Andy Katz: Flip DECLINES Gophers job offer

Did Teague try dictating the coaching staff to other coach candidates?! If so no wonder we are still searching. If not was that his out for hiring Flip?
Weird. I'm not sure any active head coach would let the AD pick his staff for him.

I get that you'd rather have somebody else and that's understandable. Do you have any whiff of how badly this is going to go with Gopher fans who are actually here and buy tickets. As I said before- pressure is on....this hire better be BIG.

You misunderstand me, I've said I would be happy with a Flip hire.

And yes, I fully understand how important this hire is. Teague fired a future HoFer, he knows how important this hire is. All parties involved know what the stakes are. If Teague whiffs he's back in non-BCS conference athletic department hell.

It's helpful to have outside perspective when looking at a program you are a fan of. People can't on one hand complain about nepotism and Saul Smith and then dismiss concerns about Saunders. Similarly people can't complain about the university/athletic department having the wrong mentality and then complain when someone comes in and turns things on its head.

So Norwood didn't have access to your Stats Site or he couldn't figure it out? I kid, I kid. :cool:

It's not my stats site, it's a site that almost every NBA fan uses constantly. Furthermore, I didn't say playing slow and shooting a lot of jump shots is a bad thing. I just was trying to give a picture of the kind of offense that Flip runs. Wisconsin plays slow and shoots a lot of jump shots and they are successful. My not wanting Flip wasn't really based on style of play. It's based on lack of college experience and lack of developing young players. I just was trying to give a statistical look at the TYPE of offense that Flip was running. There are plenty of slow efficient offenses.

But as I said, I trust Teague and I trust that he knows more than I do, so if he wanted Flip, it works.

Did Teague try dictating the coaching staff to other coach candidates?! If so no wonder we are still searching. If not was that his out for hiring Flip?
Weird. I'm not sure any active head coach would let the AD pick his staff for him.

At least not any head coach that you would want. If Teague wanted to help pick the staff, he is out of line. If Teague said "no nepotism", I completely agree with Teague.

You misunderstand me, I've said I would be happy with a Flip hire.

And yes, I fully understand how important this hire is. Teague fired a future HoFer, he knows how important this hire is. All parties involved know what the stakes are. If Teague whiffs he's back in non-BCS conference athletic department hell.

It's helpful to have outside perspective when looking at a program you are a fan of. People can't on one hand complain about nepotism and Saul Smith and then dismiss concerns about Saunders. Similarly people can't complain about the university/athletic department having the wrong mentality and then complain when someone comes in and turns things on its head.

True but if Tubby would have performed better nobody would have gave a damn about Saul. Just like if Flip were to succeed nobody would give a damn bout Ryan.

Hopefully this all be moot by Tuesday because Brad Stevens' kids are too young to be on staff :cool:

Did Teague try dictating the coaching staff to other coach candidates?! If so no wonder we are still searching. If not was that his out for hiring Flip?
Weird. I'm not sure any active head coach would let the AD pick his staff for him.

From what I know, Teague didn't micromanage Shaka's hiring of assistants - although he might have helped him line up names.

Did Teague try dictating the coaching staff to other coach candidates?! If so no wonder we are still searching. If not was that his out for hiring Flip?
Weird. I'm not sure any active head coach would let the AD pick his staff for him.

Al this anguish on the thread. I think what is happening is that Teague wants to coach. Flip turned down an offer to be his assistant.

Isn't this just turning into a nice little clusterf*ck?

No, I'm a huge Gophers fan and have been since Mussleman. I don't know whether he's good coach or not. I do know that I would take the package and so would the vast majority of the fan base. As you have seen here first hand. Maybe you don't think the Gophers need the fan base. I do. A day ago I had visions of Flip firing up the boosters and fast tracking a practice facility as well as giving us a runnning start and a fighting chance at one or more of the big 3. Today I have visions of a fair number of the old guard season ticket holders bowing out, a fair number of boosters being unimpressed and uninspired and a fair chance that we lose the best recruit we have coming in. Other than that I'm real optimisitic about where we are headed.

I hear you, but you have to keep in mind that the excitement of hires lasts about 6 months, after that it's about results. Our next head coach could be Milton from Office Space, if he wins, people will like him and the boosters will support him.

Ryan Saunders would never have been considered for this position if Flip were not his father. I don't blame Teague for saying "only qualified candidates". People can spin this anyway they want to spin it, but Ryan Saunders isn't qualified. I can't blame an AD for insisting on qualified assistants.

Now. . .if Teague wanted a say in the staff beyond "qualified", then he is out of line and I'm with you.

Eric Musselman? Brian Dutcher? Even Brent Haskins (worked for the Wolves for a bit). Ryan is on an NBA staff. All acceptable assistants.

Saul has dirtied the waters here.

You misunderstand me, I've said I would be happy with a Flip hire.

And yes, I fully understand how important this hire is. Teague fired a future HoFer, he knows how important this hire is. All parties involved know what the stakes are. If Teague whiffs he's back in non-BCS conference athletic department hell.

It's helpful to have outside perspective when looking at a program you are a fan of. People can't on one hand complain about nepotism and Saul Smith and then dismiss concerns about Saunders. Similarly people can't complain about the university/athletic department having the wrong mentality and then complain when someone comes in and turns things on its head.

There is obviously no department edict that says- no nepotism because we had Saul. So to start one with Flip is a slap in the face. The Flip staff would have been or will be evaluated based on success on the court- just as Tubby's was. The Saul situation got handled. He's gone.

I hear you, but you have to keep in mind that the excitement of hires lasts about 6 months, after that it's about results. Our next head coach could be Milton from Office Space, if he wins, people will like him and the boosters will support him.

