Andy Katz: Flip DECLINES Gophers job offer


Why would Flip want to risk it, and risk looking bad, and failing, if he didn't think Ryan could do the job?

At Flip's age, isn't his next coaching gig probably going to be his last?!

Unlike Tubby, who seems bound and guaranteed to be in the HOF some day(Saunders is NOT guaranteed to be a HOFer someday. He needs to go out with a bang. I think turning the Gophers into a legitimate title contender would do just that.

Unless he's faking that he loves the U? If he just wanted some good money to retire on, and just wanted to help his son get a good job, isn't the GM position with the Wolves there for the taking? And couldn't he hire Ryan to work for the T-Pups?!

But I don't think that is his motivation. I think he wants the U to succeed and believes that he can succeed at the U with Ryan on his staff.

What does Ryan make with the Wizards? What would he make as a Gopher Assistant? I don't know, so its not a trick question, just trying to figure out in my own mind if there is truly something wrong with his wanting his son on the staff or not.

People, Gregg Marshall, Buzz Williams, Mike Hopkins (syracuse assistant), maybe some other assistant out there that we don't even know about. There are a lot of good coaches out there. We just need a coach that can recruit players that can run their system, put a couple nice seasons together and WAHLA! U got your next big up and coming coach

Coach k, izzo, pitino, matta, Bohiem....... I'm sure most people were thinking oh great who the hell is this guy when they got their first jobs too. Just let it play out

And I would suggest to you to relax and look ahead. Flip said no. No reason to cry over spilled milk.

I'll say it again, I would appreciate it if you wouldn't misrepresent what I said.

I'm very relaxed, not crying, just expressing my opinions, until the time passes and the day comes that we all find out who is our new head coach.

No one is saying he's a P.O.S. They are saying he is unqualified for the job. It's not that difficult of a concept. It's not about "you can never hire a family member", it's about "you can't hire an unqualified family member".

Agreed, tired of nepotism and think it shouldn't happen. That being said, not going to eff up a $2 million + per year hire over a $90k/year assistant coach. You're going to lose a head coach hire over who he wants to bring in for his last assistant? Give up your principal and let him do it.

Agreed, tired of nepotism and think it shouldn't happen. That being said, not going to eff up a $2 million + per year hire over a $90k/year assistant coach. You're going to lose a head coach hire over who he wants to bring in for his last assistant? Give up your principal and let him do it.

If Flip really turned down a potential $2M job to make sure Junior gets a $90 - $100 thousand job doesn't sound like good financial planning to me.

Agreed, tired of nepotism and think it shouldn't happen. That being said, not going to eff up a $2 million + per year hire over a $90k/year assistant coach. You're going to lose a head coach hire over who he wants to bring in for his last assistant? Give up your principal and let him do it.

If Teague doesn't allow nepotism, I back him. You can't make nepotism decisions on a case by case basis. If all this is true, I place the blame on Flip.

You have to be kidding or you must LOVE Ryan Saunders' advanced scouting for the Wizards. Have you been breaking down how prepared those Wizards are their next opponents?

It's not trying hard at all, I just have a fully functioning brain. I know what someone in Ryan Saunder's position does and I know what an assistant college basketball coach does. Saul Smith was hired as an assistant coach by Tennessee Tech (not his father!) where he worked in player development, he recruited, he was a bench coach. Ryan Saunders is essentially an advanced scout for the Wizards. It's not a rip on him, it'd be an awesome job.

I hope Ryan Saunders gets into a position of being a bench coach soon so he can get a better resume. As of now, his resume isn't even close to as good as Saul Smith's was when Tubby hired him. AND I DON'T THINK SAUL SHOULD HAVE BEEN HIRED.

No nepotism, it's gross. The only thing that's grosser is when people argue that Ryan Saunders is a good coach! How would you know?

I so completely agree. There is no defending the other position. None.

We just fired a coach who also had hired his son - and it was a huge area of friction - and people here want to repeat that mistake because its Flipper? Wow. Just wow.

I am so glad Teague stood his ground. I would rather roll the dice on an up and coming assistant way before I'd sign one from the Timberwolves Mafia.

