Barker Transfering?!?!

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what are people's deal with Kluwe? what did he do wrong? he didn't bash the vikings, he just shares his opinion, yet people just want him to shut up and play football. I don't get how people have the mindset that athletes should only play their sport and only that. here's the thing guys, athletes do other things besides sports, it would be like saying an accountant has to only focus on numbers his entire life, I understand you might like his viewpoint, he is entitled to it, and if its not like he is missing practices and games for the things he does that he thinks is fun. I used to hang out with a lot college athletes few years ago(well known to Minnesotans I should add), and if you guys knew what they were doing with their free time...well lets just say you wouldn't approve, just be happy Kluwe isn't going out and getting in trouble during his free time,

Most of us have no problem with a guy doing something with his free time. What we have a problem with is people feeling entitled, such as Chris Kluwe who felt personally betrayed that a newspaper would publish an article with his opposing viewpoint.

Or his infamous white board, where he berated the NFL during the lockout. It's the sense of entitlement that have many of us disliking Kluwe.

In his interview, Barker comes across as feeling entitled to a scholarship. Hence the comparison.

Most of us have no problem with a guy doing something with his free time. What we have a problem with is people feeling entitled, such as Chris Kluwe who felt personally betrayed that a newspaper would publish an article with his opposing viewpoint.

Or his infamous white board, where he berated the NFL during the lockout. It's the sense of entitlement that have many of us disliking Kluwe.

that is basically my belief.

He shares his opinion just like everyone else in the world, its the media that makes a story out of it because he is an athlete, so if you have a problem with anyone it should be the media, because Kluwe, like every human being(btw believe it or not, he is one) has an opinion, people share their opinions all the time, its just that the media doesn't go out reporting about it

The people who are bashing Kluwe, I am sure all hold different viewpoints than him, and that is main driver to why they are upset with him

Most of us have no problem with a guy doing something with his free time. What we have a problem with is people feeling entitled, such as Chris Kluwe who felt personally betrayed that a newspaper would publish an article with his opposing viewpoint.

Or his infamous white board, where he berated the NFL during the lockout. It's the sense of entitlement that have many of us disliking Kluwe.

bingo. and even though i am only in my early 30's, i think chris kluwe as a person is a mouthy punk kid. regardless of his views. he comes off as a smug, know-it-all, clueless, jerk. he really seems to enjoy profanity laced, self-serving blog tirades. as well as disgusting political radio ads.

self-serving, profanity laced blog tirades. sounds oddly familiar doesn't it?

Most of us have no problem with a guy doing something with his free time. What we have a problem with is people feeling entitled, such as Chris Kluwe who felt personally betrayed that a newspaper would publish an article with his opposing viewpoint.

Or his infamous white board, where he berated the NFL during the lockout. It's the sense of entitlement that have many of us disliking Kluwe.

In his interview, Barker comes across as feeling entitled to a scholarship. Hence the comparison.

The problem isn't that people dislike Kluwe (I berate him to this day about his TCF frozen turf comments), it's that they think he shouldn't open his mouth with an opinion.

He shares his opinion just like everyone else in the world, its the media that makes a story out of it because he is an athlete, so if you have a problem with anyone it should be the media, because Kluwe, like every human being(btw believe it or not, he is one) has an opinion, people share their opinions all the time, its just that the media doesn't go out reporting about it

No, a normal human being would not publicly berate a newspaper for publishing something of the opposing viewpoint. It is not Chris Kluwe's newspaper. A well spoken individual does not need to use profanity to get his point across. It shows laziness.

IMHO, he would've gotten a scholarship at the end of the season had he just continue his rehab in time to play in a post season bowl. Aren't walk-on scholarships awarded at the end of the season?

I suspect that not following the trainer's rehab order as prescribed and some miscommunication or lack of communication between coach/trainers that was festooning plus his perception that he wouldn't be getting a scholarship boiled up to the crescendo that have regrettably unfolded.

Ankle/achilis heel injuries are long healers. It is speculation, but I think that is why the trainers & Coach Kill weren't happy with his decision to self-treat.

With all the pressure to win and win fast, it has to be a very frustrating place to be in having so many injuries. Frustrations are probably abound among coaches, trainers, and players. Mental & verbal abuse? Who knows what was said. This warrants serious attention. There is no place for demeaning slurs. However, coaches do break down players and build them up all the time. This is part of organized sports. There is a line that cannot be crossed before it becomes abuse.

