an entire season before you give me one.
Why is he complaining? He admitted Coach's reasoning from before the season, and didn't live up to those expectations because he was too busy self-diagnosing himself. What right does he have to complain?

KARE 11 teased the Barker story throughout the Sunday Night NFL game and now leads with it as the top story. Yikes.

Go Gophers!!

Are there multiple writers for your blog? You say "we" a lot.
No, just multiple personalities.

Coach said before the year EXACTLY why he won't be given one next year, and AJ explains it CLEARLY in his letter:

Why is he complaining? He admitted Coach's reasoning from before the season, and didn't live up to those expectations because he was too busy self-diagnosing himself. What right does he have to complain?

I'm interested as to what the training staff had to say when they learned AJ was getting acupuncture treatments for his ankle.

This 25 minute interview is ridiculous and makes me sick. It is clearly about not getting a scholarship.

This guy sounds like Chris Kluwe. Unnecessary lashing out.

This is a troubling development to say the least. Absent the personal concerns this is unnecessary drama for a team with enough on its plate going into the game versus Michigan State. If everything that Barker says is true and not embellished (gut feeling that's a big IF), then Kill and co. will have some questions to answer.

Calling a kid a "faggot" is a massive no-no. I've been around sports long enough to know
that a lot of derogatory language can be thrown around but in this day and age that stuff won't fly,
especially if legal action is possible. The faith stuff is interesting to say the least, if Goldy the
Gopher can get suspended for
kneeling to mock a player praying, directly degrading someone on a religious basis too will probably
draw a strong reaction as well.

That being said, Barker's letter was a horrendous decision on his part, he has absolutely
nothing to gain by airing dirty laundry like this. I can understand his frustration about not being
offered a scholarship if that was the main crux of the issue, but to make this public and cast this
light on it will only hurt him if his goal is really to play high level football next year. This couldn't
have turned out worse for all parties involved.

On an aside, if I wanted a study guide for a freshmen level psychology class I'd print out his letter
and use it. How many definitions are you going to try and write out in a letter to a football
coach?! Regardless of the situation Barker sounds like he has some personal and school issues to work out, and quite a bit of hubris too boot. He'll end up regretting putting this letter on the
internet, even if it is within his right to do.

Enjoy Winona or St. Johns for your senior football A.J., if they'll even have you.

Well thought out post as usual.

This won't have one negative effect what so ever in AJ getting on another team. Any coach who believes he can play will be glad to have him and this letter does nothing to cause a schools administration or alumni to rise up and speak out against him being on the team.

You made a very astitute comment when you mentioned the U's medical team. They may be the most incompetent group of idiots in all of that's to narrow, let's just leave it at sports in general. Now in Kill's defense he may be victim to these idiots as well. He may have based his decisions and/or opinion on what they told him.

As someone who has suffered from opening my big mouth, I agree his letter is damaging to him. However as someone who has tried to keep things in, I find I do better from a personal standpoint when I speak my mind (it eats at me).


Go Gophers!!

Well thought out post as usual.

This won't have one negative effect what so ever in AJ getting on another team. Any coach who believes he can play will be glad to have him and this letter does nothing to cause a schools administration or alumni to rise up and speak out against him being on the team.

You made a very astitute comment when you mentioned the U's medical team. They may be the most incompetent group of idiots in all of that's to narrow, let's just leave it at sports in general. Now in Kill's defense he may be victim to these idiots as well. He may have based his decisions and/or opinion on what they told him.

As someone who has suffered from opening my big mouth, I agree his letter is damaging to him. However as someone who has tried to keep things in, I find I do better from a personal standpoint when I speak my mind (it eats at me).

Nevermind, thought you were saying Barker did everything mid staff told him to do.

lets not hold judgement until the full story is out, don't bash this kid or kill, this thread somewhat reminds me of penn state fans when they just wouldnt admit that their program was at fault(not saying that the gophers are at fault, yet)let not defend ethier side until we know the truth, if ever

He said he thinks players should be able to go to the media if they disagree with a coach. That says it all.


If Barker really wanted to go after Kill, all he needed to do is wait until the MSU game is over and then announce his intent to transfer because Kill won't give him a scholarship and mention his concern over the care he is getting. 100 words tops. It would make Kill look horrible. Instead Barker has made himself look like a kook.

FWIW, he will be playing BCS football next year. Easy gamble for someone looking for a receiver.

I whole heartedly agree. I think his youth and inexperience showed here. Sometimes it better to allow a love one play the part of the emotional idiot.:cool02:

Sounds like both ends, including the medical staff/trainers, Barker, and Kill. And with the poor influence of Barker's close friends and family, he made the right decision for HIMSELF. But, not for the team. And that's where my opinion kicks in. Poor teammate, and poor move.

At least most of Kluwe's rants are about a social issue, not special snowflake syndrome.

I wasn't even thinking about the social issues. He has always been a smart aleck. Do you remember his infamous white board?

I think Barker is making a late push for turkey of the year. This dude is a clown. Discipline is doing this team well. They're doing better in the classroom, they're stronger from work in practices and when during Kill's tenure have we heard of any players in trouble and negatively representing the program in the community? This dude is a puss. 5 catches before this year and he's the victim. What a puss.

So I listened to the whole interview. This boils down to scholorships! He wasnt offered a scholorship and this is how he goes about it. He would love to play against Minnesota to basically shove it in our face. If he received a scholorship he would be happy with Kill and Minnesota.

"I would love to play against Minnesota."

And I hope to high heaven that we pummel you to the dirt in that game, Mr. Barker.

New Mexico State is looking for a WR I'm sure.

@TonyBrinkhaus: @A_Barker_82 I wish you luck wherever you go. 10 years from now I think you will regret posting this.

Go Gophers!!

"I would love to play against Minnesota."

And I hope to high heaven that we pummel you to the dirt in that game, Mr. Barker.

New Mexico State is looking for a WR I'm sure.

X Brandon plays there now, too. Wouldn't be surprised.

This kid actually thought he wasn't going to get a scholarship at the end of the season... wow... I can't be the only one that thinks there is no way Barker wouldn't have gotten a scholarship at the end of the season

Couple of quotes from the Kare 11 interview:

Q. So where do you want to play next?
A. "You know, I'm open to a lot of places, I would love to stay closer to home and still be able to compete at this level."

Q. Somewhere else in the Big Ten?
A. "Yep. You know if that were available I'd love to do that. I'd definitely love to play against Minnesota if that were possible."

This kid actually thought he wasn't going to get a scholarship at the end of the season... wow... I can't be the only one that thinks there is no way Barker wouldn't have gotten a scholarship at the end of the season

I think the same thing. Was likely just a motivational tactic.

Couple of quotes from the Kare 11 interview:

Q. So where do you want to play next?
A. "You know, I'm open to a lot of places, I would love to stay closer to home and still be able to compete at this level."

Q. Somewhere else in the Big Ten?
A. "Yep. You know if that were available I'd love to do that. I'd definitely love to play against Minnesota if that were possible."

Wisconsin or Iowa is my guess.

I think he understands what he's doing, and understands that he's not emotionally strong enough.

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