Andy Katz: Flip DECLINES Gophers job offer

Now you're not even being serious.

You're right, Flip owes the U nothing and it is the responsibility of the head coach to name his staff, period. If you want Flip to be your head coach, he names his staff. This falls on the AD, plain and simple. If he didn't want Flip, he chose a good way out. Let me say this again, if Norwood does not bring a top notch coach, and not some assistant coach, he will have lost the funding for a new basketball building from the boosters. If so, Norwood's days could be numbered and he's just stating. This is starting to sound like Maturi all over again.

Again. . .I said that Flip didn't owe the U anything, so I'm not upset with him.

However, you seem to be ok with Teague having a rule that said "you can hire ANY qualified assistant".

So you're saying that Flip could drag the AD over the coals because the boosters liked Flip and they should have forced his hand so that Flip could hire unqualified family members? Ok. Sounds like you're more of a Flip fan that a Gopher fan.

If our next coach wins, things will be terrific. If he doesn't, it doesn't matter. I heard the same thing about a football stadium. This program needs a winner.

Huh? We didn't fire Saul, he was on the staff until Tubby was canned.

Saul should have been fired earlier. I was against the nepotism then and I am against it now. You're against for everyone but Flip.

I can live with any of the A list- many of whom are gone. Remaining are Buzz (.01% chance) , Marshall 10% chance. Gone are Shaka, Hoiberg, Stevens. Everyone else that I know of is a B lister and well below Saunders on my wish list.

What about Ryan Saunders makes you think he's a good young coach? You've enjoyed his advanced scouting for the Wizards?

Oh, by the way, Saul was WAY more experienced when he was hired by Tubby. So if Ryan Saunders has a lot of potential, Saul Smith must be on a fast track.
5 years (1 year as a grad assistant) vs. 4 years. You tried really hard there Bobby.

Biggest misconception of this coaching search, "the hire better be a big one".

This is an emotional response.

The smart response would be "the hire better be a good one."

Agree completely. This may be the best post.

I don't care if the guy we hire is the last assistant on a D2 school. I care if he WINS.

I don't want a coach that only wins the press conference or wins the media, I want a coach that wins games.

Can't wait to see who the hire is and to SUPPORT him and this program no matter what. Can't wait to renew my tickets. I hope you all drop them so I can get even better seats!

Huh? We didn't fire Saul, he was on the staff until Tubby was canned.

Saul should have been fired earlier. I was against the nepotism then and I am against it now. You're against for everyone but Flip.

Is Saul working for the U now? Nope. This is the way it works when you hire a coach. He hires the staff and the whole staff gets evaluated together. I want a winning staff- I think Flip was our best bet.

I usually enjoy both Bob and bga's posts and I find myself somewhere in the middle of both arguments. First of all, I am not sure I believe much of what has been reported about the Gopher search, it all seems too "simple". The idea that Flip (allegedly) turned the job down because he couldn't have Ryan on his staff falls in to that same "simple" line of thinking. I think most of us knew that Ryan would be on Flip's staff and that it would not necessarily be a popular move. When looking for a reason why Flip is not going to coach the Gophers, that would be the first place to go with speculation.

That said, to play along with the theory that Flip was offered the job and then turned it down because Ryan would not have been allowed on staff, I think blame should be placed on both Flip and Norwood. If Flip really wants to be the "U" coach, he should be willing to put together the best possible staff and I don't think you can argue that Ryan would be one of the 3 bench assistants under that scenario. If Norwood really wanted Flip then he should have known that Ryan was likely part of the package and found a way to work with Flip on a compromise of some sort.

I actually 100% agree with this. If Flip wanted Ryan Saunders as one of the 3 assistant coaches (Jirsa, Saul, Taylor) then Teague should have said absolutely not.

However, if Teague wouldn't have even allowed Ryan Saunders to be the special assistant to the head coach or some other really minor member of the staff, then Teague is being bullish.

If Ryan Saunders was a sticking point (I have no idea) and Flip wanted him as an assistant coach, Teague should have said no. If it was something minor (not one of the assistant coaches), yeah, I'd be fine with that.

Anonymous "Mouse in the corner" reported to me what he overheard:

Teague to Flip: "Wanna talk Gopher Basketball?"
Flip: "Can't, too busy."

