Andy Katz: Flip DECLINES Gophers job offer

Don, reading the local papers it seems that Norwood brought over nearly everybody he ever worked with over at VCU, except of course for Shaka. :)


And no one bitched, because its kind of an accepted practice. People choose being comfortable with who you work with/for and having trust in who you work with/for over pure ability or talent.

A bb team made up of 5 all-stars that all hate each other, is not going to beat a bb team made up of 5 decent players who like each other and trust each other and get along and who play as a team.

So should Flip bring in 3 assistants who he might not end up liking or getting along with, just because they are the best at what they do in the business?!

Or should we trust that Flip, whose reputation would be just as much, IF NOT MORE SO, at stake as Norwood's would, will bring in 3 assistants who he is comfortable with, who he likes and gets along with and works well with?!

Hire Flip and let him have whoever the hell he wants as his assistants, end of story!


And no one bitched, because its kind of an accepted practice. People choose being comfortable with who you work with/for and having trust in who you work with/for over pure ability or talent.

A bb team made up of 5 all-stars that all hate each other, is not going to beat a bb team made up of 5 decent players who like each other and trust each other and get along and who play as a team.

So should Flip bring in 3 assistants who he might not end up liking or getting along with, just because they are the best at what they do in the business?!

Or should we trust that Flip, whose reputation would be just as much, IF NOT MORE SO, at stake as Norwood's would, will bring in 3 assistants who he is comfortable with, who he likes and gets along with and works well with?!

Hire Flip and let him have whoever the hell he wants as his assistants, end of story!

So I'm Flip wanted to hire Bruce Pearl, Clem, and Worldwide Wes we should just roll with it?

If Flip wanted to hire some cute Hooters' waitresses we should just roll with it?

As soon as Tubby started losing the first thing we all did was beg for there to be a new staff. Assistants matter. "Whoever he wants" is a scary proposition. Tubby won a national title and everyone questioned his ability to hire assistants yet now we want entrust Flip to make his hires? Come on now

I'm about winning. Plain and simple. I don't care if it is Flip or the janitor coaching. Just win baby win. There are no guarantees, but I trust NT to make the right hire more than I trust Gopherhole, myself included.

If ALL you care about is winning?

Does that mean that you don't care if the coach is a jerk or throws chairs, or if he is a racist or a sexist or a rapist or a cheater.

Just asking for clarification purposes.

Same concept. If you can't objectively judge your relatives than you probably can't objectively judge your best friends.

Difference is they aren't his best friends. They are colleagues he's had success with. I don't think they grew up together and NT has been bringing Ellis along for the ride. Ellis is an excellent basketball mind and has been since before him and NT became besties

Same concept. If you can't objectively judge your relatives than you probably can't objectively judge your best friends.


You think bringing in work colleagues is the same as bringing in your son? People constantly hire and work with people they've worked with in the past.

All that aside, the biggest issue with Ryan Saunders is his utter lack of experience. If we were looking at Villa 7 guys with no experience, you'd have a point. That's not the case and you're just trying to shoehorn the Ryan Saunders nonsense as a rip on the Villa 7.

If ALL you care about is winning?

Does that mean that you don't care if the coach is a jerk or throws chairs, or if he is a racist or a sexist or a rapist or a cheater.

Just asking for clarification purposes.

Throws chairs? Don't care. Jerk? Don't care. Racist, sexist, rapist, cheater? Those are illegal/NCAA violations. Yeah, care. Thanks for allowing me to clarify.

So I'm Flip wanted to hire Bruce Pearl, Clem, and Worldwide Wes we should just roll with it?

If Flip wanted to hire some cute Hooters' waitresses we should just roll with it?

As soon as Tubby started losing the first thing we all did was beg for there to be a new staff. Assistants matter. "Whoever he wants" is a scary proposition. Tubby won a national title and everyone questioned his ability to hire assistants yet now we want entrust Flip to make his hires? Come on now

Idiotic example, give me and Flip, too, a break!!! Is he THAT stupid?! Am I? ARE YOU????