On a positive note, the team as a whole are not getting in trouble and are doing great in the classroom.

There is a wrong way and a right way to handle this. Throwing your coach and team under the proverbial bus in public is not the way to go about it. Hopefully, this will not hurt recruiting and the walk-on program.

The team should be focused on MSU, and enjoy the upcoming bowl game.

Most of us have no problem with a guy doing something with his free time. What we have a problem with is people feeling entitled, such as Chris Kluwe who felt personally betrayed that a newspaper would publish an article with his opposing viewpoint.

Or his infamous white board, where he berated the NFL during the lockout. It's the sense of entitlement that have many of us disliking Kluwe.

In his interview, Barker comes across as feeling entitled to a scholarship. Hence the comparison.

First of all, Kluwe explicitly said that the reason he was breaking ties with the PP was not that they had conflicting views as him, but they aired their conflicting views while saying that they were remaining neutral and presenting both sides of the argument.

The white board was not just during the lockout and could be viewed as humor more than a sense of entitlement. Entitlement requires people to take something humorous at more than face-value, and with a guy like Kluwe if he had wanted to say something he would have.

You are reading entitlement into what he says. Barker is exuding entitlement.

Kluwe's stuff has nothing to do with the Vikings, I see very little point in drawing comparisons between him and Barker.

IMHO, he would've gotten a scholarship at the end of the season had he just continue his rehab in time to play in a post season bowl. Aren't walk-on scholarships awarded at the end of the season?

I suspect that not following the trainer's rehab order as prescribed and some miscommunication or lack of communication between coach/trainers that was festooning plus his perception that he wouldn't be getting a scholarship boiled up to the crescendo that have regrettably unfolded.

Ankle/achilis heel injuries are long healers. It is speculation, but I think that is why the trainers & Coach Kill weren't happy with his decision to self-treat.

With all the pressure to win and win fast, it has to be a very frustrating place to be in having so many injuries. Frustrations are probably abound among coaches, trainers, and players. Mental & verbal abuse? Who knows what was said. This warrants serious attention. There is no place for demeaning slurs. However, coaches do break down players and build them up all the time. This is part of organized sports. There is a line that cannot be crossed before it becomes abuse.

On a positive note, the team as a whole are not getting in trouble and are doing great in the classroom.

There is a wrong way and a right way to handle this. Throwing your coach and team under the proverbial bus in public is not the way to go about it. Hopefully, this will not hurt recruiting and the walk-on program.

The team should be focused on MSU, and enjoy the upcoming bowl game.

He shares his opinion just like everyone else in the world, its the media that makes a story out of it because he is an athlete, so if you have a problem with anyone it should be the media, because Kluwe, like every human being(btw believe it or not, he is one) has an opinion, people share their opinions all the time, its just that the media doesn't go out reporting about it

The people who are bashing Kluwe, I am sure all hold different viewpoints than him, and that is main driver to why they are upset with him

and my guess is you share the same viewpoints with him. and that is the main driver why you are here feigning frustration/annoyance with those of us who don't like the guy. it goes both ways my friend.

bingo. and even though i am only in my early 30's, i think chris kluwe as a person is a mouthy punk kid. regardless of his views. he comes off as a smug, know-it-all, clueless, jerk. he really seems to enjoy profanity laced, self-serving blog tirades. as well as disgusting political radio ads.

self-serving, profanity laced blog tirades. sounds oddly familiar doesn't it?

I thought your focus was on msu? No,it's on kluwe??

you have never gone on a forum such as this one and bashed a newspaper article because you didn't share the same views? no human has ever done that? because that would publicly sharing your views

FYI, AJ transferred to Delasalle after going to Mounds Park Academy with his brothers for many years. I can still remember the time he stormed off in practice for being called out for something so small that I can't even remember. Even though the school does a phenomenal job of fighting any ideas of entitlement, it still costs about 17 grand per year to go there. I just wanted to point out that there might be some legitimacy to the entitlement argument. I'm still a little shocked at how this played out considering his family is so intelligent. I never would have imagined that he would do something this rash on such a large stage. Hopefully this story will die down and both parties can move forward.

"I've... there's a pattern throughout my life where there has been friction, at times, for me, with some authority figures..."

Straight from the horses mouth.

He knew where Coach Kill's office was located. He knew how to contact AD Teague. Instead he posts this whiny garbage online.