Summary given to me from my Mouse: "Flip declined Teague."

Is Saul working for the U now? Nope. This is the way it works when you hire a coach. He hires the staff and the whole staff gets evaluated together. I want a winning staff- I think Flip was our best bet.

And Saul shouldn't have been hired by the University (although he was much more experienced than Ryan Saunders). I think Flip should have 100% say on this three assistant coaches, so long as they're qualified.

I don't want a coach that only wins the press conference or wins the media, I want a coach that wins games.

Huh? You don't want a guy that's from Minnesota, and that's the only reason people are obsessed with him coaching here? How dare you.

End sarcasm.

Agree completely. This may be the best post.

I don't care if the guy we hire is the last assistant on a D2 school. I care if he WINS.

I don't want a coach that only wins the press conference or wins the media, I want a coach that wins games.

Can't wait to see who the hire is and to SUPPORT him and this program no matter what. Can't wait to renew my tickets. I hope you all drop them so I can get even better seats!

I both agree with you and disagree at the same time.

Right now, for the long term health of the program, we need a basketball building. In order to get that, we need either - a) a big name coach who will get boosters to contribute to the building fund, or b) a coach who will produce a winner, who would then get the boosters to contribute to the building fund. Right now, if we don't get the name coach, we are not going to get the building from the boosters. Do we wait to see if the new coach gets results or do we get the name coach, get the building fund moving, and go from there. You've got the name coach in town who is in tight with the boosters. Let him have his son on staff and get it done.

You think he wants his son to waste away coaching with the Wizards?

Flip should be hiring the best assistants he can for the job, if he does anything less than that he's shortchanging the university.

Relationships =/= family.

Whomever they hire there better be an all out worldwide search for the best assistants. I don't want the new guy just bringing in guys he knows. We need to find the very best and who knows who shouldn't matter.

5 years (1 year as a grad assistant) vs. 4 years. You tried really hard there Bobby.

You have to be kidding or you must LOVE Ryan Saunders' advanced scouting for the Wizards. Have you been breaking down how prepared those Wizards are their next opponents?

It's not trying hard at all, I just have a fully functioning brain. I know what someone in Ryan Saunder's position does and I know what an assistant college basketball coach does. Saul Smith was hired as an assistant coach by Tennessee Tech (not his father!) where he worked in player development, he recruited, he was a bench coach. Ryan Saunders is essentially an advanced scout for the Wizards. It's not a rip on him, it'd be an awesome job.

I hope Ryan Saunders gets into a position of being a bench coach soon so he can get a better resume. As of now, his resume isn't even close to as good as Saul Smith's was when Tubby hired him. AND I DON'T THINK SAUL SHOULD HAVE BEEN HIRED.

No nepotism, it's gross. The only thing that's grosser is when people argue that Ryan Saunders is a good coach! How would you know?

Whomever they hire there better be an all out worldwide search for the best assistants. I don't want the new guy just bringing in guys he knows. We need to find the very best and who knows who shouldn't matter.

We aren't going to get the VERY BEST, but we can at least hope they are qualified.

Whomever they hire there better be an all out worldwide search for the best assistants. I don't want the new guy just bringing in guys he knows. We need to find the very best and who knows who shouldn't matter.

Stop trying to equate bringing in people you know to hiring your first born son.

So what was Saul's experience before getting hired onto Tubby Smith's staff?! 3 years as an assistant coach at Tennessee Tech and one year as a graduate assistant at Kentucky?

And Ryan's experience is 3 years as a Scout for an NBA team and one year as a graduate assistant at Minnesota?!

But you say that Saul had WAY more experience than Ryan?

Really? I guess I just don't get it? Saul had NO experience before getting hired by TT?! What were they thinking?

So what was Saul's experience before getting hired onto Tubby Smith's staff?! 3 years as an assistant coach at Tennessee Tech and one year as a graduate assistant at Kentucky?

And Ryan's experience is 3 years as a Scout for an NBA team and one year as a graduate assistant at Minnesota?!

But you say that Saul had WAY more experience than Ryan?

Really? I guess I just don't get it? Saul had NO experience before getting hired by TT?! What were they thinking?

