Barker Transfering?!?!

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Sounds to me like the training staff's frustration was growing and growing with AJ. No to an MRI, I don't want to know if it's serious or minor, I'll just play through it and get some acupuncture. I know I should ice it, but I'm only going to ice it when swells up, not every time like you asked. I'm going to run out of the training room and order my own MRI. Seems like Kill finally boiled over after 3 weeks and got more directly involved with the kid after hearing from his training staff how AJ wasn't doing as instructed with his rehab.

Totally Agree!!!!
A.J. said he wants to coach which I don't understand. He's already a M.D. That has wwaayyy more job security than a coach.

He sounds like a DIVA that knows more than trained professionals.

Wow, if the 4000 letter wasn't enough. This kid won't stop tweeting and has locked up interviews with the media. This kid is loving the attention!

I agree the reason he's not getting a scholarship is that he's already a junior. It's a bitter pill to swallow because I'm sure that was Barker's goal; perhaps not because he needed the money (although who doesn't), but that it would have been an impressive achievement.

There's no way that Barker wouldn't have been awarded a scholarship next semester.

AJ is now trying to manipulate the public...

Good luck with that he is going to make himself look like an idiot or more of an idiot by going on the news with nothing more than his side of the story attacking a well respected coach of 30 years

There's no way that Barker wouldn't have been awarded a scholarship next semester.

I kind of agree. The playing time scholarship comments is most likely motivation. Keep him with something to prove and having an edge. Make sure he keeps working.


If Barker really wanted to go after Kill, all he needed to do is wait until the MSU game is over and then announce his intent to transfer because Kill won't give him a scholarship and mention his concern over the care he is getting. 100 words tops. It would make Kill look horrible. Instead Barker has made himself look like a kook.

FWIW, he will be playing BCS football next year. Easy gamble for someone looking for a receiver.

Can we bet? You win if he plays BCS. I win if he plays Div III. Anything in between we push.

I don't get why no one can see it. There is only one person to blame for all of this....

Bret Bielema

He got wind that Barker was disgruntled with the coaching staff so he told him he would gladly take him on at Wisconsin but he had to create a major sh%t storm on the way out the door.

Next season he will be suiting up for the all makes perfect sense.....:cool02:

On a serious note, what a mess. There is a definite trend starting with athletes going public. Going to shed an interesting light on what goes on behind the scenes in D1 athletics if players start feeling more empowered to voice their concerns publicly instead of doing the standard "what happens with the team stays with the team". Right now we have Barker's side, we will get some watered down coach speak version of Kill's side and the truth as always will fall somewhere in the middle.

He wants one next year, which he should. His presentation of this letter publicly was a bad move in my opinion, but so are those belittling this guy because they're so anxious about protecting the reputation of the head coach. Kill has the larger mic and audience, it will be interesting to see what he says.

He won't say a damn thing and he shouldn't. Good riddence AJ Barker

What is strange to me is it seems Barker is openly admitting that he didn't do everything the training staff asked him to do (only icing when there is swelling) and Kill's freak out may have been to make a point about the importance of doing what the training staff asks? Also he told the training staff he didn't want to know if it was a serious injury so didn't want an MRI? Then we he was told by the training staff he would need an MRI he stormed out? That sounds pretty immature to me. Plus acupuncture, which the training staff probably had no idea about. He seemed to be willfully going against the training staff.

Also he tweeted that he is an atheist. "1 reason I'm Athiest is cause I want to invest My beliefs in the things I decide. not what others a spiritual republican....." As an atheist it seems strange to me that another atheist would think acupuncture helps... The man can't even spell atheist.

As an aside I am willing to bet that at the time of writing the letter he was high, drunk, or both.

both parties are probably guilty, barker is going to look worse after he has media day. kill is having a tough year of negativity! it might be time for kill to say "just kidding, we didnt pay unc $800,000.00 and we are going to chapel hill next year";)

Who is the dumb ass or asses who are advising him to talk!?!?! This is not good for the young man. He's needs a pr person stat!

Can we bet? You win if he plays BCS. I win if he plays Div III. Anything in between we push.

St. Thomas football...with a lot of the other DI and DII transfers. I bet Carusso has already been showing him around campus.

don't get me wrong, he is a good player. but it is really unfortunate that we are now learning who a.j. barker apparently really is as a PERSON and as TEAMMATE. and that appears to be selfish, me-first, and that it is not really at all about his team/program.

all of his writing screams like a selfish, crybaby, naive rant. when you include a reference to nazi's in your tirade a.j. barker, well you have just thrown all of your credibility completely out the window.

i hope you can get your mind straight and your life figured out. good luck finding a coaching staff willing to take you and your ego on after this silly little internet display of petulance and selfishness.

Kill wasn't kidding when he told Nelson you needed thick skin to play here.

This post is already at 28,000 plus views! Is this going to be, or break the single day viewing record?

Can we at least agree that our talent level at receiver isn't all that high? So stating Barker was our best receiver isn't saying all that much? If you happened to notice, we didn't have anyone getting separation or getting open against Nebraska. Which isn't surprising seeing as that has been the case most of the year with the exception of Purdue and a couple of non-conference games. So I don't see it as a huge loss...

This post is already at 28,000 plus views! Is this going to be, or break the single day viewing record?

Only if we start talking hand-timed or digital.

BTW was 4000+ words hand counted or digitally counted?

it happens, coaches yell, proof:




Do we know for certain that he wasn't "recruited", as defined?

(i.e., no more than one phone call, etc.)

St. Thomas football...with a lot of the other DI and DII transfers. I bet Carusso has already been showing him around campus.

I'm sure Barker would then publicly apologize to his high school coach.

Can we at least agree that our talent level at receiver isn't all that high? So stating Barker was our best receiver isn't saying all that much? If you happened to notice, we didn't have anyone getting separation or getting open against Nebraska. Which isn't surprising seeing as that has been the case most of the year with the exception of Purdue and a couple of non-conference games. So I don't see it as a huge loss...

His production and stats suggest otherwise...

Does anyone else here think that maybe Coach Kill was just trying to challenge, or as another said, motivate him? Some people react well to being told they won't play, won't earn a scholarship, etc. It seemed to motivate Aj when his high school coach told him he wouldn't play D1. (Per the tweet from Sept). I could be wrong, but this is what I was thinking as I was reading the letter.

Gophers hoops player weighs in: "@CHalvo33: Proud of @A_Barker_82 and wish the best for him as he continues his college football career!"

Go Gophers!!

@TomPelissero: If you don't think this is an embarrassment for the #Gophers program, then that pretty much says everything about the program, doesn't it?

Go Gophers!!

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