Barker Transfering?!?!

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Good riddance if you ask me, kid sounds like a total head case. I'm surprised his parents and close friends supported him in publicly sharing this letter. It's going to do more harm than good if you ask me. I can't imagine many coaches will want to bring on a player who called out his coach in the way that he did with Jerry...who is obviously highly respected by just about everyone in college football.

I can't help but hope this decision blows up in his face and he regrets it for years to come. Kid's these days think they deserve the world.

Sportsfan just wants to remind everyone that he "knows" Barker and has a far more important viewpoint than any of us because he is oh-so-close to the program. Just like he is best good buds with Brewster and knows all the dark secrets about the Badger football. Having a son in the program made him privy to the juiciest details of college football, and he will never let it go.

Right, and if you agreed with my view points I would be a knowledgeable unbiased fan? Never mind I have said on multiple occasions "it's just one mans opinion" and "I don't know everything, just ask my wife."

I said it months ago Kill was full of .....caca. It's not my fault his behavior is coming to light. I guess it sucks when you can't dispute anything I say and you are left with sarcasm. Since you care about what my opinions are in regard to Jerry you should find solace in the fact I do believe he is a good coach.

Wisconsin secrets? Dude, it's no secret Bret is/was a drunk, puss hound who chased co-eds and that I allowed my personal garbage to get in the way and influenced my son to sign with the Badgers. It's also no secret that I paid the piper and did what I could to rectify the situation.

Damn it's liberating when you are a open book with no agenda and unafraid to own
up to your mistakes! Oh....Jerry is still a piss poor excuse for a man, IMO.

Michael Floyd of the Arizona Cardinals takes time out of his NFL career to tweet on the situation: "I wish I knew both sides of the story as to why AJ barker is transferring from Minnesota."

Go Gophers!!

Right, and if you agreed with my view points I would be a knowledgeable unbiased fan? Never mind I have said on multiple occasions "it's just one mans opinion" and "I don't know everything, just ask my wife."

I said it months ago Kill was full of .....caca. It's not my fault his behavior is coming to light. I guess it sucks when you can't dispute anything I say and you are left with sarcasm. Since you care about what my opinions are in regard to Jerry you should find solace in the fact I do believe he is a good coach.

Wisconsin secrets? Dude, it's no secret Bret is/was a drunk, puss hound who chased co-eds and that I allowed my personal garbage to get in the way and influenced my son to sign with the Badgers. It's also no secret that I paid the piper and did what I could to rectify the situation.

Damn it's liberating when you are a open book with no agenda and unafraid to own
up to your mistakes! Oh....Jerry is still a piss poor excuse for a man, IMO.

Whether we choose to agree with sportsfan24 or not, he has been very consistent on his comments and feelings about Kill, albeit vague.

Go Gophers!!

He'll get an offer somewhere, it won't be in the Big Ten or any of the power 6 conferences, but somebody will take a risk on him. He was statistically one of the better receivers in the Big Ten this year.

The guy is off his rocker though. He makes it sound like this big conspiracy theory and that everyone is covering for Jerry Kill. He said he didn't want to talk to Norwood because he felt he would be labeled as "the problem." This guy obviously is paranoid.

Two sides are developing fast. Players who quit and moved on are supporting AJ. Brandon, Watkins, Harris, will Jewan Edwards be next?

Watkins is still on the team, I think. Great attitude to have on the team right now. :mad: Guessing Kill has the players on a twitter/facebook lockdown on saying anything further about this situation.

They never quit but Ryan Wynn and Kim Royston have publicly supported AJ too.

This is clearly a case of no one looking like the good guy here. You've got (what's left of) a senior class that has been through a ton with this program. They stuck it out, they won enough this year to get to a bowl and they've got their final game of their careers coming up at TCF on Saturday. This should be a week to prepare for MSU, reflect on their time here and truly enjoy their last home game as Gophers. The dark cloud that's hanging over this program just got darker.

Delighted to hear Kill is running a clean program. all this other stuff is just noise

Do we know for certain that he wasn't "recruited", as defined?

(i.e., no more than one phone call, etc.)

