Andy Katz: Flip DECLINES Gophers job offer

Even Tubby must not be looking too bad to some of you Tubby bashers now!!

You're the only one here that wants Tubby. He had his chance and he failed. The outlook on this team next year with or without Tubby is awful.

Even Tubby must not be looking too bad to some of you Tubby bashers now!!

Let's get another thing straight. I'm so glad that dude is in the rear-view mirror - even more than when they fired him. If there was ever any question in my mind whether I'd have sellers remorse, no F-ing way.

Answer your question?

Even Tubby must not be looking too bad to some of you Tubby bashers now!!

Do you ever post about anything else? I liked Tubby too, but he didn't set the bar very high. If the new coach finishes in the top half of the conference once in 6 years he will have outdone Tubby.

I was just told that the Gopher Ath Department said no to Ryan Saunders being on staff and that was a huge reason Flip shut things down.

I was just told that the Gopher Ath Department said no to Ryan Saunders being on staff and that was a huge reason Flip shut things down.

Gee I never would have thought that would be a sticking point in "negotiations".

A no to provincialism and a no to nepotism?

Teague couldn't be further from the typical MN fan, and that's a good thing.

Loved Tubby, but it was time for him to go. Last year was as good as it was ever going to get under him, and it wound up being pretty sucky.

I am starting to get concerned about the search though. If it drags on another week, I may reach panic level.

Ryan Saunder is not Saul Smith. Stupid to let it blow up over this, Teague.

I was just told that the Gopher Ath Department said no to Ryan Saunders being on staff and that was a huge reason Flip shut things down.

Fire Teague if that's the case. Sounds like he used that as a lame excuse to go back out and get a Villa 7 guy. Great stuff, insult one of your biggest boosters and much of the Gophers fan base to attempt to satisfy your own agenda.

I was just told that the Gopher Ath Department said no to Ryan Saunders being on staff and that was a huge reason Flip shut things down.

Huh. Kinda makes some sense.

Flip is offered the gig, but is told no son on the staff. He leaks to Katz/Dan B. that he turned the gig down because Norwood wanted a say on Flip's assistants. The crowd gets mad and calls for Norwood's head. Norwood leaks that it was Flip's son. Doesn't look so bad now. Tired of seeing sons working for dad on state dime. No more Brents or Sauls. That being said, Flip wins if this is a staredown. Don't want to lose him over freaking Ryan Saunders 90k gig.

Can the love affair with Teague stop now? He wants to hire his own guy from the Villa 7 so that looks good and so does he. Then if the new coach succeeds he's going to move on to a better job and if it doesn't he'll get to make another hire here.

I was just told that the Gopher Ath Department said no to Ryan Saunders being on staff and that was a huge reason Flip shut things down.

If that's the truth, good.

I never want the Gophers to swing and miss on a coach they want. I have no doubt that Teague wanted Flip and I trust Teague, so I would have preferred for him to have been named the coach than to have turned it down.

However, the years of this kind of nonsense on our coaching staffs has to end. I doubt that was the sticking point, I imagine Flip either wants to continue living the good life or he is taking the Wolves job.

Can the love affair with Teague stop now? He wants to hire his own guy from the Villa 7 so that looks good and so does he. Then if the new coach succeeds he's going to move on to a better job and if it doesn't he'll get to make another hire here.

Teague's bread is buttered by being an AD, not through the Villa 7. It seems pretty obvious he went after Flip and Flip turned him down.

Kirk Ferentz's kid made huge bank out of college working at Dad's store.

Situation was gross.

Fire Teague if that's the case. Sounds like he used that as a lame excuse to go back out and get a Villa 7 guy. Great stuff, insult one of your biggest boosters and much of the Gophers fan base to attempt to satisfy your own agenda.

Big Ryan Saunders fan?

Ryan Saunder is not Saul Smith. Stupid to let it blow up over this, Teague.

I agree. It sounds like Ryan is a good young coach with a lot of potential, not to mention there would be 3 or 4 other assistants on staff.

Gee I never would have thought that would be a sticking point in "negotiations".

A no to provincialism and a no to nepotism?

Teague couldn't be further from the typical MN fan, and that's a good thing.

I get that you'd rather have somebody else and that's understandable. Do you have any whiff of how badly this is going to go with Gopher fans who are actually here and buy tickets. As I said before- pressure is on....this hire better be BIG.

If Flip's your guy, you let him hire his staff period. I recall this being an issue with Jim Harrick at UGa because state law prohibited it. But we allowed Tubby and Clem to do it. And unlike their sons, Ryan actually seems to have potential.

If that's the truth, good.

I never want the Gophers to swing and miss on a coach they want. I have no doubt that Teague wanted Flip and I trust Teague, so I would have preferred for him to have been named the coach than to have turned it down.

However, the years of this kind of nonsense on our coaching staffs has to end. I doubt that was the sticking point, I imagine Flip either wants to continue living the good life or he is taking the Wolves job.

So Norwood didn't have access to your Stats Site or he couldn't figure it out? I kid, I kid. :cool:

I was just told that the Gopher Ath Department said no to Ryan Saunders being on staff and that was a huge reason Flip shut things down.

This kid is an assistant coach in the NBA who is supposedly working his a$$ off there and we are going to lose his father because of the ego of the new AD.

He had better get a knockout head coach or he is going to lose the backing of the big donor supporters before he even starts to campaign for the basketball building.

Big Ryan Saunders fan?

No, I'm a huge Gophers fan and have been since Mussleman. I don't know whether he's good coach or not. I do know that I would take the package and so would the vast majority of the fan base. As you have seen here first hand. Maybe you don't think the Gophers need the fan base. I do. A day ago I had visions of Flip firing up the boosters and fast tracking a practice facility as well as giving us a runnning start and a fighting chance at one or more of the big 3. Today I have visions of a fair number of the old guard season ticket holders bowing out, a fair number of boosters being unimpressed and uninspired and a fair chance that we lose the best recruit we have coming in. Other than that I'm real optimisitic about where we are headed.

I get that you'd rather have somebody else and that's understandable. Do you have any whiff of how badly this is going to go with Gopher fans who are actually here and buy tickets. As I said before- pressure is on....this hire better be BIG.

Yep. People writing the checks aren't going to go for the cute Villa 7 hire after he boned hiring Flip.

If Ryan Saunders was the sticking point, Flip would not have outright declined the job and made public statements about it.

You're the only one here that wants Tubby. He had his chance and he failed. The outlook on this team next year with or without Tubby is awful.

Disagree, I think we can make the tournament next year. If you were to say "This team is screwed without [insert graduating senior here]," I think Trevor Mbakwe is the only one that statement would be true for. I was hoping for more from Rodney this year. The biggest beef with this season seems to be that we didn't do very well and that we had the potential to do so much more. We still have both Hollins returning and Elliot improved throughout this season. I really think Trevor is the only huge loss this season, other than some of the non-conference games in which Rodney was spectacular, so I think some of the 5-13 Big Ten regular season record predictions are a little dramatic.

Also I would have been totally cool with keeping the coach who just got us our first tournament win in over 20 years for at least one more year.

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