If you can watch the KARE 11 video and still come away supporting Barker, good luck to you.

and my guess is you share the same viewpoints with him. and that is the main driver why you are here feigning frustration/annoyance with those of us who don't like the guy. it goes both ways my friend.

actaully I do for some, and I dont for others, I don't have a problem with matt birk, I am sure everyone who is bashing Kluwe were all for Matt Birks opinions, I didn't mind that he shared his opinion at all, even though I didn't agree with him, I would never bash Birk for sharing his opinion, I belive in the 1st amendment

His little brother was a freshman walk on at Wisconsin but was unable to play because of a heart problem. Have to wonder if he will end up at Wisconsin.

I assume you're trying to say that everyone has a different perception of the same person? Not really ground-breaking and what a lot of people in this thread are trying to say. Barker is making it out to be like he sent that letter to protect others, when everything in that letter is based on his perception of Coach Kill.

Correct interpretation of what I was trying to say.

It appears to me that the majority of folks are not even considering AJ may have a legit argument. Some are even calling him selfish, which the dumbest thing I have ever heard. How dare him believe that he is deserving of a scholarship or proper medical care.

actaully I do for some, and I dont for others, I don't have a problem with matt birk, I am sure everyone who is bashing Kluwe were all for Matt Birks opinions, I didn't mind that he shared his opinion at all, even though I didn't agree with him, I would never bash Birk for sharing his opinion, I belive in the 1st amendment

Matt Birk was respectful. Chris Kluwe's comments were filled with profanity. Matt Birk acted like a human being. Chris Kluwe acted and continues to act like an animal.

His little brother was a freshman walk on at Wisconsin but was unable to play because of a heart problem. Have to wonder if he will end up at Wisconsin.
thats exactly where I see him ending up, I would give it better than 50-50 chance he ends up there

I feel sorry for this kid and shame on his parents for not stopping this letter. I don't blame him for transferring. I'm sure Kill's motivational tactics aren't for everyone (how could they be with 120 personalities). But this letter and interview were a big mistake. Kill and the U will be fine and AJ will backpedal from this in a week's time, but the damage is done.

actaully I do for some, and I dont for others, I don't have a problem with matt birk, I am sure everyone who is bashing Kluwe were all for Matt Birks opinions, I didn't mind that he shared his opinion at all, even though I didn't agree with him, I would never bash Birk for sharing his opinion, I belive in the 1st amendment

wow! you presumptious person, you. guess what? i voted no on the marriage amendment. believe it or not i, and apparently many others, just don't like chris kluwe and the way he carries himself as a person and publicly. just because we don't like chris kluwe doesn't mean we are homophobic and against the gay agenda.

man, is this thread going off in a strange direction. maybe that is a good thing???

Matt Birk was respectful. Chris Kluwe's comments were filled with profanity. Matt Birk acted like a human being. Chris Kluwe acted and continues to act like an animal.

profanity is your problem? welcome to the 21st century my friend, and be honest, you know deep down inside it was more what his viewpoint was than profanity. And for the record, he came out with a cleaner version for people who were upset about the first one

Correct interpretation of what I was trying to say.

It appears to me that the majority of folks are not even considering AJ may have a legit argument. Some are even calling him selfish, which the dumbest thing I have ever heard. How dare him believe that he is deserving of a scholarship or proper medical care.

I think people are more upset about him feeling the need to air all of this over the internet.

wow! you presumptious person, you. guess what? i voted no on the marriage amendment. believe it or not i, and apparently many others, just don't like chris kluwe and the way he carries himself as a person and publicly. just because we don't like chris kluwe doesn't mean we are homophobic and against the gay agenda.

man, is this thread going off in a strange direction. maybe that is a good thing???

no the problem I have with people is they think athletes need to act professional 24/7, can't go out and have fun, because all of us all act professional once we are done working, come on people, if you ever get the chance to become friends with an athlete or celebrity you will realize they are just like us, and by us, I mean not perfect, I don't care what anyone's viewpoint is on here, thats not what I was trying to debate at all, Kluwe did nothing to hurt his team, NOTHING(at least off the field) so I don't get why compare him to this AJ kid

He was told he would not play anymore. He was also told he would not receive a scholarship. Why wouldn't he release the letter if he was told otherwise?

43,871 views on this AJ Barker thread, and it is not even 24-hours yet! This must be s GH record.

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