Barker Transfering?!?!

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His production and stats suggest otherwise...

Not taking away from what he did earlier this year but he only played well for 6-7 games in 4 years. And has a history of injuries. That doesn't get you a scholarship especially in a year when there are limited available.

Walk ons typically get a scholarship after the 2nd or 3rd year OR if there are extras available at the start if their senior season.

Does anyone else here think that maybe Coach Kill was just trying to challenge, or as another said, motivate him? Some people react well to being told they won't play, won't earn a scholarship, etc. It seemed to motivate Aj when his high school coach told him he wouldn't play D1. (Per the tweet from Sept). I could be wrong, but this is what I was thinking as I was reading the letter.

Exactly. Keep him working and playing with an edge. Coaches do it constantly as many people respond well to the "ill prove you wrong" or "nobody believed in me" mantra.

Tweet from Marcus: Barker on Philip Nelson: "Feel so bad for Philip that I can't be out there to help him show the quarterback that he has the potential to be"

I think Nelson can reach his potential without Barker. Just a hunch.

Go Gophers!!

Basically said on Fox 9 that "Kill says he's a players coach, but he is a disciplinarian."

Anyone catch what he said on fox9?

They had a phone interview with him. Here's the blurb they aired.

"He projects himself as a players coach yet he coaches us like a disciplinarian--and I'm not going to say that either way is right...or wrong but it's pretty clear there's--deceit going there. I'm confident that I'm not the only one. I've seen it happen with enough people where they know they kind of get 'thrown under the bus' so to speak. I didn't want that to happen to me."

What the hell is his deal?

Anyone catch what he said on fox9?

They had a phone interview with him. Here's the blurb they aired.

"He projects himself as a players coach yet he coaches us like a disciplinarian--and I'm not going to say that either way is right...or wrong but it's pretty clear there's--deceit going there. I'm confident that I'm not the only one. I've seen it happen with enough people where they know they kind of get 'thrown under the bus' so to speak. I didn't want that to happen to me."

What the hell is his deal?

Beat Michigan St. And this all ends.

I do not get this kid. Talks about 'How will you be remembered?' This isn't adding up for me.

He pretty much freely admits he did not listen to the trainers and med staff when dealing with treatment of his ankle injury. Coach seems to not like how he handled that and called him on it. Then proceeds to go on a huge blog tirade? C'mon man. If you are gonna let a little disagreement get you down, especially in college football, wait until you get into the real world. Are you going to write a 4000 word plus blog when you are mad at your boss?! Did you even actually go talk to Coach Kill and voice your concerns?! The A.D. for that matter?! I am a little disappointed he went this route, but I guess that is the choice he has made.

I guess some people need to be coddled and told their poop doesn't stink and need to be told how great they are everyday. Seems to me he has a whole lot of preconceived notions about college football and how it works in general by saying he didn't want to be seen as a "problem".

It is too bad, I really enjoyed watching him play here. Wish him the best.

I think a tweet from frothy gopher summed my feelings up about it:

"I would like to thank my dad for pulling me aside when I turned 18, said he loved me but to remember the universe didn't revolve around me"

The cancelation of the UNC series was the last straw for A J.

Tweet from Ge'shun Harris: @A_Barker_82 I respect you a lot mr. barker.

Go Gophers!!

I've always viewed a coach/player relationship like that of a father/son. There, imo, needs to be a respectful fear and willingness for joy. dad projects himself as a "cool dad" but he's a just a disciplinarian; just ask my brothers.

AJ Barker is going to have quite the coaching career. The moment he says something to a player, said player should find this letter, change wording a little bit, and email it to Barker.

Tweet from former Gopher Xavier Brandon: @A_Barker_82 #salute my boi!!, even tho you've always had it, u got my respect!!!

Go Gophers!!

Basically said on Fox 9 that "Kill says he's a players coach, but he is a disciplinarian."