Who had more assistant college coaching experience. Isn't that the job we would have been hiring for?

And did Norwood Teague go out and get THE BEST Associate AD available?! Or did he hire someone he knew?!

Someone you know isn't the same as your child.

Some people have such a hard on for Flip it is just disgusting. We'd hire Coach K and people would be pissed it wasn't Flip.

And for the record, I would have been fine with Flip, but geez, the guy hasn't coached college basketball in 20+ years. NO ONE know if he would have succeeded (or failed)

No, I'm a huge Gophers fan and have been since Mussleman. I don't know whether he's good coach or not. I do know that I would take the package and so would the vast majority of the fan base. As you have seen here first hand. Maybe you don't think the Gophers need the fan base. I do. A day ago I had visions of Flip firing up the boosters and fast tracking a practice facility as well as giving us a runnning start and a fighting chance at one or more of the big 3. Today I have visions of a fair number of the old guard season ticket holders bowing out, a fair number of boosters being unimpressed and uninspired and a fair chance that we lose the best recruit we have coming in. Other than that I'm real optimisitic about where we are headed.


I both agree with you and disagree at the same time.

Right now, for the long term health of the program, we need a basketball building. In order to get that, we need either - a) a big name coach who will get boosters to contribute to the building fund, or b) a coach who will produce a winner, who would then get the boosters to contribute to the building fund. Right now, if we don't get the name coach, we are not going to get the building from the boosters. Do we wait to see if the new coach gets results or do we get the name coach, get the building fund moving, and go from there. You've got the name coach in town who is in tight with the boosters. Let him have his son on staff and get it done.

+1000. Practice facility is top priority for long term health of the program

He hired THE BEST available who also just happened to be someone he knew.

Don, reading the local papers it seems that Norwood brought over nearly everybody he ever worked with over at VCU, except of course for Shaka. :)

Someone you know isn't the same as your child.

Some people have such a hard on for Flip it is just disgusting. We'd hire Coach K and people would be pissed it wasn't Flip.

And for the record, I would have been fine with Flip, but geez, the guy hasn't coached college basketball in 20+ years. NO ONE know if he would have succeeded (or failed)

Thank you for being one of the few voices of reason around here.

Someone you know isn't the same as your child.

Some people have such a hard on for Flip it is just disgusting. We'd hire Coach K and people would be pissed it wasn't Flip.

And for the record, I would have been fine with Flip, but geez, the guy hasn't coached college basketball in 20+ years. NO ONE know if he would have succeeded (or failed)

And honestly, we don't know that Coach K would succeed here.

There are NO GAURANTEES when it comes to things like wins. Because there is an opponent trying hard to win the game as well.

BUT, there ARE some things that COULD be considered more of a guarantee.

Hire Flip and you are almost GAURANTEED to have an excited fanbase and big money donors opening up their checkbooks.

Hire some no name asst coach that is a Villa 7 guy, who will need years to establish himself and that he's a winner and a good recruiter, and it could take YEARS to get those fans excited and/or those big money donors to open up their checkbooks.

Don, reading the local papers it seems that Norwood brought over nearly everybody he ever worked with over at VCU, except of course for Shaka. :)

Could that possibly be because he did his due diligence in assembling this team, and is moving forward?

Could that possibly be because he did his due diligence in assembling this team, and is moving forward?

Don, of course not. Aren't you aware that the Villa 7 is a dastardly cabal designed to bring down Minnesota athletics from the inside?

And honestly, we don't know that Coach K would succeed here.

There are NO GAURANTEES when it comes to things like wins. Because there is an opponent trying hard to win the game as well.

BUT, there ARE some things that COULD be considered more of a guarantee.

Hire Flip and you are almost GAURANTEED to have an excited fanbase and big money donors opening up their checkbooks.

Hire some no name asst coach that is a Villa 7 guy, who will need years to establish himself and that he's a winner and a good recruiter, and it could take YEARS to get those fans excited and/or those big money donors to open up their checkbooks.

I'm about winning. Plain and simple. I don't care if it is Flip or the janitor coaching. Just win baby win. There are no guarantees, but I trust NT to make the right hire more than I trust Gopherhole, myself included.

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