Sources believe the dealerbreaker MAY have been in naming assistants. Don't believe it for a minute. There was either no offer or Flip wanted to stay with the NBA if he takes a job. .

Assistants should be Quincy, Vince, Ellis and one or two of Flips choices. But not his son Ryan. If Norwood said no Ryan and Flip walked I'm with NT.

If Teague doesn't allow nepotism, I back him. You can't make nepotism decisions on a case by case basis. If all this is true, I place the blame on Flip.

Even if it wasn't all nepotism - bad enough as it is - but the kid has never really coached. If he want's to cut his teeth - do a stint at UNI or UM Milwaukee. Earn your bars don't ride daddy's coat tails.

Flip is totally wrong to have even asked - the optics are terrible coming off Saul. It makes me even question his judgement. His kid shouldn't have even wanted it - Dad given the situation let's not go there at least not now. Jeebus.

"Myron Medcalf is a dbag, that is all." <--- Can we show a little class here and discuss sports without immature ad hominem attacks.

If Flip really turned down a potential $2M job to make sure Junior gets a $90 - $100 thousand job doesn't sound like good financial planning to me.

He probably wants his kid to have a resume - he really doesn't have much of one. Well daddy can't will you a resume unless you are a Korean dictator.

He probably wants his kid to have a resume - he really doesn't have much of one. Well daddy can't will you a resume unless you are a Korean dictator.

Then the pup can do what I did...get away from home and build your own god damned resume.

And thank you for clarifying, ANOTHER person I don't share common values with.

I don't care about your so-called values. I care about this team hiring someone who can win games here. Apparently you would rather hire a saint that loses than a jerk that wins. I guess my question then is, why are you even here?

Agreed, tired of nepotism and think it shouldn't happen. That being said, not going to eff up a $2 million + per year hire over a $90k/year assistant coach. You're going to lose a head coach hire over who he wants to bring in for his last assistant? Give up your principal and let him do it.

You gotta be kidding? This is going to be the single biggest hire Teague makes and he should just let it go?

The assistants do 90% of the actual on court coaching. They do almost ALL the recruiting. The single most important and in many ways ONLY important thing a head coach does is hire ass kick assistants. Teague knows this - I bet even Flip knows it. Yet he insists on blowing up the deal because he can't have his kid on board.

Teague shouldn't walk away from this he should RUN.

Flip said no.

No idea why. Maybe he wants to make millions more as part owner of the TWolves.

However, on the subject of coaches qualifications - City Pages has what is supposed to be the Job Posting for the Head Coach position.

It states one of the Required/Preferred Qualifications is "five years of successful coaching experience..."

Maybe Teague said the same requirement must be met by all Assistants.

I have no idea as this seems to be a stretch to me for the reason Flip said "no".

Here is the link anyway.

You gotta be kidding? This is going to be the single biggest hire Teague makes and he should just let it go?

The assistants do 90% of the actual on court coaching. They do almost ALL the recruiting. The single most important and in many ways ONLY important thing a head coach does is hire ass kick assistants. Teague knows this - I bet even Flip knows it. Yet he insists on blowing up the deal because he can't have his kid on board.

Teague shouldn't walk away from this he should RUN.

Wow - being a former coach, you have ONE thing right in your post. "He insists on blowing up the deal because he can't have his kid on board" - is the only thing that you have correct. It is a given that the head coach selects his staff and if not, that is the end of the discussion. On everything else, you are just wrong.

You gotta be kidding? This is going to be the single biggest hire Teague makes and he should just let it go?

The assistants do 90% of the actual on court coaching. They do almost ALL the recruiting. The single most important and in many ways ONLY important thing a head coach does is hire ass kick assistants. Teague knows this - I bet even Flip knows it. Yet he insists on blowing up the deal because he can't have his kid on board.

Teague shouldn't walk away from this he should RUN.

So hiring an inept Ryan was going to sink the operation? Flips knows that but doesn't care? He's willing to hurt the Gopher basketball program so that his son can have an entry level position for a couple of years?

Sorry, but I'm not buying. Like I said earlier lets see who the Villa 7 candidate brings in as assistants. If they're all more qualified than Ryan I'll man up an admit that I was wrong.

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