I'm curious about this, too. Are you considered "recruited" as soon as they send you an email? Most programs send out hundreds of non-personalized, standard emails to recruits on standard stuff (nothing position specific, playing time, where you fit in, etc.). I can not imagine that Barker, as Minnesota's all-time leading receiver, did not get some sort of email or letter from Minnesota. There's just no way. Did he not try to reach out to the Gophers? Did he also not get a call from Brewster after walking-on?

I think this all comes down to kids who were used to Brewster adjusting to Kill. It wasn't what they signed up for basically.

I think this is an "agree to disagree" thing and Barker should have left like an adult. This letter he wrote to "protect others" doesn't protect anyone. They still can transfer if they'd like or stay if they'd like. Not exactly sure who he thinks he's liberating. Multiple players past and present have loved playing for Kill, it's too bad Barker wasn't one of them but it is sad that he thinks because he hates the man everyone should and the only reason they don't is because of manipulation.

When Brendan Beal left Florida, he declined to comment on why he was leaving instead of blasting Urban Meyer. Crazy concept.

NCAA Rules – Definition of a Recruited Athlete

How does the NCAA define whether a prospect is considered a recruited athlete?

A prospect is considered a recruited athlete if the college takes one of the following actions:
- If they provide the prospect with an official visit.
- If they have an off-campus contact with the prospect or the prospect’s parents or legal guardians.
- If they offer the prospect a National Letter of Intent or an athletic scholarship agreement.
- If they initiate a telephone conversation with the prospect or his parents or legal guardians more than one time.

Ironically, a coach can have frequent e-mail conversations with a prospect but that athlete will still not be defined as a recruited athlete if the coach does not use any of the four actions above to encourage the prospect to attend the college and join their athletic program.

Does anyone know if Barker took an official visit? I know a lot of walk-ons don't talk official visits, but some do. Also, I find it hard to believe that Brewster and co. didn't call Barker more than once, OR that they didn't make an in-home visit.

I appreciate your contribution to this site and I do think you offer great perspective on a lot of things based on who you are.

That said, every coach isn't for every player. And while I don't doubt you nor Kim nor Barker may not have liked coach Kill, but I personally also consider NFL players calling playing for kill the greatest blessing in their life as meaning something.

Certain basketball players probably hated playing for Tubby, others love him. Some players loved
playing for Coach Martin at K-State others didn't. It happens. And just because one player (Barker)
didn't like Kill doesn't justify a letter blasting him and makes him look petty and childish. Find a
new school keep working hard and move on with your life. Some coaches aren't for everyone.

And quoting your moms best friend is not a good look.

Aside from the fact that Kim nor I have ever let HIS feeling be known, I can't disagree with anything you said.

Decades ago when I first met my wife and I was a college athlete (and still had a six pack) I told her, " some of your friends may tell you that I'm a jerk/hound, guess what? The sportsman (I actually said Chris) THEY know is a jerk/hound. Feel me?

Aside from the fact that Kim nor I have ever let HIS feeling be known, I can't disagree with anything you said.

Decades ago when I first met my wife and I was a college athlete (and still had a six pack) I told her, " some of your friends may tell you that I'm a jerk/hound, guess what? The sportsman (I actually said Chris) THEY know is a jerk/hound. Feel me?

I assume you're trying to say that everyone has a different perception of the same person? Not really ground-breaking and what a lot of people in this thread are trying to say. Barker is making it out to be like he sent that letter to protect others, when everything in that letter is based on his perception of Coach Kill.

Aside from the fact that Kim nor I have ever let HIS feeling be known, I can't disagree with anything you said.

Decades ago when I first met my wife and I was a college athlete (and still had a six pack) I told her, " some of your friends may tell you that I'm a jerk/hound, guess what? The sportsman (I actually said Chris) THEY know is a jerk/hound. Feel me?

You are correct, my apologies for bringing him up as if I knew his personal views based on things you've said, my mistake.

This ^^

For me personally SportsFan24's perspective on this subject means nothing. Coaches aren't always nice and they aren't always your friend. Suck it up, life's tough, not everything is fair. I would never want to hire a kid like this to work for me. Nice first resume he put out to the general public before he even graduates.