All of your Teague Lovers keep saying, trust him, he'll make a good pick.

Well, I'm saying TRUST FLIP, he'll pick good assistants.

Let the man bring the guys he thinks he needs just like every other coach is allowed to do. This notion that Ryan is a p.o.s. because Saul was a p.o.s. is hogwash.

If ALL you care about is winning?

Does that mean that you don't care if the coach is a jerk or throws chairs, or if he is a racist or a sexist or a rapist or a cheater.

Just asking for clarification purposes.

Wow. . . you are an absolute weirdo.

I'm sure he doesn't care if the next coach is a rapist.

Maybe you should try to use a tiny bit of common sense.

Throws chairs? Don't care. Jerk? Don't care. Racist, sexist, rapist, cheater? Those are illegal/NCAA violations. Yeah, care. Thanks for allowing me to clarify.

You'd be fine with a chair throwing jerk for a coach?!

Well, thank you for clarifying. We DO hold different values and priorities.

Let the man bring the guys he thinks he needs just like every other coach is allowed to do. This notion that Ryan is a p.o.s. because Saul was a p.o.s. is hogwash.

No one is saying he's a P.O.S. They are saying he is unqualified for the job. It's not that difficult of a concept. It's not about "you can never hire a family member", it's about "you can't hire an unqualified family member".


You think bringing in work colleagues is the same as bringing in your son? People constantly hire and work with people they've worked with in the past.

All that aside, the biggest issue with Ryan Saunders is his utter lack of experience. If we were looking at Villa 7 guys with no experience, you'd have a point. That's not the case and you're just trying to shoehorn the Ryan Saunders nonsense as a rip on the Villa 7.

It's the same concept. You're bringing in people you know and are comfortable with instead of who the best candidates are.

You'd be fine with a chair throwing jerk for a coach?!

Well, thank you for clarifying. We DO hold different values and priorities.


If I could have Bobby Knight (without the violations and abuse) yeah, I'd love to have national titles at Minnesota.

Would I take Bielema and trips to the rose bowl every year at Minnesota? You bet.

You'd be fine with a chair throwing jerk for a coach?!

Well, thank you for clarifying. We DO hold different values and priorities.

If he wins championships and doesn't get busted for violations, he can throw as many chairs and be as big a jerk as there is on the planet. I could not care less.

No one is saying he's a P.O.S. They are saying he is unqualified for the job. It's not that difficult of a concept. It's not about "you can never hire a family member", it's about "you can't hire an unqualified family member".

Lets see who the low man on the totem pole is on Mr. Villa 7's staff. If he is more qualified than Ryan Saunders is I'll tell you you're right and I'm wrong.


If I could have Bobby Knight (without the violations and abuse) yeah, I'd love to have national titles at Minnesota.

Would I take Bielema and trips to the rose bowl every year at Minnesota? You bet.

Didn't we already establish this? Are you going to try to convince me that I should change my values?!

Not going to happen, so might as well just accept the fact that we are going to have to agree to disagree and we can both move on.

I always thought that one of the reasons Flip was interested in the job was so that he could work with his son, and possibly set him up for the job when he retired. If that is the sticking point, you let him hire his son. Flip would be great for this program. Hopefully NT reconsiders.

Sources believe the dealerbreaker MAY have been in naming assistants. Don't believe it for a minute. There was either no offer or Flip wanted to stay with the NBA if he takes a job. .

Why would Mr. Minnesota and Mr.Gopher, Flipper turn down the job after lobbying for it for the past year? Can anyone explain?

If ALL you care about is winning?

Does that mean that you don't care if the coach is a jerk or throws chairs, or if he is a racist or a sexist or a rapist or a cheater.

Just asking for clarification purposes.

Whoa, stop the presses. Coaches have officially been split into two groups...losers and rapists.

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