Ryan Saunders would never have been considered for this position if Flip were not his father. I don't blame Teague for saying "only qualified candidates". People can spin this anyway they want to spin it, but Ryan Saunders isn't qualified. I can't blame an AD for insisting on qualified assistants.

Now. . .if Teague wanted a say in the staff beyond "qualified", then he is out of line and I'm with you.

6 months is a lifetime in this situation. We need fan excitement and we need recruiting excitement now. The hire better be big. Hope it is.

I hear you, but you have to keep in mind that the excitement of hires lasts about 6 months, after that it's about results. Our next head coach could be Milton from Office Space, if he wins, people will like him and the boosters will support him.

Ryan Saunders would never have been considered for this position if Flip were not his father. I don't blame Teague for saying "only qualified candidates". People can spin this anyway they want to spin it, but Ryan Saunders isn't qualified. I can't blame an AD for insisting on qualified assistants.

Now. . .if Teague wanted a say in the staff beyond "qualified", then he is out of line and I'm with you.

Do you want to explain why Ryan Saunders is not qualified to be on a college staff?

I believe that you are showing your ignorance, as most college coaching staffs have as their bottom assistant, one who is breaking into the college game with little to no college coaching experience.

I hear you, but you have to keep in mind that the excitement of hires lasts about 6 months, after that it's about results. Our next head coach could be Milton from Office Space, if he wins, people will like him and the boosters will support him.

Ryan Saunders would never have been considered for this position if Flip were not his father. I don't blame Teague for saying "only qualified candidates". People can spin this anyway they want to spin it, but Ryan Saunders isn't qualified. I can't blame an AD for insisting on qualified assistants.

Now. . .if Teague wanted a say in the staff beyond "qualified", then he is out of line and I'm with you.

Or Teague didn't want to hire Flip and used the nepotism clause as a way to make an offer, but not get a yes and hope that satisfies the boosters why he goes after his own guy.

Or Teague didn't want to hire Flip and used the nepotism clause as a way to make an offer, but not get a yes and hope that satisfies the boosters why he goes after his own guy.

I think that's right- that's what it looks like his ploy was. It won't work with the boosters.

Honestly the next coach could grab some hobos jumping off a train as his assistants and I could care less as long as they can recruit and we win.
Ryan as an assistant ahouldn't be a show stopper itn hiring Flip. I mean hye is asn assistant now in the NBA and hasn't embarassed himself.

Plenty of people had qualms with Saul outside his dad's W-L record. That shouldn't be news to anyone.

If Tubby would have got the program rolling there would have been a mere fraction of the bitching that we currently have about Saul.

Flip cares about the U. He isn't the kind of guy that would bring his son on board if would hurt the program.

Man I love these threads. So little actual information out there but you read these threads and it is like there is a whole group of people intimately connected to this coaching search.

Makes for good entertainment but I honestly don't think any of us really have any clue what is going on with the search.

There is obviously no department edict that says- no nepotism because we had Saul. So to start one with Flip is a slap in the face. The Flip staff would have been or will be evaluated based on success on the court- just as Tubby's was. The Saul situation got handled. He's gone.

Saul wasn't hired on Teague's watch.

I don't blame NT for not wanting to put up with nepotism in the workplace, it's always complicates how things are handled.

And truthfully you are dead wrong saying any potential problems with a Flip staff would be handled the same way as Tubby's was for two reasons.
1. Teague owed Tubby nothing, while he would own the Flip hire.
2. Flip is an alum and there are significant portions of the fanbase with a deep attachment to him for this reason. Any decisions made would be magnified because of this, which as I said earlier is unnecessary complication.

If Tubby would have got the program rolling there would have been a mere fraction of the bitching that we currently have about Saul.

Flip cares about the U. He isn't the kind of guy that would bring his son on board if would hurt the program.

Don't believe that Flip loves his school more than his son.

I usually enjoy both Bob and bga's posts and I find myself somewhere in the middle of both arguments. First of all, I am not sure I believe much of what has been reported about the Gopher search, it all seems too "simple". The idea that Flip (allegedly) turned the job down because he couldn't have Ryan on his staff falls in to that same "simple" line of thinking. I think most of us knew that Ryan would be on Flip's staff and that it would not necessarily be a popular move. When looking for a reason why Flip is not going to coach the Gophers, that would be the first place to go with speculation.

That said, to play along with the theory that Flip was offered the job and then turned it down because Ryan would not have been allowed on staff, I think blame should be placed on both Flip and Norwood. If Flip really wants to be the "U" coach, he should be willing to put together the best possible staff and I don't think you can argue that Ryan would be one of the 3 bench assistants under that scenario. If Norwood really wanted Flip then he should have known that Ryan was likely part of the package and found a way to work with Flip on a compromise of some sort.

You because you're hoping for a better fit for the program. Teague because it's more important to him to solidify the reputation and success of Villa 7 than get a successful Head Coach for the U.
I know I'm a little sick of this Villa 7 stuff. I doubt Teague wanted Flip. Maybe he met with him to get his opinion on other coaches. I really don't think he made an offer of any type. You don't give someone a low ball offer so they don't take the job. The Shaka. Hoiberg or Stevens situation never reached the point of any offer. Why would they? They were all non gettable. We really despite the media reports have not swung and missed or been turned down. Like Hoiberg would leave Iowa State.I think or at least hope a good solid hire will come out of left field in the next few days. Buzz Peterson would be great but he's got it going at Marquette and I doubt he leaves.

Biggest misconception of this coaching search, "the hire better be a big one".

This is an emotional response.

The smart response would be "the hire better be a good one."

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