You too? Stand in line buddy; my perspective don't mean anything to a lot more people than you!

Watkins is still on the team, I think. Great attitude to have on the team right now. :mad: Guessing Kill has the players on a twitter/facebook lockdown on saying anything further about this situation.

They never quit but Ryan Wynn and Kim Royston have publicly supported AJ too.

Forgive my laziness.. I just get home from Nebraska and see this news, but can someone or you link to the public support??

First of all, poor decision to air all this out in public. However, this thread is neck deep in hypocrisy.

We have posters personally attacking the kid (every manner of name calling) on a public social media forum, for his personal attack on Kill on a public social media forum.

We have posters lambasting the kid for "self diagnosing" his own injury, while simultaneously diagnosing him as mentally ill over the internet.

What blind fandom will do. Choosing to throw the kid under the bus ("good riddance") when no one knows the kid (or Jerry Kill) personally, whereas at least Barker has (had) an almost daily personal relationship with Kill for the past 1.5+ years.

I'm curious about this, too. Are you considered "recruited" as soon as they send you an email? Most programs send out hundreds of non-personalized, standard emails to recruits on standard stuff (nothing position specific, playing time, where you fit in, etc.). I can not imagine that Barker, as Minnesota's all-time leading receiver, did not get some sort of email or letter from Minnesota. There's just no way. Did he not try to reach out to the Gophers? Did he also not get a call from Brewster after walking-on?

Email is fine.. but two calls would do it. Or if Brewster's staff setup a time to meet with the parents or AJ somewhere.. "hey, let's have coffee and talk about him being a walk-on". I wrote this up earlier tonight:

Would be a bit ridiculous if he didn't understand the transfer rules, but... who knows. I think* he started summer school early with Minnesota and was considering walking on with a couple of programs before choosing Minnesota.. wouldn't seem far fetched to think the staff called his house or his cell phone a couple of times or sat down with him somewhere to talk... but, don't know.

It doesn't matter if Kill is Mike Leech on a roid rage... Barker is psycho baby. Did you read the letter? I AM SPECIAL... I AM SPECIAL... MY MOM NEEDS TO BE AT THE MEETING WITH THE AD AND COACH... MY MOMS FRIEND SAYS I AM THE BEST PLAYER...


More will come of this story in the next few days. I will be following it closely. AJ should have just talked to Kill or route it up the chain of command. This isnt smart for AJ to go on the internet. The kid is young and I was there once and made bad decisions myself. I am sure he will regret this and move on with his life. The Gophers will be fine and we will move on also. Here is looking forward to MINNESOTA improving next year and getting more wins and to AJ success in his future.

Email is fine.. but two calls would do it. Or if Brewster's staff setup a time to meet with the parents or AJ somewhere.. "hey, let's have coffee and talk about him being a walk-on". I wrote this up earlier tonight:

Would be a bit ridiculous if he didn't understand the transfer rules, but... who knows. I think* he started summer school early with Minnesota and was considering walking on with a couple of programs before choosing Minnesota.. wouldn't seem far fetched to think the staff called his house or his cell phone a couple of times or sat down with him somewhere to talk... but, don't know.

Exactly. I have a very hard time believing that Brewster would have been able to receive a walk-on commitment from Barker without recruiting (multiple phone calls, visit, etc.). Even if Barker didn't have FCS offers (he might have, I don't know), he at least would have received D2 offers. The only way Barker would have committed without going through the recruiting process is if he was a lifelong Gophers fan. And even if Barker was a big Gophers fan, you would still think that it would only make sense to reach out to Brewster before committing.

Email is fine.. but two calls would do it. Or if Brewster's staff setup a time to meet with the parents or AJ somewhere.. "hey, let's have coffee and talk about him being a walk-on". I wrote this up earlier tonight:

Would be a bit ridiculous if he didn't understand the transfer rules, but... who knows. I think* he started summer school early with Minnesota and was considering walking on with a couple of programs before choosing Minnesota.. wouldn't seem far fetched to think the staff called his house or his cell phone a couple of times or sat down with him somewhere to talk... but, don't know.

Are there multiple writers for your blog? You say "we" a lot.

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