This is from last years Chicago Tribune the week we played Illinois. Look at Rallis' quotes. C'mon AJ

Kill (23-16 in three seasons at Northern Illinois) has had to rebuild programs in the past, but never on a scale as big as this one. Minnesota was ranked 10th in scoring offense and ninth in scoring defense in the Big Ten. The one thing his new players noticed from the start was that Kill was there to instill a culture of discipline. If players were late to a workout or meeting, they had to wear brown shirts that said, "I let my teammates down." Nobody wants to wear those shirts. "You have a sense of urgency to do exactly what you're supposed to do in everything you do in life," linebacker Mike Rallis said. "It's not OK to not do what you're supposed to do. It's not 'My bad, I was in the wrong gap.' It's extremely important to you that you're in class on time, every workout on time, study hours on time, meetings, you're there on time, sitting up straight. It has to be extremely important to you to do everything right." The point being, if you do everything you're supposed to do off the field, you'll do everything you're supposed to do on it. But even though Kill comes off as a tough, disciplinarian, his players describe him as a players' coach. "He's a loving coach," quarterback Marqueis Gray said. "He has our back and we have his back."

Tweet from former Gopher Xavier Brandon: @A_Barker_82 #salute my boi!!, even tho you've always had it, u got my respect!!!

Go Gophers!!
Seems to me the ones tweeting in support of Barker never played for Kill or never got playing time under Kill.

Tweet from Ge'shun Harris: @A_Barker_82 I respect you a lot mr. barker.

Go Gophers!!

Haha. Nice. Didn't Ge'shun Harris caught shoplifting or something? Isn't that why he left the team?

Yeah, I think everyone has known he is a disciplinarian. Very few coaches aren't. And the ones that are lax tend to get fired.

By many accounts, Brew was NOT a disciplinarian and enjoyed being players friends more than their coach. Kill said as much about the lack of discipline with the classroom and in the weight room when he got here. I'm sure many guys struggled with the difference between the two, JewJew Edwards comes to mind, as do others.

Go Gophers!!

Yeah, I think everyone has known he is a disciplinarian. Very few coaches aren't. And the ones that are lax tend to get fired.

Raheem Morris (Tampa Bay) was the best players' coach ever! There was story after story of how no other coach has ever related to players like Morris the year before he got fired.

Seems to me the ones tweeting in support of Barker never played for Kill or never got playing time under Kill.

Would you really expect any different? No one that values their spot on the team is going to speak up for Barker so the only comments you are likely to get in favor of him are from former players.

Tweet from former Gopher Xavier Brandon: @A_Barker_82 #salute my boi!!, even tho you've always had it, u got my respect!!!

Go Gophers!!

So he's gotten "respect" from a player kicked off the team for stealing luggage at the airport and someone who in 4 years at the U never saw the field.

Seems to me the ones tweeting in support of Barker never played for Kill or never got playing time under Kill.

My thoughts exactly. We'll see how many more come out of the woodwork showing their "respect".

Shocking G'shaun credit card fraud Harris didnt like disciplinarians either..

Tweet from former Gopher Xavier Brandon: @A_Barker_82 #salute my boi!!, even tho you've always had it, u got my respect!!!

Go Gophers!!

Two sides are developing fast. Players who quit and moved on are supporting AJ. Brandon, Watkins, Harris, will Jewan Edwards be next?

By many accounts, Brew was NOT a disciplinarian and enjoyed being players friends more than their coach. Kill said as much about the lack of discipline with the classroom and in the weight room when he got here. I'm sure many guys struggled with the difference between the two, JewJew Edwards comes to mind, as do others.

Go Gophers!!

That's my point. Very few "players coaches" survive. Wade Phillips was laughed out of Dallas. Bill Belichek is one of the best coaches in football. Bill is a pretty disciplinary guy.

Would you really expect any different? No one that values their spot on the team is going to speak up for Barker so the only comments you are likely to get in favor of him are from former players.

What about teammates that played and graduated last year?

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